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I wake up to feel a punch in my arm and go to move only to see the restraints around my wrists . Ah for the love of god . "Let me guess witches " I say as I look to the women putting a blood transfusion needle in my arm . "Your quickly to catch on " she says . "Ah wouldn't be the first Time a witch wanted my blood " I say as I try tanking the restraints off but they do not budge . "Ah you spelled them clever " I say . "Can't be too careful with you can we quake " she says quake . I chuckle at the name . "What you planing hostile take over ... witch spells " I say . "No confirming a pregnancy " she says making me confused . "Your pregnant congrats " I say feeling dizzy . "No me someone else your blood helps strengthen the spell seeing as your a shadow Hunter with full angel blood ruining through your veins i don't think your aware of how powerful you are " she says . "Ah I have a idea " I say chuckling . "Your quite calm for someone tied up " she says . "Oh honey this isn't the first time " I say .

"Come back for more have we " I say as I sit leaning against the wall . As Sophie walks back through I caught her name after she keeps injecting me with yarrow that's literally wiping me out . "Where are we even at anyways " I ask as she replaces the blood bag placing a empty one back on the clip and it starts slowing filling up . "New Orleans " she says making me lightly chuckle weakly . "Ah your gonna be in so much trouble when my parabati knows I'm gone " I say . "Me know all about you and Elijah and your connection to him it's why we blocked the parabati tracing with our magic " she says making me face drop . "We know everything about you ... your quite famous around the world and amongst all supernatural creatures especially us witches " she says before leaving again .

"Come on " Sophie says pulling my up and I nearly fall from all of the blood loss and the yarrow in my system. "You take anymore your Gonna kill me "I whisper out weakly . "Can't be to carefully your incredibly powerful " she says as she she supports me up and we go into a crypt . "Ah Elijah wondered when you'd show up I think I need to start donating my blood as everyone seems to want to pinch it " I say as I also see Hayley . And some witches beside me . "I swear to god you hurt her. "Elijah says . "Don't worry we won't as-long as klaus agrees to our terms as you can see she's not looking to great " Sophie says . "Probably still kill you " I say weakly . "What makes you think you can control the hybrid? " Agnes the other witch says . "She can't. I'm not entirely certain that I can, either. But now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question: What prevents my brother from murder you instead of cooperating? " Elijah says making me chuckle weakly . "He's right Klaus doesn't listen to anything " I say .

"Sophie takes a needle and shows it to Elijah . She sticks the needle into her hand. "Ow !" Me and hayley says I'm unison as I look to my hand bleeding exactly at the same point where Sophie hurt herself.
"What the hell!? " Hayley says . "The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed? It didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley and Skye So anything that happens to me, happens to them , which means there life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Hayley and Skye - or worse - to ensure that I have your attention, I will. " Sophie says . "Uh what now !" I say looking to Hayley and Sophie . Klaus has a child . "Am I missing something " I say weakly .
"The child Hayley is carrying is klaus's " Sophie says as I look to Hayley and them to Elijah . "How far along are you " I ask looking to Hayley . "A month " she says as I clench my jaw shut pissed .
"You would dare threaten an Original? " Elijah says to Sophie . "I have nothing to lose. " she says .
"You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind. " Sophie says

I mess around with the broken glass shard on the floor trying to take my mind off what I just found out . It was all a lie . "Skye " Elijah says as coming into the crypt and takes of the restraints . "What are you doing here ?" I ask . "The deal is done come on " he says as he pulls me up off the floor and I take a step back from him . "Skye " Elijah says worry filling his face . "He lied to me ... he slept with Hayley while he was with me ... I don't wanna see his face ...keep him away from me " I say leaving .

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