35- Back to Hogwarts

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"Bill, Charlie, I didn't know you two would still be here?" said Y/n coming out of the fireplace with her trunk. She always stayed at the burrow the day before going back to Hogwarts.

"Yeah well, I still have some things I need to take care of here before going back to Romania. But I hear Hogwarts is going to be an eventful year, you'll enjoy it." said Charlie as he helped Y/n take her things up to Ginny's room. Y/n walked into Fred and George's room to see them secretly writing.

"What are you two up too?" asked Y/n walking over to see the parchments. Fred snatched the paper back before Y/n could see it. "I know it's for your joke shop, why are you trying to hide it from me?"

"You can't tell mum, Y/n! I'm serious!" said George. Fred nodding in agreement. Y/n nodded causing Fred to hand her the parchment, which was a letter to Mr. Bagman. "That slimy git paid us in leprechaun gold and it disappeared the next day. We've been writing to him because we thought it was a accident."

"He's been avoiding our letters, we're starting to think it wasn't." said Fred. Y/n rose her eyebrows, reading the letter. Molly came rushing into the room, Y/n quickly folding the parchment.

"Oh Y/n! You've arrived, are you hungry? Do you have everything for tomorrow? Your robes and clothes are all cleaned and packed?" asked Mrs. Weasley. Y/n smiled and nodded.

"Yes everything is already in my trunk! Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." said Y/n. Molly went to go hug her hello. "I'm still not sure why we needed dress robes for."

"Oh well. . . I'm not quite sure either. I'm sure you'll find out tomorrow, dear." said Mrs. Weasley as she smiled and walked out the door. Y/n looked at the twins with a confused look.

"I'm not sure what's going on but supposedly it was going to be a fun year. Mum, Bill and Charlie have been acting weird as well." said Fred as Y/n handed him back the letter. Y/n sat back on Fred's bed when a Owl came peaking at the window.

"That's Emilia's owl." said George getting up and opening the window. Fred turned to look at his brother giving him a strange look. "Is she stress baking again? I wonder whats wrong with her."

"How do you know that's her owl?" asked Fred. Y/n looked up at George, raising an eyebrow. George rolled his eyes and handed them each a small box with an enlargement charm added to it.

"Who else has a expensive evil looking owl? I mean look at it, it looks like it's part bat." said George, holding his finger out. Y/n opened the box that had her name. Inside the box, there had been chocolate covered strawberries with a letter next to them. Y/n opened the letter as the boys did the same.

"Dear Y/n,
   I kind of went on a baking frieze and well I thought i'll send some stuff to you and the boys. Cant wait to see you soon! I also have a few things to tell you when I do! Enjoy them! I also sent some to Mrs. Weasley as a thank you for helping me after the Quddditch Cup. Please make sure the boy actually give it to her instead of eating them!
                                                                       Love Emilia.
  P.s do you know what's going on at Hogwarts this year? My dad said he was going to be visit this year quite often but hasn't told me why. Adrian also sent a letter in here."

   "Seems like Emilia doesn't know much about whats happening at Hogwarts either." said Y/n as she looked for the letter from Adrian. Y/n looked up to see George trying to hold back his smile as he read the letter. Y/n gave him a look, opening Adrian's letter.

"Hello my love!

  Emilia and Miles have been weird but it's getting better, they can actually keep a conversation now. I know you like having pictures so I made one that moves of us so you can hang it up in your room! I cant wait to see you, you never leave my head. It's crazy honestly how you make me feel. Nothing can ever change that. Emilia is rushing me since she wants the owl to get there fast, you'll probably be reading this and it'll be the day I see you, who knows. Be safe.
                                                                    Love Adrian."

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