163- Laira Valerie Morales

86 5 10

July 30th, 2000

Emilia and Y/n were sitting in the living room with the twins, Aaron and Zenith. "Look, oh my merlin!" said Emilia holding her hands together. Zenith was sitting in front of Liviana, showing her a small book.

"This moon." said Zenith flipping the pages and showing her. Y/n turned to Emilia and chuckled.

"That's the cutest thing ever." said Y/n with a smile. There was a knock on the door as Emilia got up. She opened the door to see Nick with tears in his eyes and him holding a baby.

"Merlin Nick? What's wrong?" asked Emilia with a face, pulling him in.

"Is— is Miles home?" asked Nick. Emilia shook her head no.

"Him and Adrian went to the store." said Emilia looking at her brother. Y/n come from the living room narrowing her eyebrows. "Who's baby is this?"

"M-mine." said Nicks. Emilia made a face, looking at him.

"What?" asked Emilia. Y/n turned to Emilia with wide eyes. "Nick, come in— come sit down."

"Her— her mom. . . I— I don't know if you remember Valerie?" asked Nick. Emilia made a face. "You saw her once. . . back home. . ."

"Your friend?" asked Emilia. Y/n reached for the baby, Nick held her tighter.

"Nick, give me the baby." said Y/n with a face. "You need to relax."

"Don't— don't hurt her." said Nick softly. Y/n nodded, grabbing the baby girl who was asleep. Emilia sat her brother down, narrowing her eyebrows glancing at the child. "Her— her name is L— Laira."

"And she's yours?" asked Emilia. "With a muggle?"

"Yeah. . ." said Nick nodding his head. He got up, reaching for the baby again. "I have to go. . . um, mom and dad aren't home. I need to— I need to help her family with the funeral."

"What funeral?" asked Y/n looking up at Nick.

"Laira's moms. . ." said Nick wiping his eyes. "Can you. . . can you watch her?"

"Of course, Nick, but im confused." said Emilia with a face. Miles and Adrian entered the house to see Nick with tears in his eyes.

"Nick?" asked Adrian. He turned to look at them. "You okay, mate?"

"I'll be back. . . please just— take care of her. I'll be back, okay?" said Nick getting up and leaving. Emilia jaw dropped slightly turning to Y/n who was looking down at the baby.

"Who's baby is this?" asked Adrian.

"Nick's." said Emilia. Miles made a face.

"She had the baby already?" asked Miles going to pick Laira up.

"You know?" asked Emilia with a face.

"He told me when Aaron was born that he got his muggle girlfriend pregnant." said Miles. "He said he was going to bring the girl around."

Emilia made a face, throwing herself back on the couch. "What? What happened?" asked Adrian.

"She died." said Y/n softly. Miles jaw dropped slightly, looking at the newborn. The night went on, Adrian and Y/n were taking Aaron and Zenith home.

"I havent heard anything from my parents or Nick." said Emilia at the doorway.

"Well, if you do, just let us know, okay?" said Y/n. Emilia nodded, turning back to see Miles holding Laira in his hands. Adrian glanced at Y/n.

"Let us know if you need any help with three infants." said Adrian messing up her hair. Emilia nodded, watching them make their way across the street.

There was a click and Hayden appeared looking tired. "Hayden!" said Emilia quickly.

"Where's Laira?" asked Hayden. Emilia pointed over towards Miles.

"What happened?" asked Emilia. Miles looked up.

"The girls mother died giving birth to her." said Hayden turning to look at Emilia. "Nick took her to st mungos, they said Laira's magic was to much. Valerie went into shock and she died a few hours later."

"When's her funeral?" asked Miles standing up.

"Tomorrow," said Hayden. "But Nick doesn't want any of us to go."

"Why!" said Emilia with a face.

"Said since we didn't meet her alive, he didn't want us to meet her dead." said Hayden. He looked down at the sleeping baby and softened his gaze.

"How is he doing?" asked Miles handing Hayden, Laira.

"He's holding on." said Hayden. He turned to his sister. "Did you know about her?"

"No, no, I didn't." said Emilia with a face.

"I did." said Miles. "He said he was going to bring her around."

"Yeah, well. . ." said Hayden looking down at the baby. "I have to go now, i'll let you know what happens."

"Okay." said Emilia turning to Miles. Nathanial started crying as Emilia made her way over towards him. "Que tienes mi amor. . ."


"Mummy." said Zenith standing at the doorway, holding a book. "Read to me?"

"I can't right now, love. Aaron's trying to sleep." said Y/n rocking Aaron. Zenith made a face, looking up at her.

"Please." he said holding his hands together. Y/n turned to look at Adrian who smiled.

"Here, i'll take Aaron." said Adrian reaching for the youngest. Aaron bursted into tears as Zenith covered his ears.

"Why doesn't daddy read to you?" said Y/n taking Aaron back who stopped crying in Y/n's arms.

"Please daddy?" asked Zenith. Adrian nodded, picking him up.

"Let's get you ready for bed." said Adrian picking him up from the floor. Y/n was rocking Aaron back and forth in her arms.

"You're so calm when you're with Liviana and Nathanial. . . you hate leaving your friends, huh?" chuckled Y/n pulling him in closer. Aaron snuggled into her chest as she smiled. "If I put you down, we can see them tomorrow."

She set Aaron down in his crib, he snuggled into his blanket. Y/n chuckled, shaking her head. "Silly." said Y/n looking down at the new born.


Adrian had changed Zenith into his pajamas, Zenith handing him a small lullaby. "Is this your favorite book?" chuckled Adrian. Zenith nodded, moving towards his crib. Adrian placed him in, sitting on a chair across from him.

"No." said Zenith shaking his head. He patted next to him.

"You want me to get in there with you?" asked Adrian. Zenith nodded. "I dont fit, Z."

"Please!" cried Zenith. Adrian quickly got up, walking over towards him. He picked Zenith up, climbed into the crib and laid down with a chuckle.

"I guess we fit." smiled Adrian resting Zenith on his chest. Zenith rested his head, looking at the book. "Why are you growing up?"

"I don't know." said Zenith shrugging. Adrian chuckled, kissing the top of Zenith head.

"I thank your mum for you two boys everyday." said Adrian softly. Zenith hugged his father, turning the page.


Y/n finally put Aaron sleep as she went into Zenith's room to see Adrian in his bed asleep with Zenith in his arms. "Oh for merlin sake." said Y/n with a smile. She looked around for her camera and quickly snapped a picture. "My boys. . ."

Zenith opened his eyes to see Y/n. "Hi baby." said Y/n opening her arms for him. Zenith reached for her, waking Adrian up. "What are you doing in Zenith's bed."

"We were reading." said Adrian looking around. Y/n chuckled, shaking her head and kissing Zenith on the cheek.

hi hi

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