43- Letters

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As I rewrote this chapter, I sat for about an hour and thought how could I write something like this *blank stare* but yeah very spicy parts. LMFAO.

"I just got a letter from your mother, Miles." said Emilia narrowing her eyebrows, opening the letter. Miles looked up from his breakfast. Adrian gave her a look and peeked over her shoulder as she read the letter.

"Dear Emilia,

   Oh dear, have you seen the Daily Prophet? I hope you and Miles are really together, it would be such good looking couple. You are always welcomed like family dear. The moon always belonged with the sun! I would love to have you and Miles together, you'll do him good. Write back to me soon !

                                                           Love Mrs. Bletchley."

   "How am I suppose to tell your mom we aren't together?" said Emilia making a face. Miles smirked at the letter. Emilia rolled her eyes and seen that she had gotten a lot more letters than usual and one of them started bubbling. "What on earth?" Emilia used her wand to open the letter when a almost acid like liquid came out, burning a hole through the table as she quickly got up.

  "What the hell was that!" asked Adrian as he got up with her, avoiding getting burnt. Emilia looked over at Adrian and picked up another letter with her wand. "That's a bloody howler, Emilia."

  "YOU HORRIBLE GIRL, HOW DARE YOU PLAY WITH CEDRIC'S FEELINGS! YOU AREN'T EVEN PRETTY TO BE DOING THINGS LIKE THAT. JUST A WANT TO BE MODEL—!" Emilia quickly ripped up the howler as the whole school turned to look at her. Her face got red as Adrian, Miles and Graham turned to look at her surprised.

"Well." said Emilia blinking quickly.


  "Bloody hell, that must be hard to deal with." said Y/n looking at the Slytherin table to see Emilia beet red face. Y/n couldn't help feel bad for her friend watching her, Adrian and Miles destroyed the letters.

  "Honestly, popularity comes with a price. I wouldn't know how to deal with that." said Angelina next Y/n. Fred looked back and shook his head as they continued to eat.

  "Look there goes that git, Stéphane. Adrian really messed him up, his eye still hasn't healed." said Fred watching the boy walk past, not making eye contact with anyone. Y/n rolled her eyes and looked around for George.

  "Where George?" asked Y/n. Fred shrugged and looking around. Y/n noticed Autumn wasn't anywhere to be seen either. She raised her eyebrows and chuckled.


  "Oh bloody hell, Autumn." moaned George pulling out of the girl. She let out a gasp and smiled as the both of them chuckled.

  "George, we shouldn't even be doing things like this. . . but it feels so good." said Autumn arching her back. George kissed down her neck and moved his hands down to her thigh.

   "Do you wanna go again?" asked George, softly. Autumn giggled and nodded. He moved her on top of him as she moved her hips back and forth.


"Miles can I speak with you?" asked Charlotte. Miles had been walking down a hall. He turned to look at who was talking to him and sighed, nodding. "Privately."

   "Alright?" said Miles as he followed Charlotte into a empty classroom. She gave him a look that made him look at her weirdly. "Well, go on? I don't have all day."

   "You and Emilia aren't together, right?" asked Charlotte running her hands on his chest and up to his shoulders. Miles looked away and moved her hands.

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