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I arrive at the Lockwood mansion as Tyler's dad mayor Lockwood went down when the device went off and no one has no idea why he wasn't a vampire it shouldn't of affected him . "Thanks for coming " Tyler says as I slip him a flask of alcohol he's going to need it . "Your welcome " I say before going inside .

I gasp when I touch Elena's wrist to know that's not Elena it's Kathrine . "I have to pay my respect to Tyler " i say walking away . I go into a separate room and call Elena to her telling me she's not here at the Lockwood mansion yet . I'm suddenly pinning to the wall by Kathrine . She definitely looks exactly like Elena and Skye . "We haven't officially met. I'm Katherine." She says . "I know who you are." I say .
"Of course you do. You're the best friend right? I've been putting all the pieces of Elena's life together. Isobel told me it was a bit of a puzzle. I do know who Jenna and Jeremy are and I met that delicious ex-boyfriend Matt, who's sweet on Caroline, and then there's you, the vampire-hating Bennett witch. Oh and the twin sister of Elena oh she's a whole different story isn't she ... Did I do good?" Kathrine says . I use my migraine inducing spell on Katherine. Katherine feigns being hurt then recovers making me confused . "I've been around a long time Bonnie; you're gonna have to do better than that." Kathrine says as she grips me by the throat and pushes me against the wall. She vamps out. I open the doors with my magic powers to expose us to the other guests. Katherine's face goes back to normal.
"Nice " she says .

I grab a drink from the table and take a sip when I see Elena and Stefan beside each other . "Skye " Elena says as i roll my eyes she always wants something . "What do you want now ?" I ask .
Stefan looks to me a bit off and I look to Elena taking in her stance the way she's dressed and has her hair that's not Elena . "Kathrine " I say as she smiles . She's looks exactly identical not one difference. "Your quick to figure it out " she says . "You have more style then Elena " i say as she smiles as Stefan glares at me . "Nice to put a face to a name .... Stefan and Damon has said a lot about you ... " I say .
"Hmm I've heard a lot about you too " Kathrine says . "Goodie then don't piss me off oh and lover boy tell Elena I'm leaving town for a little bit " I say before waking away .

It's been a few days since I left mystic falls and I've been to lyla's grave and went to her favourite place in New Orleans and fought for cash the last two days before getting back on the road . I pass the mystic falls border and see Stefan calling . I answer it . "What you only call if Elena is in trouble " I say down the phone . "She's been kidnapped " he says . "She's a bloodily danger magnet I swear " I say as I look at my phone seeing a unknown text from someone . "I have to hang up driving and on the phone aren't a good combination but I'll be there soon " I say hanging up . I gasp when someone is in the bloodily middle of the road . I slam my breaks down making the car spin out of control before darkness invades me .

My eyes flutter open to feel my head pounding and I touch my head to see blood lacing my hands . "Your awake " a guy says as I look around to see I'm in some abandoned building and see Elena beside me unconscious.

"Why am I here?" Elena asks like I'm not even here .
"You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them." Rose says her and her friend trevor kidnapped us and he was in the middle of the road making my car flip over . "Why won't you?" Elena asks. "That's another one." Rose says . "You got us , okay? It's not like we can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me " Elena says again with the me . "I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service." Rose says . "Delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena says . "Two points to the eavesdropper." Rose says . "Who is he? Is he a vampire?"i ask . "He's one of the vampires, the originals." Rose says . "What do you mean the originals?" Elena asks. "Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you both your vampire history?" Rose says . "So you know Stefan and Damon?" I ask . "I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress." Rose says . "Who are the originals?" Elena asks . "Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess." Rose says .
"But why me?" Elena asks me again . She's so self obsessed. "Because you're both a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to breaking the curse." Rose says . "The curse? The sun and the moon curse?" Elena says making me confused I'm still trying catch up apparently Kathrine is in the tomb she was originally supposed to be in at 1964 . And Mason and Tyler are werewolves well masons dead but Tyler triggered his curse by accidently killing Sarah . "Oh, you do know your history." Rose says . Oh and Caroline's a vampires thanks to Kathrine .
"What do you mean were the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse." I say . "No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it." Rose says . "The sacrifice?" Elena asks .
"The blood of the doppelgänger. You're both the doppelgänger. Which means, in order to break the curse one of is the one who has to die." Rose says . Fabulous.

"Tell me more." Elena says . "Captivity has made her pushy, eh? What do you want to know doppelicious?" Trevor says making me chuckle at the nickname "Who were you running from?" Elena asks making me look at her like are you dumb . "Rose literally said that Woah you are thick" I say as she glared at me and rose chuckles a little .
"The originals." Trevor says . "Yeah, she said that. What does that mean?" Elena says . "The first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off." Trevor says as rose clear her throat . "Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us dead." Trevor says .
"What did you do?" I ask . "He made the same mistake countless others did: he trusted Katerina Petrova." Rose says ."Katherine." Elena says no shit .
"The one and only, the first Petrova Doppelgänger." Rose says . "I helped her escape her fate and now I've, sorry, we've been marked ever since." Trevor says . "Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again." Rose says .

Trevor rushes around like his head cut off because Elijah is here . I walk walking and turn around to be meet by a guy wearing a dark navy suit brown dark hair and brown eyes that could send you crumbling .
He vamp speeds in front of me Elena and Elena flinches will I remain emotionless . He leans closer to us . "Human. It's impossible. Hello there." He says looking between me and Elena . "Clearly not impossible because we're standing here " i say as Elijha turns to me . "What's your name ?" He asks . "None of your business " I say as he looks to rose . "Skye's nothing like Elena " rose says as he turns back to me . "Yeah she's right about that one " I say .

Elijah ends up killing Trevor for not being loyal to him 500 hundred years ago and he proceeds to take us with him . Turns out Stefan and Damon are here and ended up killing Elijah and rose ran off don't blame her . Elena pulls Stefan into a hug . I notice Damon mouth something to Elena as he smiles . They go to leave . "You coming " Damon asks . "Nope I'll drive myself thanks " I say as they leave and I take a seat on the stairs . Something tells me Elijah isn't dead . He looks dead impaled with a coat rack pole but alive for a thousand years and that easily killed doesn't add up I'm not a foul . I pull my phone out seeing Jeremy calling . "Yes "
I say . "Where's Elena ?" He asks . Thanks for the concern. "She's fine Stefan and Damon are with her " I say and then he hangs up . "Your welcome " I say putting my phone down and seeing Elijah start to awaken . "Took your time " I say as he looks to me and removes the pole impaling him and drops it to the floor . "You stayed " he says . "And your not dead shocker " I say as I see a hint of a smile play on his lips .

"Your not close with your twin are you " Elijah asks as we walk to my car . "Why'd you say that ?" I ask .
"The way she kept saying her not we " Elijah says .
"I'm sure for a thousand year old vampire you know caring makes you weak ... so you eliminate the weakness see you around Elijha " I say getting into my car and leaving .

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