39- Insecurities

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(Charlotte Thomas)

Y/n and Adrian have been better since that day but Adrian had been rather upset with Miles. Emilia was clueless on what was going on since the others barely seen her as she spends most of her time with Cedric. Fred and George tried to make Y/n feel better about it, telling her not to worry as Adrian hope that Miles big mouth didn't ruin things with her.

"You've been getting letters everyday E, who are they from?" asked Miles as they watched the owl post come in. Adrian turned his head down to see his friend reading the letter.

"It doesn't concern you, Miles." said Emilia reading the letter, not bothering to look up at him. Adrian looked over her shoulder, reading the letter. Miles snatched it from her as she pulled it back. "Stop it!"

"You're still talking to Charlie? Isn't he Nick's bloody age." said Miles, narrowing his eyebrows. Adrian looked up at him. Emilia rolled her eyes and continued to read the letter.

"Emilia's of age, she can talk to whoever she wants." said Adrian getting a glare from Miles. Emilia looked up at her two friends and seen a familiar boy walk past.

   "Доброе утро (Good Morning)." said Ephraim smiling down at Emilia. Adrian and Miles both turned to look at the boy giving Emilia a stare.

"Привет(Hi)." said Emilia giving the boy a smile. He grinned and walked out the Great Hall, turning back to look at her.

"Okay, who is that?" asked Adrian looking at Emilia who was still smiling. Miles tilted his head at her when Viktor started talking.

"Ephraim Dobrev. He zhinks you are very beautiful. He also vants to know if you have boyfriend." said Viktor. Adrian started chuckling. Emilia turned to look at Adrian trying to hold her smile back.

   "Net(No). No boyfriend." said Emilia, blushing. Adrian bursted into laughter. Miles glared at her and went back to eating.

  "I have a question. Do you know vho that girl is vith the curly hair." said Viktor pointing over to the Gryffindor table. The three Slytherin's turned to look at where he was pointing and quickly turned back to look at him.

   "Hermione Granger, I also heard she's single, you can find her a lot in the library." said Emilia. Viktor smiled and nodded her head. Adrian's eyes moved down to the Gryffindor table as his eyes landed on Y/n, seeing her talking to a red haired girl who Adrian imagine to be the twins sister, Ginny.


"I'm not quite sure Ginny, why do you ask?" said Y/n. Ginny had been asking Y/n if she knew much about Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw girl.

"Harry seems to fancy her, I would've thought you'll know since Liam was in Ravenclaw but why would you know, you're with Adrian now." said Ginny looking down to Harry. Fred and George had been in a conversation with Angelina and Autumn to pay attention. "Well let me know, please."

"Will do." said Y/n looking down at the Ravenclaw table, her eyes traveled to see Adrian and Emilia reading a letter. Her stomach felt funny not being able to help her feelings and thoughts. Adrian had been doing a lot to reassure her, she's been trying to get Emilia alone to talk to her but she's been with Cedric.

"You alright, Y/n?" said a voice that made Y/n look up quickly. In front of her stood a boy she hasn't talk to in a year, Fred and George quickly turned their heads to see the boy.

   "Get lost, Alder." said Fred. Y/n gave the boy a look. Liam's attention went to Fred who was now glaring up at him.

   "I wasn't speaking to you Weasley, now was I? I asked Y/n if she was alright, not you to speak." said Liam. George and Fred both got up.

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