69- Adrian's Birthday

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love in the dark by Adele 😏

September 30

  6:57 am

"Adrian!" said Y/n shaking him awake. She looked at his watch, seeing the time. "Love!"

"Hm?" asked Adrian opening his eyes.

"Look at the time, we're going to be late!" said Y/n putting her clothes on in a hurry. Adrian groaned, laying back. "Wake up, i'll see you in a bit okay?"

"Okay." said Adrian rubbing his eyes. He heard her hurry off when he groaned, sitting up. His hair was a mess and his clothes were everywhere. He got up, making his way into the Slytherin dorms to see it empty. He took a shower, and dressed when their was a knock on the door. He opened to it see Pansy. "What do you want?"

"What to you mean?" asked Pansy with a smile, standing in the doorway. "Came to tell you Happy Birthday."

"Oh well, thanks." said Adrian going to close the door. Pansy held it open, looking at him.

"When are you going to leave L/n?" asked Pansy. Adrian's eyes widen as he pulled her in, closing the door behind her.

"Are you mad?" asked Adrian narrowing his eyebrows. "Pansy, there will be nothing between us, ever. You have to stop, seriously. Especially with what you're doing with Y/n!"

"Then. . . then what's with the smiles?" asked Pansy narrowing her eyebrows.

"There just smiles, nothing else! I can smile at everyone." said Adrian crossing his arms. "It doesn't mean anything."

"I can be a better girlfriend than L/n!" said Pansy looking at him with wide eyes. Adrian sighed, massaging his temples.

"I love Y/n, Pansy. I'll always love her and no one can possibly take me away from her." said Adrian looking at Pansy who frowned. "You'll never compare to her. Your best features don't even amount to her worst features."

"W—what?" said Pansy taken back.

"There's no comparison between Y/n and you." said Adrian narrowing his eyebrows. Pansy made a face and opened the door. "No, you're not going anywhere until you tell me you'll leave Y/n and I alone."

"What do you even see in her." said Pansy frowning.

"Everything." said Adrian. "I would choose her in every life time. Now, tell me you're going to leave her alone."

"No." said Pansy.

"Pansy!" said Adrian narrowing his eyebrows. Pansy made a face and sighed. "I'm being serious."

"Okay." said Pansy. "Sorry. . ."

"Now, get out." said Adrian opening the door and pushing her out. He closed the door, shaking his head and looking at the time.


"Can you please come to bloody practice, Emilia. Cane is horrible. No offense Miles, but he's bad." said Graham. Emilia, Miles and him sat in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"No I agree, Emilia come on." said Miles. Emilia sighed and looked over at the Hufflepuff table. Miles and Graham looked at each other and turned back to look at her.

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