92- The Beginning

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"Maybe we should go back inside now." said Y/n as she chuckled watching the sun rise. Miles sighed as he got up.

"Yeah maybe." said Miles. They made their way inside the castle, Y/n and Miles had spent the night outside talking about Adrian and Emilia. Y/n guessed it hit Miles harder, seeing the sadness in his face. "Who knew we would've talked that long, huh?"

"Do you not talk to Adrian or Graham about your problems?" asked Y/n. Miles looked at her as he shook his head 'No'.

"No, I mean I use to with Adrian but I rather not bother him now. Plus, I can't talk to Graham about it because well Emilia, and I cant tell Emilia about it because it's about her, you know?" said Miles as they entered the castle.

"I get it, well you can talk to me." said Y/n hitting Miles hard in the back. He looked at her and laughed as he walked her to the Gryffindor common room.

"Well, hopefully you don't get sick. I'll see you later, whatever time you wake up." said Miles as he walked down the stairs. Y/n gave him a sad face and entered the common room still having Miles blazer around her as she made her way into the dorm seeing the girls asleep.

Miles made his way into the common room and sighed. He made his way up the stairs and into the dorms when he went to open Emilia dorm but it was locked, his nose itched as he made his way into the boys dorm to see Adrian sitting against the window looking at the water when he turned. "Oh hey." said Adrian.

"What are you doing awake at this time?" asked Miles as he looked down at his watch. Adrian shrugged and turned back to the window.

"Couldn't sleep, where were you?" asked Adrian. Miles turned to see Graham's empty bed and sat on his own bed, covering his face.

"With Y/n, I don't understand you two really. I don't understand her, she loves you but it just doesn't make sense. It's like she's scared." said Miles. Adrian turned to look at him and sighed. "Where's Graham?"

"He hasn't came in. . ." said Adrian.

"So he's in Emilia's dorm." said Miles turning back to Adrian. He glanced at him and shrugged as Miles laid back in bed. "You want to know something funny Y/n told me?"

"What." said Adrian.

"She said that when someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different." said Miles. Adrian narrowed his eyebrows and looked at him. "And I didn't really understand it until she started talking about you."

"You and Y/n being friends is a strange mix— wait, what else did she say about me?" asked Adrian. Miles chuckled and opened his trunk.

"I can't tell you, entrusted secrets mate." said Miles. Adrian made a face as Miles chuckled making his way into the bathroom, he let his smile drop as he splashed his face with cold water and sighed.


"Where did you and Miles go off too last night?" asked Fred. Y/n ate her lunch, she looked up to see Alicia staring at her too.

"Yeah?" asked Alicia.

"Just to talk, he wasn't really feeling the party anymore and I wasn't either. Sorry I took Miles away Alicia, i'm sure he'll make it up to you somehow. Well that's what he said." said Y/n. Alicia smiled and nodded, Fred and George looked at each other and turned back to Y/n.

"Are you alright, Y/n/n?" asked George.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Splendid." said Y/n as she looked up at the Slytherin table. Miles was sitting next to Adrian as Emilia and Graham sat in front of them. She sighed and looked away as Fred and George narrowed their eyebrows. "Well the team has practice in a bit, do you guys want to come and watch."

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