127- Suck it up, Emilia

94 6 40

September 21st, 1997

I think i'm doing pretty well." said Y/n holding her wand directly towards a fake dummy. Diego was next to her, smiling.

"Muy bien." said Diego. Y/n squinted, her vision adjusting as she shoot the dummy's head off. "AH! Amazing!"

Y/n chuckled, turning to Diego who gave her a high five. "I need it to be moving." said Y/n looking back at the dummy. Two men walked into the training room causing Diego and Y/n to turn and look at them.

"Hello." said Diego crossing his arms.

"Y/n, we'll like you to come with us." said the man.

"For what?" asked Diego not letting Y/n talk.

"This doesn't really concern the Head of Aurors." said the other man. Y/n looked at Diego and made a face. "Y/n, if you would please."

"No." said Diego narrowing his eyebrows. The two men looked at each other and sighed.

"Don't make this more difficult than it already is." said the man.

"She's a wizard." said Diego narrowing his eyebrows.

"Her fathers a muggle." said the other man. Y/n made a face, pulling out her wand.

"She's a wizard and she's way better at spells than you." said Diego crossing his arms, still standing in front of Y/n.

"She's half muggle." said the man

"Try me." said Y/n. She sent a spell towards him, sending him into the wall. Diego chuckled, blocking another spell.

"Y/n, go home." said Diego turning to Y/n.

"I can handle—"

"Go home." said Diego narrowing his eyebrows. Y/n made a face, sighing. "Adrian and Emilia will murder me if something happened to you. Emilia already wants too. Go home. I'll send Nick to your house to double check the protections."

Y/n disapparted outside the house, she hurried inside. "Y/n, whats the matter?" asked Mrs. L/n narrowing her eyebrows. Y/n turned to see Lucas as she shook her head.

"No, nothing." said Y/n moving away from the door. Lucas made a face as Y/n smiled. There was a knock as she turned back to look at it.

"It's Nick!" he shouted from outside of the door. Y/n opened the door and looked at him. "All good?"

"Yeah." said Y/n nodding her head.

"Lucas, go upstairs." said Mrs. L/n.

"Why?" asked Lucas.

"Go upstairs." said Mr. L/n turning to look at him. Lucas rose his eyebrows, obeying his parents.

"What's wrong?" asked Mrs. L/n.

"I was at the Ministry and I think they wanted to me go on trial. . . Diego didn't let them and he sent me home." said Y/n. "After I stunned a ministry person."

"You hexed someone who works at the Ministry, Y/n?!" asked Mrs. L/n in a panic.

"Nice job!" said Nick with a chuckle, crossing his arms. Mrs. L/n turned to look at him, shaking her head.

"No, not nice job!" said Mrs. L/n.

"It's fine, everything is fine. The charms are working great, okay? Nothing to worry about at all." said Nick pulling his wand out.

"You can't go back to the Ministry!" said Mrs. L/n.

"What!" said Y/n. "How am I suppose to train?"

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