157- Honeymoon

130 6 19

December 26 1999

"A week without Zenith. . . I haven't left him so long before." said Y/n as she hugged her baby. Adrian chuckled and finished packing his things.

"I'm sure Emilia and Miles will take good care of him." said Adrian. Y/n made a face and hugged him tighter.

"Yeah I don't have a problem with that. . . it's just— what if he does something like starts walking and we aren't here to see it." said Y/n grabbing Zenith's bag.

"I'm sure we won't miss anything in a week." said Adrian with a laugh. Y/n made a face and rolled her eyes. "Now, shall we go?"


"Can Zenith even ate all that?" asked Miles as he watched Emilia make pastries.

"These are for me." said Emilia causing Miles to laugh. Adrian opened the door as Emilia and Miles turned to see the little family.

"We have arrived." said Y/n holding Zenith. Miles held his hands out for Zenith as Y/n moved away from him. "No."

"She doesn't want to leave Zenith." said Adrian as Miles chuckled.

"I made tarts." said Emilia. Y/n handed Zenith to Miles and went and grabbed one.

"For some weird reason, when I was pregnant with Zenith I could not eat these but now I like them. Must be after pregnancy things." said Y/n as she ate. Miles and Adrian glanced at each other and chuckled.

"Well we better get a move on." said Adrian grabbing a tart himself.

"Any rules you want us to follow for little baby Zenith." said Emilia as she tickled his stomach causing him to giggle.

"Not really, he ates anything." said Adrian. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"He does eat anything but he usually gets hungry when he wakes up in the morning and before he goes to sleep. Um, you guys know how to change a diaper right so that's pretty much it." said Y/n. Emilia and Miles chuckled.

"Now shall we go!" said Adrian as Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Yes, goodbye my little baby. Mummy and daddy will be back soon." said Y/n as she took him from Miles arms and hugged him tightly. Adrian poked his little stomach as he giggled.

"Alright, please don't kill my child." said Adrian. Y/n handed him back to Miles.

"You have nothing to worry about, mate." said Miles as he made Zenith wave his hand. "Tell mummy and daddy bye, say byee!"

"Bye!" said Zenith. Y/n turned to Adrian who was pushing her out of the house. Finally getting Y/n out the house, Adrian gave her a look.

"He'll be fine, beautiful." said Adrian as he grabbed her hand and they disapparted into the Ministry.

"Yes I know but you can't be surprised that I miss my child." said Y/n, softly. Adrian chuckled and kissed her head.

"No but come on, the week will go by fast. Plus doesn't sitting by the beach and drinking out a coconut sound wonderful?" said Adrian as Y/n sighed and nodded.

"Alright, shall we go?" said Y/n as she jumped through a fireplace. Adrian coming out seconds later and feeling the hot air of Hawaii.

"This is definitely better than cold London, isn't it?" said Adrian as he grabbed her hand and they made their way to the receptionist. "Who knew America had so many Wizard things, Y/n, Zenith is fine!"

"Yeah, alright, come on." said Y/n. Adrian laughed and looked at the receptionist who looked up at them with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to Hawai'i. Name?" said the receptionist.

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