Off switch

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I grab some things from my apartment as klaus is demanding i stay there for a few days because someone trashed my car and my apartment .
I grab my leather jacket when I feel someone hands go around my mouth making me reach . "Shh shh " I hear Riley says as I start to feel dizzy . "Don't fight it " he says as fall limp in his embrace falling unconscious.

I wake up to feeling sick and dizzy . I get up and notice the restraints around my wait and wrists and sit back down feeling like I'm gonna pass out
"Ah your awake " Riley says he says pulling me up . "What the hell did you do to me " I say . "Gave you some yarrow seems like vervain and wolfsbane mixed together you've been out for quite some time " he says I look around to find on some bloodily island . "Where the hell are we " I ask . "Getting the cure your brother completed the hunters mark it's buried with Silas I'm gonna cram the cure down the his throat and he's gonna kill the lot of you " he says pushing me to move . "Now move " he says .

I am taking pictures of Jeremy's tattoo ."Sorry, if there was a less awkward way to do this, I would." I say ."Doesn't bother me." He says making me smile .
"These symbols must have been left for the hunters, so they can find the cure. And this must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. According to Shane, Silas asked Qetsiyah for help making a spell for immortality. She helped make him immortal, only to learn that he planned to use the same spell on another women, not her. When she found out, she freaked." I say . "So, Qetsiyah killed the other woman?" Jeremy says . "Yeah. Silas was immortal. She couldn't kill him. So she trapped him in a cave, and buried him alive instead." I say . "Does it say anything about the hunter's purpose in all this?" He asks as Shane comes up to us ."I was wondering when you'd ask. Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality, and then she buried it with Silas, hoping that he'd take it and die, and end up on the other side with her for all eternity. But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So, many centuries later, her descendants created the hunters to find him, cure him and kill him. You know what? I'll explain on the hike. Come on. We gotta get going." Shane says as we all begin to hike through the woods.

I stand in the living room, looking at Kol's burnt corpse. After jeremy and Elena killed him with the white oak stake and completing the hunters mark . Tyler walks in the front door. "Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic." He says . "Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets." I say . "My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal." He says . "I'm an Original. What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline won't be cured along with me? I.e., you." I say . "You know what I think? I think that's impossible. I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. So, whatever happens to you, happens only to you, which means I can kill your ass and no one else has to die. Although I am still debating just how to do it." Tyler says as I vamp speed towards Tyler, but can't get him due to the barrier bonnie bloodily put up .
"I recommend drowning. There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter." I say smirking as he looks pissed .

I go rolling down the hill fighting Riley and we go crashing against the tree . I use my power and snap Riley's neck now the yarrow has worn off . "Little bitch " I say as I get up . I take his phone out of his pocket and call klaus . "Pick up " I whisper as I look around see rope in Riley's bag and tie him to a tree .
I can't kill or I'll get the hunters curse don't want that . You kill one of them they hunt you till they make you there last victim . "Skye " I hear Caroline says down the phone . "Caroline why do you have klaus's phone " I ask . "Because he's stuck in Elena's living room till nightfall " she says . "We'll pass him the phone or at least put it on speaker " I say .
"Hello love " I hear klaus says . "Big problem " I say as I kick Riley awake . "My ex decided to pay a bust and now we're on some bloodily island and he wants the cure " I say . "Wakey wakey mate " is Ah to Riley as he stires awake . "And I can't kill or I'll get the bloodily hunters curse " I say . "Elena and the others should be there by now " Tyler says . "Oh great because there's more of these's pathetic hunters out here " I say . "Yeah and there all coming for you quake whos blood do you think will wake up silas " Riley says . "Shut up before I knock you out again " I say . "Look do you need the sword to dechiper the map to know where the cure is " I say . "The sword " Tyler says . "Yes the sword Nik must of got it off Rebekah by now " I say . "I have love " klaus says .
"We'll bloodily speak Aramaic and dechiper the thing so I can grab it before anyone else does because I have a feeling someone else here someone been following us for a while " I say as I turn around catching a arrow . "And it begins .... Gotta go looks like I got a party of six to deal with " I say hanging up .

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