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ELIJAH /: i look through the file of Skye's trying find out how she knew of my family before I even told her . "What you looking at ?" Jonas asks .
"Skye she's different from the others " I say.
" Ah the twin of Elena she's got one hell of a mean swing " Jonas says . "You know here " I ask . "No my son goes to school with her she's gets into a lot of fights with other kids always getting suspended " he says . "Know anything else about her " I ask . "Quite a lot .... Something about her doesn't make sense to me ... " he says grabbing something from his desk . "What do you mean ?" I ask . " the whole island thing her dad boat going down I used to maintain his boat it wouldn't just go down like that it snapped in half " he says . "What happened?" I ask. "The boat sank during a storm people say it was a accident I don't think so Skye's father died she survived spent the next five years on a island before she finally got back home but when she came back it was like she was a completely different person .... Didn't help with her mother though ... Skye went down hill from there until she found out about the supernatural that's when people started questioning how she can fight the way she can and snap a vampires neck without any effort ... I kept my eyes on Skye since she came back she's different a-lot different " he says . "What was she like before " I ask. . "As far as I can tell she was kind always protected Lucas from bullies in school ... didn't take anything of from anyone..always put everyone first but now she's cold ... closed off ... doesn't even show any emotion not towards anyone ... doesn't speak to Lucas anymore .... And her siblings are well that's a whole other story you should ask her " he says as I look at the file again . "Look just be careful around her .... She's not who she used to be anymore ... " he says .

I pin Damon up to the wall . "What do you think your playing at " I say showing him the dagger he plans to use one Elijah at the dinner party . "I'd let go of me " see he says as I grip his throat tighter . "You do realise he is the only way to get to klaus you dagger him the deals off and anyone who wants to kill you will " I say . "He's planning to kill klaus after the sacrifice" Damon says . "That means Elena will be dead " Damon says . "Who said Elena had to die " I say as he looks at me confused . "What are you planning " Damon asks . "None of your business and if you do anything to fuck it up you won't have to worry about Elijah killing you I'll kill you myself " I whisper into his ear before letting him go . "Everything okay here " Elijah says arriving as I look to Damon as his rubs his throat . "All good " Damon says . "Watch yourself with that one " I say looking at Elijah and then to Damon before leaving .

"Your sister is off her bloodily rails " I say down the phone to Elena and Stefan as there at the lake house for the weekend.

"You know what she's planning ?" Stefan asks .

"No I swear to good she reminds me of Kathrine " I say .

"She's not Kathrine " Elena says .

"Your sure about that " I say .

"Yes no matter how much Skye says she doesn't care she always saved us " Elena says .

"Yeah wonder why " I say .

"Look just keep a eye on her " Stefan says .

"Will do ?" I say before hanging up .

I get home after finding out lyla's mom was murdered to fond something Lyla gave me a few days before she died . "I heard what happened " Elijah says as I grab a drink . "What are you doing here Hmm don't you have some plans or whatever " I say . "No I came to see how your doing " he asks .
"I appreciate the gesture just glad it's over " I say downing the rest of my bourbon . the police caught the guy who killed her . "You know I don't believe that " Elijah says . "Go home Elijah it's a whole new day tomorrow " I say . "Skye I'm your friend " Elijah says as I cut him off . "I'm well aware of that " I say .
"And a friend usually knows when there friend is hurting " Elijah says as I look to him . "What do you wanna hear that I cared about Lily ... that I'm upset we'll I didn't and I'm not " I say before going to leave the kitchen . "There you go again pretending to turn it all off pretending not to feel anything don't give up Skye " he says . "I feel Elijah ....okay and it sucks what sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me he was coming after me " I say . "You feel guilty " he says as I walk closer to him . "That would be human of me wouldn't it Elijah but I am human and I can shut out my emotions just as easy as you can shut you humanity switch off it's that easy " I say .
" go home Elijah its been enough doom and gloom and personal growth for one night " I say . He goes to leave only to pull me into a hug . I hold my tears back not wanting them to fall . "Goodnight Skye " he says before leaving .

"Kathrine " I say as I turn around to see her smirking . "Looks like Damon used the dagger on Elijah and I'm out your plan worked " she says . "We'll I didn't expect Elijha to get daggered twice once by Alaric and then my sister but he's a bit of a idiot if he fell for it twice I did warn him " I say . "Your free to get the hell away from this town and anything to do with klaus. " I say . "No I'm gonna stay here help you and only you .... We all want klaus dead " Kathrine says as I smile .

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