78- Special Announcement

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"Hey good morning, i'm sorry if I got you mad at me. I just can't stand Miles." said Joseph as he came running down to Y/n the next morning. She looked up at him and smiled.

"No. . . it's fine." said Y/n. Joseph looked at her sadly. He pulled her favorite flower from behind his back as she smiled softly. "You remembered."

"Of course, how could I not?" said Joseph. Y/n smiled as she took his hand and they walked hand and hand to the Great Hall. Fred and George watched her come in, glaring as she let go of his hand and made her way over to the table.

"Oh stop giving me that face." said Y/n as the twins looked away. She looked up to see four Slytherin's looking at her causing her to look down. "You two couldn't wait for me to come down to breakfast?"

"We thought you already left, you weren't in your dorm." said George as he took a spoonful of cereal. Y/n poured herself some cereal and looked at George. "Where were you anyways?"

"I'm guessing with Joseph." said Fred

"Actually no I wasn't. I was in McGonagall office. I have to hold tryouts to replace you two and so that's what I was getting permission for." said Y/n. She looked back up to see Emilia and Adrian getting dragged away by Professor Umbridge.

"Right and so who do you think will replace us?" said Fred. Y/n glanced at him and shrugged as she ate her breakfast.

Y/n's first period was Transfiguration with the Hufflepuff's which meant class with Joseph Anderson. He took a seat next to her, Fred and George giving Y/n a glance of annoyance.


"The two of you have been excused from your lessons today because you'll be going to all the classes letting them know about your plans on the upcoming ball." said Umbridge as she handed Emilia a clipboard. Adrian turned to look at her annoyed. "I'm sure you'll be fine missing a few classes, Mr. Pucey."

"I didn't say anything, professor." said Adrian raising his hands. Umbridge handed him another clipboard. Emilia glanced at him as she shoo'd them away. "Bloody hell, look at all these classes we have to go too."

"Well i'm sure it'll go by fast, Professor McGonagall's class is first. Come on and let's just get it over with, she scares me." said Emilia. Adrian glanced at her as they entered Mcgonagalls classroom.

"Ah well hm, your head boy and girl have come to give you all a important announcement on something happening at Hogwarts. . ." said McGonagall. Adrian was looking down at the clip board not paying attention to who was looking up at him. "Very well, you may start."

"Saturday January 27th, Hogwarts is holding a masquerade ball and— uh." said Adrian looking up to see Y/n and Joseph looking at him. Emilia glanced at him as she nudged him. "Um.. it's um.."

"And the mask will be provided for you! On the morning of the ball you'll receive a small box that contains your mask. You won't be able to open it until it's time, so make sure to get your dress robes during break or if you come to me or Y/n over there, we'll hand you a 'Hiraeth' magazine and it'll be owled here for you." said Emilia, smiling. Adrian looked down at his clipboard. "Questions?"

"Are we allowed to have dates?" asked Ashley, smiling. The class chuckled as McGonagall gave them a stern look.

"Yes, you're allowed dates." said Adrian looking at her.

"Another question. Do you have one?" smiled Ashley.  Y/n turned to look at the girl. Adrian chuckled as McGonagall cleared her throat. "I'm taking that as a no."

"Who would want to go with him to the ball, so he can be a gloom?" mumbled Joseph leaning back on his chair. Y/n glanced at him as Emilia's switched her hand causing the chair to fall back.

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