14- George's New Girlfriend

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(Autumn Lee^)

"Emilia, I can't believe you let Adrian do that to Hazel? You know how that feels, why would you let somebody else feel like that?" said Gianna. Adrian, Emilia and Miles returned back to the Slytherin Common room. Emilia look taken back from what Gianna was saying and looked at her very confused.

"What the hell are you talking about, Gi? What exactly did Pansy tell you about Adrian?" asked Emilia turning to Miles and Adrian. Emilia and Miles are quite close with Gianna and would spend the summer with her as well.

"Well. . .that Adrian cheated on Hazel with Y/n, she actually said a lot about Y/n. . ." said Gianna. Adrian getting rather angry. Miles and Emilia looked at Gianna with disappointment . "Pansy told me that Hazel had seen that three of you become friends with those three Gryffindor and Hazel wanted to be friends with them too, supposedly Y/n would bump into her in the halls and Adrian would sneak off with her at Hogsmaede. . . that Y/n was a. . . well a tart."

"A tart?! I've never heard anyone use that word before?" said Emilia, turning to her english friends. Miles and Adrian filling with anger.

"A tart is someone who is known for having many casual sex or relationships but i'm sure Gianna is saying it a lot nicer than what Hazel or Pansy really said." said Miles looking at Gianna who held the same confused expression as Emilia. Adrian walked across the common room to where Hazel and her friends sat, grabbed Hazel by her arm and pulled her upstairs. Miles, Emilia and Gianna following right behind Adrian.

"Why the bloody hell are you saying things about Y/n for. Especially telling third years like that. If you're going to be talking bad about somebody let it be me, not her." spat Adrian. He gave one last look to Gianna and left, going up the stairs to his dorm. Miles following behind Adrian, scoffing.

"You're so fucking pathetic. Start acting your age Hazel, keep Y/n's name out your mouth and stop telling thirteen year olds about your business." said Emilia walking up the stairs. Gianna was staring up at Hazel, confused and not really sure what happened. "Come on Gi, i'll tell you what really happened."

Later that night, Miles had been glancing at his clock. Every night at 12am, he would sneak off into Emilia's dorm. He sat up quickly, sneaking out of the dorm and opening Emilia's door to find her asleep. "My love?" said Miles closing the door behind him. Emilia smiled, her eyes still closed but she opened the sheets to her bed so he could join her.

"Yeah?" she asked, feeling his arms wrap around her. He looked down at her, the moonlight entering her windows reflected off her face.

"You're my favorite feeling." said Miles softly, running his fingers against her face. Emilia opened her eyes, sitting up as he looked at her. "What?"

"You're mine too." said Emilia, smiling. Miles pulled her back into his chest, his arms holding her tightly.


One week later

   "Y/n, hi!" said Adrian, putting his stuff in his bag quickly after class. Y/n quickly turned around and walked over to his desk. "How about we study today? I mean it's Friday and well Emilia and George have their piano lesson and Miles has detention with Snape."

"Yeah sounds good, I actually was just about to ask you the same thing. Maybe we could do it outside? It looks really nice today." said Y/n. Miles, Emilia and the twins were staring at them awkwardly. Emilia pushed Miles out the classroom and dragged the twins with her.

"Well, we should go now, yeah?" said Adrian smiling at the girl in front of him. Professor Mcgonagall stared at them, waiting for the two to leave her class. She awkwardly cleared her throat, Adrian and Y/n turned to look at her quickly and back at each other. Adrian pulled Y/n out of class, walking out of the castle and down by the Black lake.

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