Story time

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ELIJHA/: "So, enlighten me. What did you mean when you said you had to die? "I ask . "That's was the Harvest was. They said they'd put us four girls in a state of, like, peaceful limbo as part of the offering. And then later, at the Reaping, we'd awaken and be reborn. I never got as far as the limbo part, which means the Harvest isn't complete. That's why the witches are so freaked out. The Reaping is just around the corner, and if they don't finish it before then, it's over. All I have to do is wait it out. " Davina says .. "And then what? " I say . "They're punished, and I'm free. " Davina says . "From Marcel? " Elijah says . "All Of magic. All our power will drain away. I'll be normal. " Davina says as I see her smile slightly. " Is that what you want? To be normal? " I say . "I just don't wanna be what I am. I can't control it sometimes. Magic. I... hurt people. Even when I don't mean to. " Davina says . "Why don't you tell me about your friends. You must miss them. " Elijah says . "There's Tim. He doesn't know about any of this witch stuff. He's normal. My best friend, Monique. She was a part of the Harvest too. She's lucky. No one ever fought for me, but someone fought for her. The only one who ever spoke out against the Harvest was Monique's aunt. " Davina says . "And who is that? " I say . "Sophie Deveraux. " Davina says making me look shocked . I'm sorry what ! and I'm learning about this now .

"No one but Sophie ever questioned the Harvest. Not even my own mother. So neither did I. We thought it was such an honor, we had such faith. We were so stupid. " Davina says . "So how did it begin? " i ask. "We were led out like princesses. My mother was so proud. Bastiana, one of the Elders, called upon the four elements to bind our past and future magic together. Earth, to connect us to our ancestors. Water, to heal the community. Wind, to carry us to our ancestors and back. Fire, to purify. After all our preperation, we knew exactly what to expect. For weeks they told us that the magic in the knife they used to cut our palms would put us to sleep, and that later at the Reaping, we would all be resurrected. They said we'd awaken, and all be together and more powerful than ever. And it was just like we rehearsed it. All that was left was a little cut on our palms for the blood sacrifice." Davina says as I can hear the pain in her voice .

"Even after Sophie tried to stop it, we didn't suspect anything." Davina says . "Everyone involved in the ritual knew that this would happen. " I say "Except the four of us. They weren't putting us to sleep, they were slaughtering us!" Davina says as her voice cracks from the emotion about talking about it . "I begged for someone to help. My own mother turned away from me. Sophie screamed and screamed for her sister, anyone, to do something." Davina says . "But no one did. " Elijah says . "And yet you survived. Therefore, someone or something intervened. " I say as Davina nods . "Yes. Someone finally did." Davina says as she explains it was marcel that saved her that night .

"Every girl who died released her power on to the next. When I was the last one, I suddenly had all of it, all the power that was supposed to be released back into the earth to appease our ancestors. " Davina says . No wonder why I could sense her power . "So... the Harvest was actually working? " Elijah says . "Something was working. And I knew that I was supposed to be killed so the Harvest could be completed and we would all be resurrected. But, they lied to us about how they were killing us. How do I know they weren't lying to us about coming back? , But mostly, I just didn't want to die. So, I let him save me. Marcel saved my life." Davina says .

I hold up Tim's violin as I fixed it. "You may return this now to its rightful owner. It's restored. " Elijah says as Davina takes the instrument and stares at it sadly . "I don't even know if I'll see him again. " Davina says as The room starts to shake, as if they're in an earthquake. I , and Davina look around worriedly, and the window shutters burst open as the shaking stops . "Davina, this power that you contain, drawn from your fallen friends-it's too much for you. You need control, which requires study and practice. Now, my mother was a very powerful witch. She left behind her grimoires, a legacy of books filled with spells. These books contain all of the tools that you might need to control your magic. If you free me from here, I can share them with you. However, if you leave now with Marcel, we'll never see each other again, and I cannot find you, and I can't help you. " Elijah says .

"The witches manipulated me. You know how that ended. " Davina says . "Its not manipulation. This is one thing in exchange for another. Were offering you a deal. " I say . Davina plans to fake fall unconscious when marcel comes to pick her up . I hide behind the wall as marcel brings Davina through the attic and tucks her into her bed and leaves . "Elijah, " Davina calls out and i come out from hiding . "I'm pleased you stayed. " i say t. "You'll keep your promise about your Easter's spell book? " Davina says . "We will. You know, difficulties aside, I value my family above everything. I am sorry that yours failed you. " Elijah says .

"Your brother Klaus handed you to Marcel in a box, yet you still don't give up on him? " Davina says . "Well, I've given up on giving up. It's an affliction. I will fight for my family until my last breath. " Elijah says . "And I'll fight the witches until mine." Davina says .

Rebekah pours several drinks as she talks to Hayley and I well I'm Half listening as I'm loading my quiver with arrows . Decided I need a few weapons if I'm gonna keep fighting vampire and werewolf's and witches in this city . "I don't care if we have to get you a leash, that was your last trip to the bayou. What is it with you and those wolves, anyway? " Rebekah asks Hayley . "I feel like we're connected somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just some pipe dream that I have of finding any real family out there. But sometimes, when I feel like it's me against the world, it keeps me going. " she says . Rebekah gives Hayley a sympathetic look and hands her a drink. Hayley side-eyes her, and Rebekah suddenly remembers that Hayley is pregnant and can't drink, so she drinks Hayley's glass in one gulp, and then drinks her own making me smile as I down mine .
"Oh, right. Well, if you ask me, family is a pain in the behind. " Rebekah says . "For sure " I say speaking up as I look at the arrow and smile seeing my symbol stamped into them . "And as for being in it alone, how dare you? I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the bayou for just anyone. " Rebekah says to Hayley making me chuckle . I don't even realise the door opened as I'm not focused on looking at the arrows and put the ones from the bayou and mine together seeing differences . I wanna know who they were . "Boo " someone says as I turn around to see Elijah . "Your an idiot " I say as he chuckles and I pull him into a hug . "Maybe " he says . "You know I don't fall unconscious suddenly you need to stop getting daggered it bloodily hurts " I say as he pulls me into a hug . "Try not too " he says making me chuckle .

"Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie. This story that Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between vampires and witches, wasn't over territory at all, this was over Davina. " Elijah says.
"Eight months ago, Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed. Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister can use you to find Davina. If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power. This is about family. In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone. " Elijah says.

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