177- The Sorting

55 5 13

August 27 2011

"Shut up you prat!" shouted Aaron Pucey. Y/n and Adrian turned to look at each other as the two walked out of their room and into Vereena's to see Zenith on the floor with Aaron on top of him.

"What is going on?!" said Y/n as she looked at her three children.

"Aaron told Vereena she wasn't useful for anything!" said Zenith as he pushed Aaron off him and against wall.

"Merlin, will you three ever get along?" said Adrian as he pulled Zenith off Aaron. Vereena was sitting in a corner crying. "It's ok, V."

"The two of you go into the corner." said Y/n as she grabbed Vereena.

"Mum, i'm not six anymore. You can't do that." said Zenith as he looked at her. "I'm not a baby."

"You're still a baby to me, get in the corner." said Y/n as Adrian shook his head and picked up Vereena.

"Oh merlin, i'm getting to old to pick you up." said Adrian as she hugged him.

"Why did you tell Vereena that? What could she tell you that made you say that? She's only ten." said Y/n as Aaron walked past her. "Aaron Callan Pucey, come here right now."

"No! I'm going to Livi's and Nates! I'm sure Emilia and Miles will be happier with having me as a son then you two are! We all know who your favorites are." shouted Aaron as he slammed the door, Adrian sighed and turned to Y/n.

"Vereena, what did you tell you brother?" said Adrian as she looked away. "Vereena, i'm asking you a question."

"I don't want a time out. . ." said Vereena as Zenith came down the stairs.

"You're suppose to be in a corner." said Y/n as she looked at her oldest son.

"Oh come off it mum." said Zenith as he sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Adrian and Y/n face palmed and looked at Vereena.

"Zenith go to your room. No Tv, leave your phone on the table and don't touch your video games." said Adrian as Zenith jaw dropped.

"Dad! That's not fair! How is it that i'm the one getting in trouble for Aaron's actions?!!" said Zenith as he shot up from the couch.

"You could've simply been in the corner like I told you. You didn't want to listen then you get punished, you know the rules." said Y/n. Zenith made a face and left his phone on the table and ran up to his room.

"Now what did you tell Aaron, you know he doesn't get mad until you tell him something harsh." said Adrian as Vereena looked down. "Do you want to get grounded as well?"

"I told him.. I told him you guys didn't love him.." said Vereena as Y/n and Adrian gave her a look. "But thats only because he wasn't leaving my room! He's dumb if he believes it."

"You know. . . you remind me a lot of your uncle Lucas." said Adrian face palming. Y/n rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Go to your room, Vereena." said Y/n. Vereena groaned and hopped off the chair making her way up the stairs. "What am I going to do with your children."

"They're just in that age, it'll pass." said Adrian kissing Y/n on the cheek as she made a face and looked at him. "Plus Aaron starts his first year in a couple days, they'll be fine."


"Hello Mrs. Bletchley." said Aaron as the door open to reveal Emilia looking at him.

"Oh Aaron! I told you, you didn't have to call me that. Emilia is fine, please come in. Liviana nor Nathanial told me you were coming over." said Emilia letting him in.

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