13- Studies

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(Gianna Pucey^)

"Y/n, hey!" said Adrian coming down the stairs with Miles and Emilia behind him. From what Adrian knew, his friends had made up and everything was back to normal. "Where are you off too?"

"Oh hey Adrian, I was looking for Fred and George. Have you three seen them?" asked Y/n. The three Slytherin's shook their heads no. Y/n sighed and looked up at Emilia and Miles and smiled. "Well whatever, what are you three up too."

"Well actually, we were looking for you! You know you promised Adrian you would help him study." said Emilia with a wink causing Y/n's smile to widen. Adrian turned around to look at Emilia, making a face and turning back around at Y/n.

"Oh right I did! Where should we study?" said Y/n as Adrian walked besides her, Emilia and Miles trailing behind them. Y/n would hear Miles and Emilia letting laughs escape their mouth.

"Well Emilia and I have other things to do, we can't stay for this study session. Maybe next time." said Miles. Adrian turned to Miles, narrowing his eyebrows. He turned to Y/n and smiled.

"Right, it's Friday. You know I have my weekly piano sessions with George and well I must have to look for him if you don't know where he's at." said Emilia who gave Y/n a smile. She pushed Miles away and waved goodbye. "See you two later!"

"They've been acting strange ever since they've became friends again." said Adrian causing Y/n to smile suspiciously. Adrian noticed it and looked at her confused. "Do you know something I don't?"

"No, no, now where should we study? The library? The Great Hall?" asked Y/n smiling at the boy next to her. He was taller than she was, so he would look down at her. "I say the library, it's a better place, more quiet."

"Wherever you wish, the choice is yours." said Adrian giving Y/n a smirk. She smiled back, rolling her eyes. The two of them walked to the library when Y/n notice all the girls who would try and get Adrian's attention walking past, yet Adrian kept his eyes on Y/n.

"Professor's really do take this year seriously, don't they? I feel as if i'm being overworked." said Y/n as she watched Adrian pull something out his bag. They sat themselves down at a table all the way in the back of the library when Adrian handed her a small vile. "Whats this?"

"Baruffio's Brain Elixir. Emilia says it doesn't work, but Miles and I make her brew it for us. Helps me focus a lot better." said Adrian. Y/n gave him a quick smile.

"Emilia's right, it doesn't really always work and if brewed wrong it could melt your brain. I thought you were smart, Adrian?" said Y/n with a laugh as she pulled out her homework from her bag. Adrian gave her a smile and did the same.

"I am, there's just a certain class I—uh well i'm not too good at. It's quite annoying actually and I need an outstanding mark to become a healer." said Adrian shyly. He put the potion away and gave Y/n a shy smile. "And Herbology is difficult enough to try and understand."

"A Healer, really? Why a Healer?  I would've thought you'll take quidditch farther, or maybe an Auror?" said Y/n as she opened a book to Care of Magical Creatures. Adrian gave her a quick glance and then slipped a smile.

"I wouldn't dream of working in the Ministry, under Cornelius Fudge? Ha! That's funny, don't make laugh." said Adrian, Y/n titling her head. The only thing Y/n really knew about the Ministry was the departments and the former Ministers. "Plus, Emilia's dad is Head of Aurors, doesn't really seem that fun for me."

"And Healers, they don't work for the Ministry?" asked Y/n curiously, getting another glance from Adrian, which answered her question.

"Not directly for it, no, like Madam Pomfrey, she works here. Many others work at St. Mungos but you? Have you got it figured out yet?" asked Adrian. Y/n placed her head in her book and groaned. Adrian let out a small laugh, not knowing that many other students were peaking their head through the bookshelves. "It's alright if you don't, we still have two more years and i'm sure you'll do brilliant on your O.w.ls."

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