164- don't leave me

109 6 12

August 14th, 2000

Nick was sitting in Emilia's house with Laira. "I think you're doing a pretty good job being a dad." chuckled Miles with his arms crossed.

"Well, you guys help me a lot." said Nick softly. Emilia was sitting on the couch feeding Nathan with a bottle.

"Miles does everything." said Emilia turning to her husband. "I can only hold my kids when im sitting down. . ."

"Y/n's dad said that you're still to weak, love." said Miles with a chuckle.

"Its crazy how much they look like you." said Nick turning to look at Miles.

"I dont think they look like me at all, besides the eyes and maybe the blondish hair." said Miles with the chuckle.

"My favorite features." said Emilia placing a kiss on Miles lips. He chuckled picking up Liviana.

"Aren't you glad that you didn't leave the twins." smiled Nick. Miles made a face, Emilia looked taken back.

"What?" said Emilia with a face.

"Nothing." said Miles quickly.

"What are you talking about, Nicholas?" asked Emilia turning to her brother. Nick turned to Miles and quickly stood up.

"Uh, nothing Emilia." said Nick grabbing Laira. "I— I uh— I have to go now."

"Coward!" said Miles watching Nick hurry out.

"What is he talking about?" asked Emilia turning to her husband. "You leaving the twins? You were going to leave us?"

"No— no." said Miles shaking his head, setting Liviana down.

"Miles, what is he talking about then?!" shouted Emilia narrowing her eyebrows. Miles opened his mouth but quickly closed it. "Miles?!"

"It was when you had them. . . I thought I was losing you. I didn't want anything to do with them. . . I thought they were the reason why I would have to live without you." said Miles softly. Emilia shook her head getting up, she set Nathan in his car seat. "Emilia."

"No— don't—" said Emilia moving away from him.

"Emilia, where are you going!?" asked Miles watching her grab Liviana putting her in the car seat. "E. . . please, stop."

"You were going to leave them alone!" shouted Emilia with tears in her eyes. "They babies, Miles! Your babies!"

"I know that— I was just upset!" said Miles moving in front of her.

"If something would've happened to me you wouldve left them parentless!" shouted Emilia looking at him. "You know how I feel about being good parents and how I hated when my parents would leave me! Why would you do that to them!" 

"I realized I was wrong!" said Miles holding her. She pushed away.

"Because nothing happened to me!" said Emilia wiping the tears in her eyes. "I ALMOST DIED TO GIVE YOU A FAMILY! YOU WANTED KIDS SO BAD— for merlin sake!"

"I told you I didn't care as long as I had you!" said Miles looking at her. She shook her head, wiping her eyes and grabbing the twins. "Emilia, you're going to hurt yourself."

"Don't touch me! Don't worry about us anymore!" said Emilia pushing away from him. Miles was taken back as she grabbed the twins and disapparated. Miles covered his faces, groaning.

Emilia apparated into her parents home, she had tears falling down her eyes with the twins bursting into tears. "Mija, que tienes?" asked Ariella coming from the kitchen.

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