119- Christmas 1996

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"Y/n, I think you're great." said Diego watching her and another new trainee. "You do plan on staying with the ministry?"

"I've been thinking about it." said Y/n turning to look at him. "But with you know everything going on, I don't know."

"Ven." said Diego. Y/n made a face, following him out of the training rooms. They walked into his office as he closed the door behind him. "This Voldemort will not take over the wizarding world. El Dumbledore has a lot of faith in Harry Potter and if the great wizard of our time trust a sixteen year old, i'll be right behind him to make sure he gets where he needs to be. So, I know Y/n, that you'll make a great Auror. Once this is over, you'll be on the top."

"Ooohhh, are you sure? I mean i'm barely nineteen years old." said Y/n looking at the man in front of her. "I mean there's men older than me who would—"

"Mija, those men aren't qualified like you." said Diego. "I haven't seen a good Auror like you since merlin who knows how long. Don't worry about it now, pero think about it."

"Thank you." said Y/n with a small smile. Diego squeezed her shoulder and smiled. His smile softly dropped as he moved around towards his desk.

"Um, have you heard from Emilia?" asked Diego. Y/n smiled, nodding her head. "How is she?"

"Pretty busy from what I hear." said Y/n. "I think she's a little home sick though even if she doesn't admit it."

"Home sick from London?" asked Diego.

"Yeah, this is her home." chuckled Y/n. "I'm sure New York is great but she belongs back in London."

"I agree." chuckled Diego with a smile. "Maybe i'll convince your parents to let you take a trip over there with the boys. I bet they're missing her as well."

"Yeah. . . i'm sure." smiled Y/n softly.

"Alright, get back to work." said Diego giving Y/n a dismissive wave. She chuckled, nodding her head.

"I'll let her know you asked about her." said Y/n. Diego smiled, looking back down at his paperwork. Y/n walked back to the training room, sitting by the door.

"You're suppose to be training, Y/n." said Bill who had peeked his head in.

"I don't need it." said Y/n with a chuckle. Bill smiled, nodding his head.

"So I heard, proud of you." he said messing up her hair.

"Thanks." smiled Y/n turning up to look at him.

"Don't spend all of your time here, it's Christmas eve." said Bill. Y/n nodded, looking at the time. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, bye." said Y/n with a face.


Adrian was staring out at the snowy grounds when his door slammed opened. He jumped, turning to see Ariella. "Merlin." said Adrian relaxing.

"Did I scare you, mijo?" asked Ariella with a smile. Adrian made a face and looked at her as she chuckled. "I'm here to pick you up."

"I was going to get there later." said Adrian looking at her.

"I don't care, let's go." said Ariella. "It's Christmas eve, im missing my kids."

"Yeah, okay. I'm coming." said Adrian with a smile.

"Ah, next year maybe we can visit New York and celebrate Christmas there. The city's pretty when it's covered in snow." said Ariella looking out the window.

"I miss her too." said Adrian with a chuckle as he came out of his room. Ariella turned to look at Adrian and softened her gaze.

"I wish I could've made her stay." said Ariella smiling softly.

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