32- The Qudditch Finals

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"Is Miles really mad at you?" asked Adrian as they entered the tent. They walked into another room to see Miles laying down on the bed, when he looked up to see Emilia and Adrian. "Why are you in here all trapped up?"

"I'm not mad if that's what you're thinking." said Miles as he turned to Emilia. Adrian looked at both of his friends and cringed. He wasn't use to seeing them together and he hasn't seen them act like a couple.

"Then why are hiding in here, Miles? It's a beautiful day to be outside." said Emilia. Adrian sat on the other bed and watched his two friends. Emilia looked at Adrian and turned back at Miles.

   "I didn't want to get blinded by the lights, E, I would've thought you would want to hide as well." said Miles as Emilia scoffed. Adrian got up, pushed Emilia inside the room and closed the door.

"So how long has this been going on? Before the two of you started dating?" asked Adrian. Emilia and Miles looked at each other. Miles sat up as Emilia next down next to him, Adrian sat on the bed again. "Its just a question guys. . . I would like to know whats going on with my best friends."

  "You remember that day last summer when we were playing Quidditch and Miles fell in the pool?" said Emilia. Adrian thought about for a second and nodded. "Well, before you came Miles kissed me and we swore it wasn't anything."

"Alright? So then what happened." asked Adrian. Miles rubbed his neck. Emilia looked at him and sighed.

   "Well after that we started school again. Everything was fine— well not really but we were just friends and all until the day me and Emilia got into that big fight. That's when Cedric tried to get her back, we were in the music room and well I obviously felt something more than a friend but she didn't want too. We went that month without talking, then you know how Emilia and Y/n were sneaking off, they were brewing polyjuice potion and they switched, then I told my feelings to Y/n who looked like Emilia and well of course she didn't know what to say—" said Miles but Adrian cut him off.

"Wait— you and Y/n did polyjuice and she was acting as you?" asked Adrian. Emilia nodded her head. Adrian stared at his friends before saying something. "That's weird."

   "Yeah, well they did that and so that's when we started dating and we said we wouldn't tell anyone. It wasn't easy you know, especially when you found that 'burn' on Emilia's neck, you started throwing it in her face how she stopped telling you things. It wasn't that she didn't want too, we just didn't want to make it weird for you." said Miles. Adrian looked at Emilia who was looking at her lap.

"Do you guys really like each other, honestly, or are the two of you just—" said Adrian but Emilia was quick to cut him off.

"Adrian, shut up." said Emilia causing Miles to smile. He looked at Emilia and faced back at Adrian who was staring at them with an expression.

"Yeah we do, Adrian, it's not just whatever you think it is, really." said Miles as Adrian grinned. "You can stop being weird now."

"Well it is weird! I can't imagine the two of you together, especially Emilia's innocent self." said Adrian. Miles looked at her and chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that." said Miles, smirking. Emilia's eyes widen and pushed him. Adrian bursted out into laughter, Emilia's face turned red.

"Anyways, we're all good here, right? Every question answered? Every feeling told?" asked Emilia as the boys nodded. She smiled and stood up in the middle of the room and extended her arms. "Come on, group hug." The boys got up and the three of them bursted into laughter as they hugged.


"Is that boy your boyfriend, Y/n?" asked Mr. Weasley as they ate. Fred and George started laughing when Y/n smiled. "I'm taking that as a yes. He's friends with the Morales' daughter, didn't even know they would have a daughter. They're always at work . . . so whats your boyfriends name?"

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