21- Detention with Snape

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"Aw, bloody hell." said Y/n the next morning when three letters dropped in front of her. One from her mother, the second from her father and the third from Molly Weasley. "Do you think Snape's already sent out a letter to my mum? You think she told your mum??!"

"Be lucky it's not a howler, Y/n, those things are the brutal." said Fred. Y/n snorted, opening the first letter from her mother.

"Dear Y/n,
Why on earth are you getting into fights for? I am not pleased with your behavior. S̶̶̶n̶̶̶i̶̶̶v̶̶̶e̶̶̶l̶̶̶l̶̶̶u̶̶̶s̶̶̶ Professor Snape sent me a letter telling me that you fought a girl in Slytherin, why?! Write me back once you get this, now! I also told Molly about your behavior and she isn't happy either, Y/n! Your father is also going to write an angry letter!
                                                                           ~Love mum

p.s Lucas says he misses you and to send him wizard candy."

"What does the crossed out word say?" asked George looking at the paper as she shrugged. She was expecting a far different letter than what she just read. Y/n then opened her fathers letter, when a bunch of stickers fell out.

"Dear Y/n,

   Your mother is very upset with you but i'm not! If she asks tell her that I lectured you. I hope you didn't injury your knuckles, i'll check them out when you return back home. You gave her a good old right hook, right?! Did she get any hits? Oh, if she did then I would be very disappointed. Write back soon! I also sent stickers for Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny and your new friends too! They have lab coats! I'm not sure if wizards know about stickers, maybe it's just a normal person thing. Miss you sweetie!
                                                                            ~ Love Dad"

"Are those sticks?" asked Fred, grabbing one. Hermione looked at him stupidly and corrected him, but he was to busy putting one on his hand.

"You're like a child Fred Weasley but here my dad sent you all guys a packet of stickers, he said they have lab coats." said Y/n sarcastically as they took them. The Weasley sibling found them interesting as Hermione smiled at the normal life things and how it reminded her of her parents. "Now for your mother's. . ."

"I mean what is she going to tell you? It's not like she can yell at you." said George. Y/n opened the letter and gave him a stern look.

"Oh yes she can!" said Y/n as she unfolded the parchment. The letter was quite long causing Y/n to face palm. Mrs. Weasley and Y/n's mother usually sat for tea, gossiping about their lives and things that have been going on at Hogwarts.

"Dear Y/n,

    Y/n what on earth has been going on at that school?  Fighting? I expected that behavior from Fred and George but never you, Y/n! I hope you didn't injury yourself, your mother has told me you made new friends who were in Slytherin, did they end up back stabbing you and that's who you fought?!"

"She thinks you fought Emilia!" laughed George as he read over Y/n's shoulder. She closed the letter, not even bothering to finish it when she let out a small laugh. Fred was still busy looking at his stickers, Y/n took a bite out of her toast and turned to look at Adrian, Emilia and Miles. Emilia was crumbling up a letter as Miles and Adrian were laughing.

"I have detention with Snape all week, totally worth hitting—" said Y/n but Oliver cut her off. She had forgotten about Quidditch over the weekend and how Oliver was bloody crazy for it.

   "You have detention all week?! Y/n, we go against Slytherin on Saturday! You can't be in detention for the whole week!" said Oliver with his strong Scottish accent. Y/n looked up at him, narrowing her eyebrows, he sat back down. "Try and get out of it!"

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