131- Fred's Funeral

112 4 19

May 3rd, 1998

Y/n was sitting in the twins room at the burrow. George was sitting on his bed, his hands pressed against his face. "He's in a better place now, Georgie." said Y/n very quietly. George nodded his head, not moving his hands. Y/n took a seat next to him, pulling him into a hug. "It's going to be okay. . ."

"Hey. . ." said Harry opening the door. "Um. . . we're about to leave now."

"Let's go, George." said Y/n standing up. George sighed and got up, wiping his eyes. The rest of the family was blue. The hand of the clock with Fred's face on it had fallen off that morning, leaving Mrs. Weasley in tears.

The lot of them traveled to the graveyard and met up with everyone else. The Morales', the L/n's, Gianna and Adrian, Miles, Cane and Aria, Graham, Angelina, Alicia, Autumn, Andromeda and Teddy. All the Hogwarts professors, the remaining Order of the Phoenix. Harry and Hermione were at the very front with Ron. "Hey." said Adrian patting George on the back. "How are you holding up, mate?"

"Fine. . . yeah." said George softly. Cane and Aria sat side by side with Gianna who was sobbing into Cane's shoulder.

"Hey Gi." said Lucas walking over towards her. She looked at him as he extended his arms to hug her. She cried more, Cane and Aria glancing at each other.

Charlie had taken a seat next to Emilia who softened her glance. "I'm sorry." said Emilia pulling him into a hug. Miles made a face, turning over to Graham who also been staring.

"I think we should take a seat." said Adrian wrapping his arms around Y/n.

"Thank you. . . everyone for coming." said Arthur Weasley standing up. "I know. . . I know Freddie would've loved all the attention. But uh— we're here to say our finals goodbyes. I wish it wasn't goodbye. . . if it could've been me. . . I would've gladly gave my life for his. He had so much time. . . so much to live. . . I just—" he started to choke. Bill went up, sitting his father down.

"Merlin. . . where do I start with Fred. While it's tragic to think about Fred leaving us too soon, he left behind a lifetime of memories that we can celebrate. Freddie was always ready for a fun day with friends— he would be here. . . he would be here making sure no one shed a tear. Fred was brilliant. . . him and George, they created so many things and I hate he won't be able to finish what he worked so hard for. I thank you all for coming, really. I know each one of you cared for Fred differently and I know he would be happy to know everyone is missing him." said Bill holding the podium tightly. He smiled, fighting back his tears. He took a seat next to Fleur as she wrapped her hands around him.

Charlie got up, sighing. "Hi. . ." started Charlie. "As I look into the crowd of people mourning for him, I find comfort in knowing that all of you love my brother. I find peace in knowing that he touched your life and that you also touched his heart at some point in his life. I find happiness in knowing that he will live on in all of your memories. He may not have lived a perfect life, but he lived a good one. One that we will forever cherish and we will continue to remember."

Mrs. Weasley bursted into tears, while Percy stood up. He walked over to the podium and looked at the casket. He dropped his face into his hands, shaking his head. "I wish I could've done something. . . I was there. I watched as the smile left his face. I wish I was a better brother. . . I wish I could've joked with him. I—I hate that I can no longer try and be a better brother. I'm— I will never be able to tell him his jokes aren't funny anymore." said Percy. "Thank you all for coming."

George hesitated on standing up. Y/n turned to look at him, softening her gaze. "It's okay." said Y/n softly.

"You can do it, mate." said Adrian. George nodded, getting up. He walked over to Fred's casket and looked away, tears falling from his face. "Um— I have spent twenty years with Fred. . . I don't— I don't know how i'm suppose to live on. I— we were together, always. I know my brother left lots of things undone and others that he never had a chance to start. But I promise I will continue what he has started and hopefully fulfill his dreams for him. This is just my small way of saying thank you for everything he did for me. He fought hard last night. He died fighting for good— I—" said George as he started to break down. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek, looking away. "He died fighting for what he believed in. . . and he didn't die in vain."

George quickly sat down, Y/n watched as Ron got up. He looked at his brothers casket and sighed, looking up at the sky. "Merlin. . . Fred was a lot of things." said Ron looking up at the sky. "But he was a good person. . . and a even better brother. It's going to be weird without him but I think he would hate to see us upset. So, i'll be smiling for him."

Ron sat down next to Hermione who wrapped her arms around him. Ginny was the last Weasley to get up. She made her way towards the podium and sighed. "I'm going to miss my brother. . . he was— he was something special. I'll never forget the things he's thought me and how proud I am of him and George. I don't want to say goodbye. . . but I know it might be time. . ." said Ginny wiping her tears. "Everything I do is for him. Thank you."

Y/n was staring at the casket, Arthur and Molly turned to look at her as she rose her eyebrows. Adrian nudged her up, giving her a small smile. "I stand up here today wanting to pay respect to my best friend. . . who i've known since I was eleven. I can go on for hours talking about the kind of person he was but, I think many of you here already know. Fred was the friendliest, sweetest, most comprehensive, and humble person I ever met in my life. I'll never forget the moments he set me on fire or when we tried to drown each other because he set me on fire. So, I stood up all night thinking what I would say here today. . . so I heard that when someone you love dies, and you're not expecting it, you don't lose them all at once. You lose them in pieces over a long time—the way the mail stops coming, and their scent fades from the pillows and even from the clothes in their closet and drawers. Gradually, you accumulate the parts of them that are gone. Just when the day comes—when there's a particular missing part that overwhelms you with the feeling that their gone, forever—there comes another day, and another specifically missing part. So this is not my goodbye yet. . . and maybe i'll never be ready to say goodbye because I promise that I will not let the person who did this rest. The one who took away my best friend will be paranoid for the rest of their lives until I find them." said Y/n sitting back down. Adrian looked at her, narrowing his eyebrows.


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