81- Holiday's

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Y/n was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with her knees pulled up to her chest. The Weasley's, Harry and Hermione had left early for the holidays. Dumbledore had told Y/n why they had left and all she could do was worry. She stared at the stars. "Y/n." said a voice that snapped her out of her trance.

"Hm?" said Y/n turning to look at Autumn.

"Are you okay?" asked Autumn narrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, i'm okay." said Y/n nodding her head, turning back to the window.

"Okay. . . i'm going to head up to bed now." said Autumn. The common room was now left empty, she looked down at her rings and sighed, dropping her head.

She got up, opening the door to the entrance and walking into another painting that led into the Slytherin stairwell. She hesitated before opening it until it opened on itself. "Oh merlin." gasped Emilia seeing Y/n. "What are you doing here?"

"Where are you going?" asked Y/n narrowing her eyebrows.

"To smoke." frowned Emilia. "Got a lot of things on my mind."

"Can I join you?" asked Y/n.

"Of course!" said Emilia wrapping her arm around Y/n's.


Adrian sat in the boys dorm while Graham and Miles slept. He was tossing and turning when he got up, making his way out of the dorm. He opened Emilia's to see it empty as he sighed. He walked down the stairs and sat in the common room, staring at the fire. "Hi." said a voice. He turned around to see Ashley and Victoria. 

  "Oh hey." said Adrian, smiling softly. Victoria glanced towards Ashley, making her way up the stairs. Ashley sitting next to Adrian.

"Are you okay?" asked Ashley.

"Yeah." said Adrian turning back to the fire.

"You miss her. . . don't you?" asked Ashley softly. Adrian sighed, nodding his head.

"A lot." said Adrian.

"I see her in the common room with Joseph sometimes. . ." said Ashley looking at the fire with him. "I don't think she likes me much. . . she always looks at me with a very unpleasant face."

Adrian snorted, shaking his head. "I promise. . . she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet." said Adrian softly. Ashley looked at him and shook her head. "She's lovely, really."

"And then why aren't you with her?" asked Ashley.

"She doesn't want to be with me anymore." said Adrian turning to look at the girl. Ashley sighed, looking at him.

"I've never seen you with a girl like that before." said Ashley softly.

"I've never meet a girl like her before." said Adrian, shrugging. "I love her. . . I truly do. I will never love someone as much as I love her. I'll never stop loving her. She's my whole world. . . I feel like my world is falling apart with her not being with me. But I guess it's my fault. . . I should've not let her speak. I should've told her that she didn't have anything to worry about but she thinks I cheated on her and that I never loved her. But I would die for her. . ."

"She's really missing out then. . ." said Ashley as she stood up. Adrian looked away, realizing what he just said. "I'll see you, Adrian. Goodnight."

"Yeah, night." said Adrian looking back at the burning coal. "I would die for her. . ." He sighed, watching the fire explode in the fireplace. He was taken back, running his hands against his face.


"So, what's been going on with you?" asked Y/n as the two girls made their way down towards the forest. Emilia chuckled, shrugging.

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