22- Quidditch and O.w.ls

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😏😏😏we peep the song and chapter??

"My love." said Miles, shaking Emilia softly to wake her up. The sun had been rising and Miles had fallen asleep in Emilia's dorm. "E."

"Hm?" said Emilia, cuddling into his chest. Miles smiled softly, moving the hair out of her face.

"I have to go back to my dorm." said Miles softly. Emilia sighed, resting her head on his chest. "Come on, love, Adrian's going to wake up in a bit. You're not going to want him to walk in on this."

"What do you think. . . what do you think he would say if he found out about us." said Emilia looking at Miles, who tilted his head.

"Do you want to tell him?" asked Miles sitting up quickly. "We can tell him."

"I don't know Miles. . . and then what if he feels uncomfortable and things get weird and our friendship—"

"E, Y/n and Graham know about us." said Miles softly, caressing her cheek. "They don't find us being together uncomfortable."

"Then our parents? What would they say!" said Emilia softly. Miles chuckled, kissing her.

"I'm going now, go back to bed." said Miles, getting up and putting his shirt back on. "I love you, goodnight."

"I love you too." said Emilia watching him walk out of the room. She sighed, throwing herself back on her bed and falling back to sleep.

"Wake up!" said Miles a few hours later as him and Adrian walked into Emilia dorm. She was still asleep as Miles shook her. Emilia groaned and covered her head with the blanket. "Quidditch!"

"I don't care about Quidditch, my body hurts and i'm tired, get out." said Emilia shifting in her bed. Miles held back his laugh as Adrian looked at her confused.

"Why does your body hurt?" asked Adrian. Emilia's eyes opened and looked over at Adrian, turning red. Adrian looked at her confused as she rubbed her eyes to see the boys in their jumpers.

"Detention. . . I was climbing up and down stairs, yeah." said Emilia looking at Miles. She got up and walked to the bathroom as Adrian looked back at Miles.

"Why did she walk like that?" said Adrian as Miles started smiling. Adrian looked at him confused causing Miles to start laughing.

"She's probably sore from walking up and down so many stairs." said Miles. Emilia came out of the bathroom, opened her trunk, grabbed her clothes and gave Miles a look and slammed the bathroom door.

"Why is she like this." said Adrian as they bursted out laughing. Emilia finally came out the bathroom, dressed in skinny jeans and a corset top. Miles grinned at her as the boys walked out of the door. Emilia following behind Miles when she slapped his ass causing him to stop and turned around to look at her. She held back her laugh, looking up at him.

"That's why you're sore." whispered Miles. Emilia's smile dropped, giving him a face. She continued walking when Adrian turned back to look at them. "We play Gryffindor today. . ."

"Yeah and?" said Adrian as Emilia turned to look at him. Adrian then looked at his friends surprised and face palmed. "That means I have to go against Y/n."

"It does mean you have to go against Y/n. I mean there isn't a way they can win though, they need to catch up 200 points?" said Miles as him and Adrian looked at Emilia.

"They can actually, if they know what they're doing. Most likely they're going to make Potter try and not let Draco catch the snitch so they can score some goals in and knowing Draco he'll be to focus on bullying him than on the snitch. Knowing Marcus he'll try and play dirty as well." said Emilia as Adrian thought about what she was saying.

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