79- The Missing Ring

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Y/n woke up for lessons the next day feeling a bit annoyed. Fred and George bursted into the girls dorm causing Y/n to jump. "Bloody hell you two!" said Y/n as the twins laugh.

"Sorry! You're going to be late for lessons!" said George as he grinned. Y/n narrowed her eyebrows looking at the clock that said it was nearly nine.

"Why did you two let me sleep in so late?!" said Y/n shooting up from bed and running into the bathroom. The twins laugh was heard from outside the door as Y/n brushed her teeth and hair at the same time.

"You seemed stressed last night, we decided to let you rest, Y/n/n." said Fred. Y/n opened the door looking at them annoyed.

"We brought you toast." said George as he handed her two buttered toast. She snatched them from his hands as she fixed her tie. The twins laughed as they made their way down to Charms, seeing the Slytherin. Y/n turned to look at the twins, who were already making their way over to them.

"Morning guys!" said Fred as he sat down next to Miles and Adrian. Emilia glanced at Y/n and looked back down as she made her way over to her.

"Morning E." said Y/n.

"Morning Y/n, I didn't see you at breakfast." said Emilia. Y/n groaned and turned to look at the twins who were laughing. Adrian glanced at her and looked back down.

"I overslept and nobody decided to wake me." said Y/n. Graham raised his eyebrow.

"Oi! What happened last night?" said George as everyone stood quiet. Graham looked at Emilia as Miles and Adrian stared down.

"Well what do you ever so mean?" asked Emilia tilting her head.

"Cut the act, you guys know what we're talking about. Adrian beat Joseph face in! Did you see how you left him!" said Fred. Adrian looked at him as Y/n face palmed.

"I knew we should've gone with Y/n to Emilia's dorm!" said George. The Slytherin's made a face. "They aren't going to tell us anything."

"You don't even have any scratches on your face or anything! Did he not even get to touch you?" said George. Y/n shot them looks.

"Can you two stop, maybe Adrian doesn't want to talk about it with you two." said Y/n, annoyed. Adrian turned to look at her. Emilia blinked hard as Professor Flitwick came walking in.

"Morning class! If you'll pull out your books, page twenty. We will be practicing Waddiwasi today." said Flitwick. George leaned his head in closer to Emilia who looked at him.

"Are you at least going to tell me?" said George, smiling. Y/n looked at the two of them with a stern face and looked back at each other.

"All that happened was that Joseph was being Joseph and he caught Adrian in a bad mood." said Emilia raising her hands up. The boys turned to look at her.

"Then why did Graham called him a.. well you.." said Fred. Graham narrowed his eyes and looked at Fred weirdly.

"I called him a what?" asked Graham titling his head.

"A mudblood." said George.

"I did?" said Graham as he turned to look at Emilia. "Oh I did.. sorry. Old habits.. um well.. I don't remember actually.

"How do you not remember calling someone such things, Graham?" said Y/n as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Ah well.. ah." said Graham glancing around.

"Is there something you aren't telling us?" asked George.

"No." said the four Slytherin's. Y/n turned around to look at Adrian as he looked away. Emilia gave the twins a look as she turned around.

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