98- Easter Break

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Emilia was patrolling the halls when she seen Y/n and Joseph come out of a room. She stopped and walked back to see the door wasn't there anymore. She walked over to it and narrowed her eyebrows turning over to see Y/n and Joseph. "Hey, where did you guys just come from?" asked Emilia. Joseph and Y/n stopped and looked at each other as they turned around and looked at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know." said Joseph. Emilia made a face and turned to Y/n who face palmed and sighed.

"Actually no I don't but don't be so suspicious. Umbridge is having the Inquisitorial squad look for a group of students who form some type of army." said Emilia as she started walking away. Y/n and Joseph looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

"What would make her come up with some crazy idea like that?" asked Y/n. Emilia stopped and shrugged turning back around. The door opened behind her as Y/n and Joseph eyes widen.

"I don't know, she's ugh." said Emilia as she looked at Y/n. Parvati and Lavender were coming out of the room to see Emilia as they looked at her and ran for it. "Honestly, i'm upset I wasn't invited to join, I would love to cause a problem with the Ministry."

"Well, hmm I wonder what that would be like." said Y/n as she watched the door close again. Joseph turned down to look at her.

"Well anyways, did Eloise send you a letter about coming back with us for break for the dresses, guess we're spending other week in France." said Emilia as she winked. Y/n chuckled as Joseph made a face. "Well I better be off now."

"How exciting." said Y/n as she grabbed Emilia seeing the door open again. Fred and George came walking out to see Emilia as they looked at each other and made a face as the door closed.

"EMILIA!" shouted Fred as he ran over to her. She jumped and turned around to see the twins. "What are you doing out here?"

"Patrolling, what are you two doing over here. Where the hell did you even come from?" asked Emilia as she looked around

"Well eighteen years ago, a father and mother—"

"Shut up, Georgie." said Emilia as he started laughing. "Well like I said I have to go, you all better leave from here too. She's going to think you guys are up to something. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right see you, E." said Y/n watching her walk off. The twins gave her a look as they ran off back to the Gryffindor common room.

"You're going to France again with her?" asked Joseph as Y/n nodded her head. The twins gave each other a smirk and looked back at them. "Why?"

"Her brother is getting married soon and his soon to be wife asked us to be her bridesmaids." said Y/n as Joseph made a face and nodded.

"Is Adrian going with you guys again?" asked Joseph with a soft tone in his voice. Fred and George looked at each other and chuckled.

"Well he lives with E so." said Fred. Y/n blinked hard and turned to Fred as Joseph made a face and turned back to her.

"Well Adrian and Miles are groomsman.. so yes.. Charlie and Bill are as well." said Y/n. Fred and George nodded. Joseph nodded and walked out of the common room. "Joseph, hey where are you going!?"

"Do you really care?" said Joseph with a tone in his voice. Y/n looked taken back as he made a face and walked away. "Of course you don't."

"Are you angry??" said Y/n as she walked after him. He turned around and looked at her as she stared back at him.

"No Y/n! Oh no not at all." said Joseph sarcastically. Y/n narrowed her eyebrows as Adrian was walking past. "Adrian is always going to be in your bloody life, isn't he?"

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