Chapter 43

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After Lin Yaozu entered the house, he talked to Ji Wei about Lin Tai bringing cookies home, and mentioned that the pastry shop at home was in urgent need of new products. He was very satisfied with the cookies and wanted to invite Ji Wei to cooperate with him.

"I originally wanted to change the chef, but Master Chen has known each other for many years—" Lin Yaozu explained, "Master Chen is the pastry chef in my shop, and his skills are good.

" No change or no change. I think the cookies are very suitable, but I don't know what Mr. Ji thinks?"

Just as Liu Yimian brewed tea and served it, Ji Wei motioned Lin Yaozu to taste it.

"Of course I understand what shopkeeper Lin means. Cooperation is good, but how does shopkeeper Lin want to cooperate?" The reason why Ji Wei asked Wenxuan to go to the county to learn to sell it was not just for the students' money in the first place.

He takes a longer view.

With his current ability, just selling in Changliu Town is already a bit difficult. Not to mention Daxi Town, which is across a town, it is not easy for him to hire people to go all the way to sell it every day.

Ji Wei's initial plan was to target people like Lin Yaozu. That's why he wrote down his name and address on the bottom of the leaflet, so that those who are interested can come to him.

But after waiting for a long time, the people who came were either lack of sincerity or lack of funds. To really achieve what Ji Wei thought, it was still a bit short, so there was no movement for a long time.

But this Lin Yaozu, Ji Wei is quite satisfied.

A similar pastry shop is opened at home, so the source of customers will overlap, and the sales will be smoother.

In addition, the Lin family has been in business for more than ten years, not to mention rich and powerful, they can be regarded as small assets.

The real partner needs to be carefully selected to avoid business collapse in a short period of time, or being too shrewd and stingy, etc. So far, this one is considered top-notch.

"How about this, how about six or four points? Six for you, four for me. From now on, every few days, I will send a bullock cart to deliver the goods, and settle the money with Mr. Ji on the spot, so as to avoid subsequent disputes." Lin Yaozu put down his teacup , praised the good tea, although there was still a smile on his face, he was a little nervous in his heart.

"Shopkeeper Lin was joking. I will bear the cost, and I will also be responsible for the production. Do you think it will be divided between six and four?" Ji Wei knew that the asking price would be higher at the beginning, so as to facilitate the subsequent price reduction. It's just that he didn't expect Lin Yaozu to scream so outrageously, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Lin Yaozu also knew that this was a bit too much, but from Ji Wei's reaction just now, he could see that Ji Wei had some intentions in his heart, but he was just waiting for him to propose a suitable price.

As for the price, he already knew it.

In his pastry shop, ordinary pastries cost about ten yuan a catty, but the materials used for this cookie are exquisite. Eggs, milk, and sugar alone are expensive, and they cannot be suppressed no matter what.

Then the 70% price is probably the best price he can get.

He reported this idea carefully and carefully, but it was still rejected by Ji Wei. According to Ji Wei's intention, he can give Lin Yaozu a 15% discount at most. As for how much he plans to sell in the shop, it has nothing to do with Ji Wei.

When Lin Yaozu heard what Ji Wei said, he suddenly felt that he was as stupid as a pig, so he didn't bargain any more, and readily agreed. When it came to placing an order, the two had a disagreement.

Ji Wei's bulk sales are calculated by the block, but if he wants to sell it to Lin Yaozu, he will sell it by size, which is obviously not suitable for the block. After the two discussed it, they decided to use the weight. That is, about fifty biscuits per catty, and a total of twenty-two cash for a 15% discount.

"Then let's buy a hundred catties first." After all, this is a new product, and it's still unknown whether regular customers will accept it, so Lin Yaozu didn't ask for too much.

According to the sales volume of the previous county school, it can sell thirty to forty catties a day. The county school has a total of hundreds of students, and there is already such a market. Lin Yaozu is facing the entire Daxi Town, such a number is considered conservative.

"Cookies are easy to get wet, so you should wrap them in multiple layers of oiled paper and store them in a cool and dry place to avoid differences in taste." After explaining the precautions, Lin Yaozu paid half of the deposit, that is, one tael of silver.

"Understood." The two had only been together for half an hour, but Lin Yaozu admired Ji Wei a little bit.

He's young, he doesn't panic when things happen, and he acts prudently. If he is a dragon and a phoenix in the pool, this little Changliu town can't trap him.

"I don't have anything to entertain guests. This is a food I just made. It's called goat's milk recipe. Shopkeeper Lin, why don't you try it?" Ji Wei handed the goat's milk recipe to Lin Yaozu.

Lin Yaozu was not polite either.

He does this business, but he doesn't understand it. After more than ten years, he can be regarded as a little bit of experience.

This goat milk recipe looks simple, but it tastes delicate and dense, revealing a thick milky aroma and light tea flavor. It is very suitable as a refreshment.

Lin Yaozu couldn't help asking how to do it, and smiled embarrassedly.

"This is a secret recipe, why would Mr. Ji tell me? I was the one to be rude."

Ji Wei didn't think it was a big deal, but instead generously told him the ingredients.

"Only milk and sugar? It's impossible!" Lin Yaozu didn't believe anything, milk and sugar could cook like this.

Milk is thin, even if it is boiled, it cannot harden.

"Milk and sugar are nothing special, but if you have them, you can make many things that you couldn't do before." Ji Wei showed Lin Yaozu the gelatin that hadn't completely solidified.

Even someone as well-informed as he is, can't see what gelatin is. It smells a little weird.

"What is gelatin?"

"It is a kind of stabilizer. It is not only edible, but if you put it in the liquid, it can solidify." "

So amazing? Can you sell me some?"

Gelatin production steps are cumbersome and time-consuming. In addition, it will have to be used every day in the future, Ji Wei does not intend to make a pot every three days, so he resolutely rejected Lin Yaozu.

That being the case, Lin Yaozu got up to say goodbye.

This was Ji Wei's first big client, and he sent him all the way out of West Lane before planning to turn back. But after walking a few steps, he felt that this was worth celebrating, so he went to the West Lane to find a butcher.

Generally, people only buy pork once every ten days and half a month, but since Ji Wei made money, he buys it every three days, but he is an acquaintance of the butcher. As soon as he came, the butcher greeted him warmly.

"What else can I order? But it's getting late, and the good meat is basically sold out. There are still some leftovers. If you don't mind, I can make it cheaper?" The butcher laid out the remaining pork in front of Ji Wei. , as he said, they are all bits and pieces, fat and thin.

"If you don't come, I'm going to take it home and eat it myself."

"That's it?" Ji Wei was not very satisfied. Although it was true that he came a bit late, good meat should be used for celebration. It's fine on weekdays, but now it looks a bit shabby.

"No matter how good it is, there are only some pig offal left."

"Take a look."

The smell of pig offal is so strong that almost no one wants to buy it. No one is as rich as a butcher who throws all the offal of the pig to the dogs.

In any case, pigs are still considered pork, and they always cost money.

But if Ji Wei wants to buy it, the butcher doesn't think there is anything.

Bones, pigskin, etc., aren't they weirder than this pig's entry into the water?

The butcher dumped the pig offal in the bucket on the table, including the tongue, pig ears, large and small intestines, liver, etc., all of which were sticky and piled up together, which looked quite unappetizing.

Even a butcher is a bit disgusted.

Ji Wei flipped through it excitedly, and nodded with satisfaction, "Then you'll want it all."

"Pig offal or these leftovers?" want?

"All, including leftovers, how about my 40 Wen?" If you really weigh it, it will add up to five or six catties at least. But no one wants it, and the price is very cheap.

Forty renminbi is not much, but the butcher was very satisfied with this kind of meat, he agreed again and again, packed it all in a cloth bag and handed it to Ji Wei.

"What do you want next time, come again, tell me in advance, I'll keep it for you." The butcher watched Ji Wei leave reluctantly, and kept waving and shouting.

On the way home, Ji Wei passed by a grocery store and picked and bought a lot of spices. Although he didn't buy Qisanxiang, he bought a big bag of basic peppercorns, star anise, laurel leaves, tangerine peel, cinnamon bark, rock sugar, etc.

To talk about these weird leftovers, the best way is two ways. One is fried, and the other is stewed. However, the former is too oily, and it is far less convenient than brine to cover the smell of a large amount of pig offal.

With a sufficient amount of spices, the peculiar smell will naturally be covered.

Ji Wei went back humming a song, her hands full of ingredients, Liu Yimian was not surprised yet. Until Ji Wei asked him to wash the materials, he saw most of the pigs in the bag entered the water, and was suffocated by the smell, and suddenly had the idea of ​​faint nausea.

Maybe he is ignorant, what delicious food can be made from this kind of thing?

However, Liu Yimian was deeply fascinated by Ji Wei, especially his hands that can turn decay into magic. Even if it is impossible, he can do it.

Therefore, Liu Yimian didn't ask Ji Wei again this time, but endured the nausea and silently cleaned the pig's water over and over again.

Ji Wei picked out the pig's small intestine from a pile of pig offal, rinsed it with clean water and rubbed it several times to wash off the mucus on the surface. Then cut the small intestine into several sections, pinch one end of the small intestine, pour water into it, add salt and knead repeatedly. Then turn the other side of the small intestine out, rinse it after repeated several times, and finally tear off the white film of the small intestine epidermis.

This is the casing.

Most of the leftovers are lean meat, and there is also a small amount of fat meat. Ji Wei mixed it together and chopped it into minced meat. He also peeled and diced a sweet potato and mixed it with the minced meat. He added minced ginger and pepper. After seasoning, he put the pork Mo Gai stood aside, waiting for the marinade to taste, then ran to the well to help Liu Yimian.

At this time, Liu Yimian was holding his breath, fighting against the soft pig in his hand like an enemy, his whole face was full of resistance.

Ji Wei ran up to him to have a look, and burst out laughing.

"Mianmian, it's just some water, it seems to scare you."

"It's difficult to get into the water." Liu Yimian muttered in a low voice, glanced at Ji Weiyi, gritted her teeth and continued to wash the pig's large intestine.

Watching the clear water turn into a dirty color, Liu Yimian swore secretly: No matter what Ji Ge makes, he will definitely not eat it!

"Have you finished washing?" Ji Wei suppressed his voice, squatted beside Liu Yimian with a smile, and looked at him with his head tilted. The more I look at it, the more I feel that Liu Yimian, who is obviously unwilling but has to do it, is extremely funny.

"Come on, just wash the large intestine."

"You have to wash it carefully, if you don't wash it clean, it will still taste bad." Ji Wei joked, Liu Yimian's face suddenly changed, and he rubbed his large intestine vigorously.

"Okay, okay, the intestines are almost ruined by you, I'll do it." Ji Wei squeezed the tip of Liu Yimian's nose, drained the pig's offal, and carried the basin to the house.

Liu Yimian raised her hand, brought it up to her nose and sniffed it, then ran to find Jianzi in disgust.

The author has something to say: Ah, I don't want to watch the main theme of Heroes of Fire anymore, I almost fainted from crying during the whole process_(:з」∠)_I hate my old girl, I'll beat the dog's head to PS. It'll be back to normal tomorrow, thanks for


update The little angel who cast [Mine]: Ziyue Pavilion Master 1;

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