56- The Final Task

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"Bill? Mrs. Weasley? What are you two doing here?" said Y/n as her and Adrian came down the stairs, holding hands. Mrs. Weasley smiled as she went to say hello.

"Well, we came to see the last task, of course. Are you two heading down to lunch. . . how are your exams going?" asked Mrs. Weasley as Bill chatted with Adrian and Harry.

"Yes, we were actually. Shall we go now?" said Y/n. Harry nodded and lead the way to the Great Hall, on their way they seen Emilia talking to Cedric and his parents who seemed quite happy.

"Hey E!!" said Bill shouting from the down the hall. Emilia made a face and quickly turned around to see Bill as she smiled and waved. "How are you?!"

"Bill, will you stop shouting! I'm sure she'll come talk to you in a bit." said Y/n, laughing. Bill looked at her and rolled her eyes. Emilia chuckled as she watched them entered the Great Hall.

"So glad you guys made up, when I read the prophet and seen that you two had rekindled your love I was overjoyed." said Mrs. Diggory. Emilia looked over at Cedric with a smile.

"Well of course she would get back with my son!" said Mr. Diggory looking at Emilia who blinked hard at him. They're relationship wasn't all that good, he often tried to tell her things.

"Dad, stop it." said Cedric annoyed. Amos gave him a look. Mrs. Diggory rolled her eyes and smiled at Emilia. "If anything I should be glad she took me back."

"Oh yes, dear! When I seen that you're working with 'Hiraeth' I was so excited and proud of you. I wanted to write to you so many times but I didn't know if you would've read any of them. . ." said Mrs. Diggory grabbing Emilia's face.

"Of course I would've and thank you really, you have no idea how much that means to me." said Emilia softly. Cedric smiled. "Well i'm sure you all are hungry, why don't we go and eat?"

Cedric and his parents made their way to the Hufflepuff table when Emilia quickly walked over to Gryffindor table to greet Mrs. Weasley and Bill. "Hello dear! How are you?" asked Mrs. Weasley as Emilia sat down next to Y/n.

"Oh I'm well! How are you? Bill, its so nice to see you again!" said Emilia. Adrian looked at her suspiciously. Bill chuckled and looked down at his watch.

"Oh i'm great, good to see you as well. Have you talked to Charlie recently?" said Bill grinning. Emilia rolled her eyes and smiled.

"No, not really. Last time was in January. . . I think." said Emilia. Bill chuckled. Y/n raised her eyebrows and took a sip of her drink. "Well I should head to the Slytherin table, see you all later yes?"

"Of course, E." said Y/n smiling. Emilia walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Miles. Adrian got up as well and told them goodbye.

"I better head over there too, I need Emilia to let me look at her notes before our Potions exam next period." said Adrian as he kissed Y/n on the cheek and walked off as Mrs. Weasley gave her a look. George came walking in with Autumn when he seen his mom, he stopped.

"Georgie! Come on, why did you stop?" said Bill turning around causing Mrs. Weasley to look at him. Autumn looked over at him and continued to walk. "Aren't you Autumn! We've heard a lot about you!"

"Bloody hell, Bill. Why are you being so embarrassing today." said Y/n laughing. George turned red and walked down to sit next to Y/n.

"And Fred, Ginny and Ronald? Where are my other children?" asked Mrs. Weasley. Y/n and George shrugged and looked at each other.


The Final Task was about to began and everyone was making their way to the Quidditch Field. Emilia had CD written on her face and palms. Y/n was cheering both for Harry and Cedric as Adrian and Miles were cheering for Cedric as well. "You look nervous." said Adrian looking at Cedric.

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