173- Graham and Mia's Wedding

61 4 9

July 30th, 2002

"I cannot believe you and Graham are getting married so fast!" said Emilia with a chuckle, doing Mia's hair for her wedding.

"He's really waiting no time!" laughed Y/n. Mia made a face, looking at the two girls. "What?"

"Oh god." said Mia with a face. Emilia and Y/n looked each other. "Promise me not to say anything!"

"You're pregnant?" asked Emilia. Y/n sat up, raising her eyebrows.

"Are you?" smiled Y/n. Mia sighed, sitting back.

"I am, Graham and I found out and we needed to hurry and get married before I get big again." said Mia. "I'm only six weeks."

"CONGRATULATIONS!" said Emilia hugging her tightly. Y/m chuckled, hugging her after.

"What are we congratulating?" asked Mrs. Jackson, Mia's mother walking through the door. Mia shook her head, looking at her friends.

"Her happiness, of course!" smiled Y/n. "It's such a special day for Mia!"

"Sure." said Mia's mother, sitting against the couch. Mia rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Okay, let's go and put your dress on!" said Emilia looking at the time. "Y/n, can you help us?"

"Yeah, of course." said Y/n following the girls into another room. Mia took her jumper off, showing the small bump.

"Look at this." said Mia looking in the mirror. "I'm showing so much more than I did with Vincent."

"It's because you've already have had a baby. They say you show faster after already giving birth." said Y/n with a smile.

"Oh I love it! I miss feeling the twins inside of me." said Emilia frowning. "Now they're two and think they're grown."

"I sometimes miss it as well." chuckled Y/n. "It's the little flutters."

"No believe me, we're happy. I just wish it was a little later." chuckled Mia. The three girls moving around the dress.

"All of my children were accidents." said Y/n. "That's why they're so close in age."

"I think it's better that way, you don't grow up alone." said Emilia zipping Mia's dress up. "When I was six, Nick was starting Ilvermorny and Hayden was in his fourth year. I was left alone with the house elves."

"Oh I always forget you didn't go to Ilvermorny. You were a Hogwarts student." said Mia turning to Emilia. "The both of you."

"Proud Gryffindor." chuckled Y/n. "What did you represent?"

"I was sorted into Thunderbird." chuckled Mia. "Which is the soul."

"I hate to say it, but I am glad I went to Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny. I loved Hogwarts." said Emilia finishing the touches up on Mia's makeup.

"Yeah, because of Irish man." chuckled Mia. Y/n laughed, fixing Mia's dress.

"No, not just become of him." said Emilia with a laugh. "But because of Adrian, and Graham and Y/n. I met so many great people, Fred and George, Cedric and Aria."

"She's mostly talking about me." chuckled Y/n. Emilia smiled, nodding her head. There was a knock on the door, Mia making a face.

"Mia, are you ready?" asked her father from outside of the door.

"Yeah." said Mia looking at the girls who smiled.


"Nervous, mate?" asked Adrian watching Graham pace back and forth. George was standing with his arms crossed, narrowing his eyebrows.

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