33- The Burrow

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"Y/n. . . wake up. Hermione, Ginny, let's go! Don't even bother getting dressed." said Arthur as he entered the girls tent. The girls woke up to see Arthur quickly walking out. Y/n got up, made sure the girls had everything and walked out of the tent to see Arthur talking to Emilia's parents. "Y/n, go get your friends."

  "My friends?" said Y/n half asleep as she was getting pushed into the the other tent. She walked into the room to see the others still asleep. Y/n woke up Emilia first who looked pale. "Hey E, wake up. . ."

Emilia jumped as she woke up and quickly grabbed her side. She looked at Y/n who was looking at her concerned. "What's going on now?" asked Emilia as she felt Y/n pull her out of bed. She then walked over to Adrian to wake him up.

"Not sure, your parents just told me to wake you all up and to grab your stuff." said Y/n throwing a pillow at Miles, who shot up looking around confused. "Everyone seems to be in a rush to leave so we better hurry."

Adrian looked at Y/n and fully woke up. He quickly got up when Miles jumped off the top bunk and pulled Emilia with him. They got out of the tent to see Emilia's parents. "Que te paso??!(What happened!)" asked Ariella as she walked over to Emilia seeing her shirt covered in blood.

"Some random spell flew at me, estoy bien. Miles lo curo, nomás duele un poco. (I'm okay, Miles healed it, it just hurts a bit.)" said Emilia as her mother tried to look at it. Emilia closed Miles sweater around her body as her mother looked at her.

"I sent Tanpy to pick you three up at Arthur's house, go home and tell your parents you're okay. You'll go with Arthur and the others through portkey." said Diego as he pushed Adrian and Miles to Mr. Weasley. Emilia rolled her eyes and walked over to Y/n. "We have things to do at the Ministry, see you Arthur. Thank you for taking the kids with you."

  "It's no problem at all! Come along, it's best if we leave right now." said Arthur as he pushed everyone to the place where the portkey's were being handed out too. Everyone was still half asleep when they landed hard on the floor.

"Bloody hell, I can never get use to that." said Adrian as he held his hand out for Y/n. She laughed and took it, watching Emilia who was holding her side, still looking paler.

"How's your wound, E? Did it reopen?" asked Y/n, resting her hands on her. Emilia lifted her shirt a bit to see the wraps were now covered in blood.

"It's fine, i'll just tell Minskey to have a look at it when I get home." said Emilia as Miles looked at her. George and Fred gave each other a look when Arthur started speaking.

"Oh dear! I'll have Molly look at that for you, she'll properly heal it for you. Come on, it's a bit of a walk." said Arthur turning to his kids, Fred grinning. Emilia looked back at Miles and Adrian. Adrian wrapped Y/n around his arm as they walked through a forest and appeared in front of a weirdly shaped house.

"It's really not necessary, Tanpy will just take us home and i'll—" said Emilia but she was cut off to a women with red hair running out the house.

  "You're all right," Mrs Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, "you're alive. . . oh, boys. . . "And to everybody's surprise, she seized Fred and George and pulled them both into such a tight hug that their heads banged together. Adrian, Miles and Emilia stared awkwardly from the background.

   "Ouch! Mum— you're strangling us." said George as he pushed his mother away.

  "I shouted at you before you left!' Mrs Weasley said, starting to sob. "It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.Ls? Oh, Fred. . . George. . ."

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