47- Anger

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The group was dancing around seeing Professor Flitwick getting passed in the air. Ephraim and Emilia were dancing promiscuously, getting glares from Miles. Y/n and Adrian were laughing and dancing as Graham tried to make Miles stop. "Stop it, Miles." said Graham as he nudged him, handing him other spiked drink. "She's having fun."

Adrian was spinning Y/n around as they laughed, the both of them tipsy. George was dancing with a drunk Autumn and Fred was dancing promiscuously with Angelina. "Hey!! Y/n, can I steal you for a dance?" said Emilia, smiling. Adrian gave her a look.

"No, go dance with Ephraim." said Adrian. Emilia rolled her eyes and pushed Adrian out the way as Y/n laughed. Adrian made his way over to Miles and Graham as they stared at the girls.

"How is it going?!" asked Emilia, her words were sloppy and her focus would turn to look at the boys, mostly Miles.

"Great! Are you alright?" said Y/n laughing. Emilia nodded as they danced. Y/n noticed Emilia kept turning over to look at the boys. "Are you looking at Miles?"

"Miles?! Don't make me laugh." said Emilia. Y/n raised her eyebrows. Emilia looked down and laughed. "Yeah I am but it's because I feel him staring at me, Ephraim went to go get drinks but I feel him staring at us."

"Are you done talking to my girlfriend? Okay thanks, bye." said Adrian pushing Emilia away, she rolled her eyes and went to go talk to Graham and Miles. "What if we sneak off for a bit?"

"Where too?" asked Y/n. Adrian grinned and they quickly made their way out of the castle. The snow was falling as they snuck behind a bush, Adrian pulling her into a kiss.

"Gosh Y/n, you're so beautiful." said Adrian pulling away and caressing her cheek. He took off his robe and placed it on her as they began to kiss again. "You know, I don't think anyone can ever compare to you."

"Oh hush." smiled Y/n pulling him back into a kiss.


"Where did Ephraim go?" asked Graham as he watched Emilia make her way over to him and Miles. Miles looked up from the ground to see her.

"He went to go get us drinks, what happened to your dates?" said Emilia. Graham and Miles looked at each other and chuckled.

"Well.. they wanted to sneak off but Graham and I weren't trying to do that." said Miles. Graham bursted into laughter. Emilia gave them a confused look as Miles and Graham laughed harder. "They wanted to you know E.. all four of us."

"OHH! Surprising you didn't fold, Miles." said Emilia smiling. Graham chuckled. Miles rolled his eyes and leaned back on the wall.

  "Ha, Ha, Ha, you're so funny, Emilia. Seems like Ephraim is to busy talking to his friends to come back over to you." said Miles pointing over at Ephraim who was talking to two Drumstrung boys. Emilia turned around and shrugged.

  "I mean it's almost midnight, we did spend the entire time together. I would get it if he wanted to hang out with his friends." said Emilia. Miles rolled his eyes again.

  "Yeah, you were dancing with him really closely. Seems like you wanted to take him back to your dorm." said Miles as Graham's jaw dropped. Emilia looked taken back and scoffed. "Oh come on E, you were dancing all over him."

  "That doesn't mean I wanted to fuck him, Miles. You're such a complete ass, I promise you if I wanted to fuck somebody you wouldn't even know." said Emilia narrowing her eyebrows. Miles gave her a look, titling his head. Graham looked away trying to avoid the tension.

  "You're just not drunk enough to let him fuck." said Miles. Emilia slapped his arm and stormed off. Graham gave Miles a look as he went after Emilia, Miles following after.

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