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I wake up gasping for air and I feel the compound start to shake seeing flashes of me in the safe and what the ancestor's did to me as I struggle to breathe . "Skye skye " Elijah says as I snap out of the flashbacks . I look around seeing my glass mirrors and window shattered and broken . "Your okay , your safe " he whispers pulling me into a hug as the compound continues to shake . "I can't control it something is very wrong with me " I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks as he takes my hand . "Your safe I promise you " he says .

I take a seat beside Hayley as she tells me klaus took hope to Rebekah to keep her hidden and safe whilst we deal with the gurrea werewolves and everyone else . I get up and grab me and Hayley a drink when I get flash backs of my drowning . "Skye " Hayley says making me snap out of it seeing the glass shattered between my hands . I shake off the glass . "You okay where did you go " Hayley asks getting up . "Ah all that and I still can't my own strength

Last couple days I just keep getting the memories , flashes to stop coming to me I ended up killing some witches that was helping Genevieve before she died .
I need to kill them , I had to . I look out my window seeing the sun rise of my apartment . "Skye you can't keep going like this " Lincoln says as elijha and Hayley, klaus , cami enter my apartment . "Yeah well if I don't kill them she wins the ancestor's win " I say as I down my drink placing the glass on the table in front of me . . "And what if they decide to hit back and kills you first witches aren't exactly easy to take down , we just got you back , don't do anything crazy , you and I have been down the revenge road and it's not worth it " Elijah says .
"You know there's where these moments in that safe , stillness in time when I was dead right before I was about to come back to life , I would think about things in the past that made me happy , things that give me hope " I say as I turn to them . "All these things kept me sane , they pushed me to hang on when all I wanted to do was give up and turn off my humanity , but eventually the pain took those moments away from me too " I say . "I'm so sorry " Elijah says . "You know every time I close my eyes I can see Genevieve stabbing me .. I can feel my self drowning all over again I can feel there magic ripping through my body , I need to make it stop if I don't kill the witches responsible for nearly killing your child or locking me in that safe to drown over and over again ...for nearly completely ripping my soul apart twice ... I'm gonna lose my mind or I'm gonna lose my humanity or both " I say before leaving before they could say another word .

I end up killing all the witches responsible for my death for me turning into a vampire for the witches trying to kill hope Hayley's and klaus child for the witches trying to shred me part with the life blood stone . I use my power against the witch throwing him into the wall and pulling him into a choke hold and completely snapping his spine and then neck .
"That's for hayley you little bitch " I whisper as I let his body drop to the floor . All the anger can't be explained that I have right now .

I finish burying the last witch I killed by snapping her neck . "So there all dead it's over " Lincoln says .
"Yeah it's over " I say as Elijah arrive beside him with Rebekah. "Are you okay " Elijah asks . "I'm fine " I say not facing him . "Look at me and tell me that killing all theses witches responsible worked that you'll be okay now " he says as I turn around to him . "Why is this so important to you " I say .
"Because I know how much she stole from you Skye " Elijah says . "Yeah and she's dead before I could get to her " I say . "Because while you was suffering in that safe grasping into hope fighting every second that you wouldn't lose your humanity I was dealing with the witches that came back after the harvest ,I thought you left and it turns out you was locked in a safe drowning over and over again so I need to know that this worked " he says . "I need to know that's it's gonna take away all your suffering , I need to know that your gonna be okay " he says . "I wanted it to be you when someone finally opened that safe and found me I wanted it to be you I wanted it to be all of you " I say before leaving

LINCOLN /: "what are we supposed to do because she is suffering so much right now." I say looking at the others . "We don't know "Marcel says . "We don't know or we can't figure out to help her which one is it " I say losing my temper and leaving the room .

I lean against living room the wall struggling to breathe as I receive flashes of drowning . " no " I say it should've of stopped it should've of stopped I liked them . "Skye " I turn around to be met with klaus . "Go away before i snap your neck " I say. "And how are you gonna do that you know since your having your little panic attacks " klaus says annoying me "I'm fine " I say . "Yeah of course you are the picture of mental health skye after being locked 4 months in a safe at a bottom of a quarry " klaus says . "I am dealing with it " I say breaking the glass in my hands . I stop my hand from shaking as the glass falls to the floor . " see that's my point ...I know I mean I heard you dealing with it earlier today sounded like you freaked out and broke a chair maybe even two so how are you gonna snap my neck if you can't even help yourself " he says . "So does this mean you want to get knocked out " I say sarcastically . "No I just want you back to normal and 100% " he says . "So I may have called someone " klaus says making me look at him confused .

My eyes flutter open taking in the darkness around the safe . "So try not to be mad at me . I got in here while you was unconscious and then Klaus locked us inside , it was the only way " mollie says making me panic as I hit the door of the safe but it doesn't budge . This sends me into panic mode remembering everything . "I know it's a little extreme but the baby steps weren't working Skye " klaus says from outside . My breathing becomes heavy remembering my self drown over and over again . "See that's why I need you to not get mad at me because when you get mad, you get anxious and violent, but I'm gonna help you fix that trouble " mollie says patting me in the shoulder . "Elijah , Klaus get me out of here before I hurt her " I say . "That's the whole point skye you need to get over your ptsd triggers okay or else you will kill me " she says as I try controlling my breathing . "Your risking your life " I say . "You helped me it's my turn to help you now " shes says . "I can't be in here please " I say struggling to breathe . "Your skye kick ass shadow hunter with powers suck it up " shes says being blunt as I try catching my breath but it's not working .

"So I've been using this time to think that your in love with Lincoln I think your miserable about that fact you don't wanna hurt him and you wanna get out of this one horse city and far away from your own happiness as possible because you think it will come crumbling down the second you do yet somehow you keep finding excuses to stay in New Orleans " she says making me lose it .
I grip her neck "I'm gonna kill you " I say . "Yeah good get it all out Skye I think this is healthy although don't you forget you love me " she says . "Any reason you choice to have this conversation with me locked in a safe " I say trying to catch my breath . "Yes so i could show you that the safe isn't the problem " she says . "How could you say that to me " I say out of breath still gripping her throat . "The problem is your not facing your real issues the death that you felt in the safe the pain of dying over and over again it's easier for you to focus on the physical pain then the emotional heartbreak ... of everyone dying or leaving you " she says as I feel my eyes glow and the safe shaking . "your problem is your not in touch of the reality of the moment let's bring you back to the present shall we in this moment are you gonna kill me or are you gonna save my life " she says as it pushes everything out of the way as I'm flipping out more like panicking . "Skye fight it " mollie says . Fight it " she says as I feel my eyes go back to normal and the safe stop shaking t as I breathe heavily completely exhausted and drained . "Your okay , " she says holding my hand . After a few minutes, I pull mollie out of the safe after klaus opened it and mollie pulls me into a hug . "You did it " she says as I hug her tightly I nearly killed her having my little episodes .

I see klaus and Elijah walk into my apartment just as I put my phone on charge . "So admit it I do know what where doing " klaus says making me chuckle . "To be honest with you I never know exactly what your both doing " I say as he smiles . He passes my part of the chair I broke earlier . "Sometimes we don't either " elijah says making me smile . I throw the wood into the fire and they both pull me into a hug . "Thank you " I say . "Your welcome " they both say . "You never told us how you came back " klaus asks . "Angel zazeil pulled me away from the witches at the last second " I say as they look confused . "He was the first shadow Hunter he created them ... he told me I shouldn't of been died and that I needed to be here he gave me a second chance " I say

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