178- New Years Eve

45 6 18

December 31st, 2012

"Hello!" said Miles standing at the door with the twins. Y/n smiled, opening the door for them. "Nathanial and Liviana wanted to come over to hang out with Aaron for a bit, is that fine?"

"Oh yeah, totally! Come right in, Aaron's in his room." said Y/n letting them in.

"We'll come back in bit, Emilia's at Hiraeth and I have a few files to go over before heading towards their grandparents house. Please behave for Y/n." said Miles turning towards the twins.

"We always do!" said Liviana with a smile. Y/n chuckled, nodding her head.

"Thanks again, Y/n/n." said Miles disapparating.

"Hey guys!" said Zenith coming down the stairs. Liviana smiled, seeing him. Y/n glanced at her and smiled. "Hey Livi!"

"Hi Z!" said Liviana with a smile.

"I'll be in Aaron's room!" said Nathan hurrying up the stairs.

"I'll be in the kitchen." said Y/n with a smile. Nathan entered Aaron's room to see him playing his games.

"Hey mate!" said Aaron with a smile. "Where's Livi?"

"She's downstairs with Zenith." said Nathan taking a seat next to him. Aaron nodded, turning back to the screen.

Zenith and Liviana were talking, while Liviana stared at a portrait of Adrian and Y/n from their wedding. "Your mum's so pretty." said Liviana not taking her eyes off the portrait. "And your dad looks so in love with her. . ."

"Oh yeah." said Zenith turning to look at the picture, making a face. "Your parents are pretty much in love as well."

"Yeah, they are." sighed Liviana looking at the picture again.

"Liviana, you okay?" asked Zenith.

"I just— I bet having mutual feelings between you and someone else is nice, that's all." frowned Liviana. Zenith made a face and looked at her.

"Do you fancy someone?" chuckled Zenith. Liviana nodded, still frowning. "He doesn't like you?"

"I don't even think he knows I fancy him." frowned Liviana. "To be fair I don't make it quite obvious."

"Don't worry about a relationship right now, Liviana. You're the smartest person I know, you study hard and then worry about if a guy deserves your time."

Liviana smiled, looking at Zenith. "Yeah, thank you, Z." said Liviana.

"Livi!" said Aaron from the bottom step. She turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Come on! You have to watch me beat Nathan!"

"Oh, oh yeah! I'm coming." said Liviana with a smile. She got up, moving closer towards Aaron. "I'll talk to you later, Z!"

"Yeah." said Zenith watching her and Aaron go up the stairs.

"What were you and Zenith doing?" asked Aaron.

"Talking." said Liviana turning to look at him.

"Oh." said Aaron opening his door. She nodded, sitting on his bed and watching the two boys play.


"Hello everyone!" said Diego Morales opening the door to see Emilia and Miles with the twins and Y/n and Adrian with Zenith, Aaron and Vereena. "Please come in!"

"Hola apa." said Emilia getting a hug by him.

"Hi abuelito!" said Liviana as he moved Emilia aside and picked up Liviana.

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