25- Y/n's House

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"It was super cool for you guys to visit!" said Emilia as she watched the twins make their way towards the fireplace. "You're always welcomed!"

"We'll see you, Emilia." said Fred with a smile. He jumped through the fireplace, flashing green. George turned to Emilia and smiled as she looked back at him.

"I hope you're feeling better." said George.

"I am, yeah. Sorry Miles caused you so much trouble." chuckled Emilia looking up at the boy.

"No worries, just wanted to make sure you were okay." said George messing up her hair. Emilia smiled softly, watching him go up in green flames. She made a face, making her way back into the kitchen with Miles, Nick, Y/n and Adrian.

"So nice for Emilia to bring over a girl friend." said Nick titling his head to look at Y/n. "And your Adrian's girlfriend?"

"She is." said Adrian, taking a spoonful of cauldron cake. Miles chuckled, turning to Emilia who was coming back towards them.

"Watch it, Nick, Adrian's very serious about Y/n." laughed Miles. Nick rose his hands up causing Y/n to giggle, turning to Adrian who rolled his eyes.

"So, what house are you in, Y/n? Slytherin?" asked Nick.

"Gryffindor." said Y/n with a chuckle.

"Gryffindor, hm, so that means your all brave and all that." said Nick. Y/n snorted and nodded her head.

"And all that." said Y/n. Adrian had took a look at the time and turned back to Y/n.

"Maybe I should take you back home." said Adrian looking at his friends. "Your parents are probably a bit worried."

"Oh, can I go too! I want to meet Y/n's parents." said Emilia getting up quickly.

"If i'm not home by the time you come back, don't wait up." said Nick turning to the time. Emilia made a face and turned to her brother.

"And where will you be?" asked Miles with a laugh.

"Out looking for some hot british chicks." said Nick running his fingers through his curly hair. Emilia made a face and turned to her friends.

"Anyways, see you tomorrow then!" said Emilia grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling her towards the fireplace. Adrian and Miles glanced at one another and followed after.

"Okay, okay, im ready!" said Emilia standing by the fireplace. "Let's go!"

"Merlin Emilia," laughed Y/n throwing the floo into fire. "I promise my house isn't all that exciting."

"Oh just go in!" said Emilia. Y/n chuckled, jumping through the fireplace. The four of them appeared at Y/n's house, her parents glancing at them as Emilia smiled. "Hi! I'm Emilia, it's so nice to meet you!"

"Oh hello!" said Mrs. L/n. "It's nice to meet you too, dear."

"We were just bring Y/n back." said Adrian with a small smile. Mr. and Mrs. L/n glanced at one another and smiled.

"Why don't you three stay for some tea." said Mr. L/n standing up. Y/n turned to her Slytherin friends and smiled.

"Oh yes, of course!" said Emilia.

"Thank you." said Adrian.

"Gladly." said Miles. Lucas came running down the stairs, running straight to Adrian and Miles.

"Oh my merlin! Who's this little cutie!" said Emilia bending down to see Lucas who stared back at her.

"Oh this is Lucas." chuckled Y/n. "Lucas, this is Emilia."

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