66- Problems

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"Gianna was going on about me going back home, it was rather annoying. I'm sure that's why she asked me to take her out so she can try and convince me to go back." said Adrian as he sat in Emilia's room.

"I'm sure they miss you Ade, it has been about two month since you've left." said Emilia as she was writing a letter.

"What are you trying to say?" asked Adrian defensively. Emilia looked up and rolled her eyes as Adrian sat up. "Do you want me to leave already?"

  "Oh shut up, no. You know you're always welcomed here but if I had loving parents like yours I would start missing them and you can't blame them for missing you." said Emilia, shrugging. Adrian sat back and rolled his eyes.

"Are you really leaving, E? Why don't you just move out? Why do you have to go all the way back over there?" asked Adrian as she stopped writing, placing the quil down.

"Everything in London remains me of Cedric's dead body, everything remains me of Cassius trying to force himself on me and my parents are complete assholes. Please, why would I want to stay here?" said Emilia. Adrian narrowed her eyebrows.

  "You have friends here. Miles? Y/n! Me!! You just can't leave. You're running away Emilia, plus Hayden and Nick live here now." said Adrian. Emilia picked up the quill.

"I'm leaving after Hayden's wedding and after I know you have a place to stay at. I don't know why you don't just stay here, my parents wouldn't care and you'll keep Nick company." said Emilia. Adrian looked at her.

  "And when do you plan on coming back?" asked Adrian. Emilia dried the letter and sealed it as she looked up at Adrian. "Do you never plan on coming back?

  "If I can prevent it, yeah I don't plan on coming back." said Emilia. Adrian looked at her in disbelief. "If you and Y/n get married, send me a letter and i'm on my way though."

"Unbelievable E, will you not miss us? How would you rather move across the oceans and be alone then stay here with your friends." said Adrian narrowing his eyebrows.

  "Do you wanna know the last things Cedric told me before he died. He said him and I were going to get married and have kids and I thought he was crazy. I was thinking we'll have forever to think about that.. but his life was taken away and now all I can ever think about was that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, he said he'll love me until his last breathe.. and as the worlds cruel joke, he did. So I can't stay here anymore because then i'll be thinking the things him and I would be doing if he was alive." said Emilia as she fought back the tears. Adrian looked at her as she sighed.

"Emilia. . ." said Adrian, softly.

"And my parents can careless what happens to me. Of course I love you and Y/n and Miles but I just can't stand being in London any longer." said Emilia looking at her best friend.


"And if that makes me selfish then so be it, that's what Hayden and my father been telling me since that stupid dinner. Makes no difference to me." said Emilia. Adrian shook his head.

"Shut up, I know. It's not selfish, it's just. . . you've been my bestfriend for seven years, Emilia, how are you just going to leave so easy." asked Adrian. Emilia looked at him.

  "Trust me this decision wasn't easy. I wasn't even sure until that little night when we all had a 'Family Dinner'." said Emilia as she grabbed her owl and sent a letter off. "You and Y/n can always visit me, maybe make me a godmother."

  "A godmother has to be present in a baby's life, maybe I will get her pregnant so you won't leave." said Adrian as they both laughed.

"Well you always have Miles." said Emilia smiling. Adrian rolled his eyes.

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