37- The TriWizard Tournament

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spicy spicy

"Man, I swear my bloody head feels bruised." groaned Emilia, rubbing her head. Y/n and her sat in Emilia's dorm after lessons. "I wonder if I hit it or something."

"Well, you were drinking a lot yesterday, maybe you did." chuckled Y/n, sitting back. "I never seen you drink like that since your party."

"I didnt plan on getting bloody drunk like that but Miles just made me so mad!" said Emilia, softening her look.

"What did he do now?" chuckled Y/n, shaking her head. "Try and make up with you again?"

"No," said Emilia playing with her fingers. "I walked in on him having sex with Victoria Miller."

"WHAT." said Y/n, losing her smile quickly. She blinked hard looking at Emilia who looked back at her sadly. "WHAT!"

"Yeah, I— Adrian seen it too. I don't know. . . I felt stupid. I know how he is, so I don't know what I expected, honestly." said Emilia looking at her friend. "Oh but it's whatever! Adrian's told me that you've finally told him that you love him."

"Oh, yeah." said Y/n, still angry about Miles. She got up as Emilia watched her. "I have to go talk to him really quickly, okay? I'll be back."

"Yeah, okay." said Emilia looking back down at her book. Y/n walked out of Emilia's dorm and into the sixth year boys dorm. Miles, Graham and Adrian were on their beds talking.

"Are you really that much of a jerk?!" said Y/n, slapping Miles across the face. Adrian and Graham looked completely taken back, sitting up.

"OW!" said Miles looking at Y/n, surprised, holding his cheek.

"I swear to merlin!" said Y/n, hitting him. Adrian got up, pulling Y/n off him.

"Merlin Y/n/n? What did he do?" asked Adrian, turning to Miles.

"He slept with Miller! Do you not think of Emilia?!" said Y/n, staring at the boy who's gaze softened.

"Of course I think about her! Y/n, for merlin sake. She's all I ever think about!" said Miles, sitting up to look at her. Graham snorted, shaking his head.

"Finally got to see the Gryffindor in L/n." chuckled Graham, smiling. "I like it!"

Adrian turned to look at Graham for a second, turning back to Miles and Y/n. "Why would you sleep with— god Miles, honestly." said Y/n, shaking her head. Adrian let her go, sighing.

"Miles has always been like this, Y/n. I told Emilia she's was never going to change him." said Adrian, turning to Miles.

"Don't— don't talk about our relationship like if you were there." said Miles turning to Adrian. Y/n hit him again, Adrian pulling her back. "Y/N!"

"You're an idiot, you know that!" said Y/n, narrowing her eyebrows.

"I mean, they're broken up, L/n. He doesn't owe her anything." said Graham. Y/n shot him a look, walking out of the room.

"What a bunch of idiots." said Y/n to herself. Y/n entered Emilia's room once again.

"That was quick." chuckled Emilia, looking at her best friend.


"Did you see that lady, she was huge." said Fred lifting his eyebrows. Y/n looked up at him and chuckled. The Beauxbaton students were sitting at the Ravenclaw table and the Drumstrang students sat at the Slytherin table. Y/n can see Miles and Adrian talking to Viktor Krum and another student while Emilia stared up at the staff table to see her father.

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