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First day back from being suspended from school for three months for fighting which is stupid because the bullies always get let off when there the perpetrators. "So you back for good now or they gonna send you to the next camp to sort your so called behaviour out " Lara says as we drive into the school parking lot . "I really don't know let's hope not " I say as I park up and we get out . "I never liked your sister it's all about her " Lara says . "Tell me about it " I say . "You think you can get out for tomorrow night " Lara says . "Yeah of not I'll just sneak out " I say as she chuckles . "My bestie " she says making me chuckle .

I close my locker putting my books I don't need in there and me and Lara head into class . "Okay class settle down " the teacher says . I zone out most lesson I do hate school it's crap ... they teach you what you have to learn .... Act and talk a certain way and learn what they want you to and mess with your head with what they want you to know and what you shouldn't . Practically bloodily robots if you ask me all hardwired to do the same thing day in day out and if someone is different it's seen as a crime it's stupid . Class finishes and I get out mate I was the first one out the door and I was at the back .

I haven't seen Elena and we'll I pinged her phone because she still has my laptop and I need it .
I knock on the door . "It's open " someone says sounded like a girl about 5.6 ... blonde brown eyes mid twenties. I enter the house well I wouldn't cal it that I'd call it a small mansion . It's beautiful actually . I walk through the hallway and a girl stops dead in a towel . Like she'd seen a ghost .
"Oh my God! How...uh- wh-...Who?" She stutters out . "I'm Skye have you seen my sister anywhere " I ask as she looks me up and down still like she's seen a ghost . "Sister " she asks . "Elena is she here she borrowed my laptop and didn't give it back " I say .

LEXI /: Skye leaves and I can't believe what I'm seeing . Literally really Stefan . "Are you out of your freaking mind?" I say walking into his room .
"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks putting in a shirt . "I just met Skye " I say as I hold up Stefan's photo of Katherine . Skye is literally identical to Kathrine . "You have some serious explaining to do." I say . "You have some serious emotional damage." I say . "No, it's not what you think. Elena is not Katherine." Stefaj says . "Have you even met Skye she's literally the same as Kathrine " I say . "No I haven't not yet Elena did mention her " Stefan says .
"Then they're related, 'cause they can be twins or triplets " I say . "I don't know." Stefan says making me turn to him. "You don't know or you didn't find out?" I say . "No. Maybe. I don't want to know. I have no desire to tie Elena or Skye to Katherine. " Stefan says as I look at him seriously . "Ok yes, yes the resemblance is what drew me in. But that's it. Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside but on the inside they are completely different." Stefan says . "So Elena is not a raging Bitch then, huh?" I say . "No. Elena is...Elena's warm and she's...she's kind, and she's caring, and she's selfless, and it's real. And honestly when I'm around her, I...I completely forget what I am." He says making me smile . "Oh my god! You're in love with her." I say as he smiles . "Yeah. Yeah, I am." He says . "We'll I'm getting to know this Skye she seems wild " I say as Stefan chuckles . "From Elena's description yes " Stefan says . "So there complete opposites even better " I say .

I go to the mystic grill to see a party going on and go to the bar . "Hey girl haven't seen you in a while " Leo says . "I'm good and yeah been outta of town for a few the usual please " I say as he passes me a bourbon and two shots of tequila . "Thanks. " i say passing him a 500 hundreds dollar tip because I have the money too . "One of these days your gonna teach me to drive like you can " he says making me chuckle . "It's all practice and no rules " I say as he smiles . "Skye right " the blonde from the house says . "Yeah " I say . " names Lexi I'm stefan's friend " she says . "Elena's boyfriend " I say . "Yeah " she says . "She give you your computer back " Lexi asks as I pass her a shot . "Na I'll get it back " I say downing the shot . "Skye " Lara says coming over . "Hi I'm Lara Skye's friend " she says to Lexi . "Lexi " she says . "There's a race Saturday if your interested 12 g bye in " Lara says . " you race " lexi says . "Hmm " I say downing my bourbon . "What car you drive " lexi asks . "I'll show you "I say .

"Woah this is amazing " Lexi says

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"Woah this is amazing " Lexi says . "Take it for a spin if you want " I ask . "You sure " she asks . "Yeah why not " I say throwing her the keys . "Enjoy " I say as she gets in .

"Caroline " I say taking a seat opposite her as she drinks . Not like her to drink unless someone's been seriously insulting to her . "What's up ?" I ask .
"Nothing ?" She says downing her drink . "You forgot I know you " I say . "Am I shallow and useless " she says making me knit my eyebrows together. "Who said that Caroline ?" I ask . "Damon " she says . "We'll your not shallow or useless your beautiful and very useful and I don't think anyone would survive a day without you and your amazing organisation skills don't let guys talk you down your beautiful and amazing as you are " I say as she smiles . "Thank you " she says . "Your welcome now go home before you get drunk " I say as she gets up . "Let people see this side of you more Skye it's nice " she says before leaving . I down the rest of Caroline's shots and turn to see Damon stefan's brother . Raven haired piercing blue eyes .

"Hi you may not know me but I really do hate when men talking to women like trash " I say before punching him in the face . "Talk to Caroline like that again a broken jaw will be the least of your problems " I say before walking away .

"So I met Skye did you know she has a amazing car that thing is like silk on roads " I say . "No like I said I haven't met Skye yet "Stefan says . "We'll she's amazing " i say . As I notice Skye talking to Caroline and Caroline leaves and she turns to Damon . "Oh oh what did your brother do " I say as Stefan looks to Skye as she downs the shots and gets up .
"Hi you may not know me but I really do hate when men talk to women like trash" Skye says before punching Damon in the face making me chuckle . "Oh I like her already " I say . "Talk to Caroline like that again a broken jaw will be the least of your problems " she says before walking away .
"I lie I love her " I say as Stefan chuckles .

I get home to see Jenna in the kitchen and place my keys in the dish . "How was the first day back at school " she asks . "Fun as usual " I say lying as I walk up the stairs and to my room . I stop at Elena's room and knock on the door . "Yeah " Elena says as I open the door . "Can I have my computer " I say as she gets up if her bed and passes it to me . "Cheers " I say taking it and walking back to my room and setting it down on my desk.

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