63- Family Dinner

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(Eloise Martin^)

"Y/m/n, you haven't told Y/n anything about this, have you?" asked Diego Morales as they sat around the table in headquarters.

"Have you told Emilia?" asked Mrs. L/n tilting her head.

"She's got you there, apá." said Nick glancing at his father. Diego turned to look at him. Charlie, Bill and Hayden all chuckled a bit as Molly sighed.

"Wouldn't you think they would want to join the order? I mean they are of age." said Bill. Nick agreed.

"They're far too young to know anything about the order." said Molly Weasley. Nick and Hayden looked at each other and turned back to look at Mrs. L/n.

"Y/n is rather upset with her father and I, she thinks we're keeping her in the dark. I don't want these kids to go through what we did." said Y/m/n. Molly glanced over at Remus and Sirius.

"Have you all found out anything about Adrian's or Miles parents?" asked Remus. Ariella sighed as she nodded.

"Voldemort is in fact back and alive, where? We don't know yet, but Adrian's staying at ours since he didn't want to deal with his father. Miles said his father didn't go back and Graham's father never was with the death eaters, that doesn't mean he won't go." said Diego Morales.

"I think you should at least tell Y/n where you're going. She does rather spend her time back at the house with Emilia and Adrian, complaining about how you aren't ever home." said Hayden.

"I agree." said Diego.

"Are you going to tell your daughter?" said Y/m/n.

"Emilia spends most of her time at the graveyard Cedric was placed, what use would she be?" said Diego. Nick looked up at his father, angrily.

"Y/n and Emilia were both very skillful witches when I taught them, I think they would be very useful to the order." said Remus as everyone turned to look at him.

"All she does is cry, how is that useful?" said Diego Morales

"Well that's all you see, isn't it? She's going to be head girl, have you forgotten? It's not like you know your own daughter very much is it?" said Nick narrowing his eyebrows. Diego looked at him surprised. "She cries because her boyfriend was murdered by some maniac!"

"Nicholas." said Ariella. Nick rolled his eyes and turned back to look at Y/m/n. "I don't think the children should be involved, not because they aren't strong enough but because they should enjoy their teenage years before they are force to grow up and go to war."

"I agree, they are far too young." said Molly.

"I do think Y/n deserve to know something Y/m/n, you remember what it was like not knowing what was going on." said Sirius. Y/m/n looked down at her lap. "She's not a baby anymore, she's not the little three year old that you had hiding at her muggle grandparents house at anymore."

"Thank you, Sirius, I know that." said Y/m/n as she looked at Molly who was glaring at Sirius.

  "Ah speaking of children, Molly will you allowed Bill, Charlie and the twins to come to a dinner tomorrow afternoon?" asked Diego. Molly narrowed her eyebrow.

"A dinner?" said Nick as he turned to look at Hayden.

"Y/n as well?" said Diego

"Well yes, why not." said Y/m/n giving a dismissive wave. "She spends her time over anywhere anyways.

  "Well.. alright." said Molly unsure.


  Y/n had found herself tossing and turning in bed, she finally got up around four in the morning and made her way downstairs. She notice the letter on the floor by the door when she went to go grab it, seeing that it was from Emilia parents.

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