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I'm not gonna lie these last couple of weeks have been the toughest moments of my life trying to adjust to me and klaus just being friends to adjust to everything that I lost and had to endure these last couple of months. Lincoln has made a full recovery... mollie moved to New York my mom and dad have stuck around and have helped as much as they could but they have lives as well . The others have so helped in so much even when I try pushing them away because I don't wanna hurt them but they don't let up . I also met davina the teenager witch Marcel has been protecting from the witches because of the harvest and she's sweet beautiful sixteen year old witch caught up in the supernatural world too young . She deserves so much more .

"There learning pretty quickly " Marcel says as I lean against the door frame watching two of marcels vampires fighting each other sparring . "You did ask me to them did you not " I say . "Yes and I'm glad you reconsidered " he says . "Yeah didn't want you or them to get your arse kicked again "I say as he chuckles . "Thank you " he says . "Your welcome " I says .

I finish my rounds at the hospital and check in on max he's go cancer on his second treatment ...he's so strong as well . I place the quilt over him and place a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room and see Hayley and Rebekah . "Hey what are you two doing here ?" I ask . "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't necessary It's the werewolves who need help. Klaus He ordered a wolf hunt as some jacked-up peace offering to Marcel's crew. "Hayley says as I go over to the front desk filling out the the patient forms from today . "Why has he done that " I ask it still hurts but it's hurting less each day . "Because he's got marvels vampires on his side and they don't like the werewolf's at the bayou all my life, I've wanted to know who my real family was, and just as I find out that they're out there in the bayou, Klaus orders them killed. Help my people. Please. " she asks . "Typically of nik to do that but I will help you just because it's you who's asking " I say to Hayley as she smiles . "Thank you " she says . "Yeah no problem " I say .

After work I head home and grab a few things just in case I have to fight and tuck my seraph blade behind my back as I leave my house and arrive at the bayou with Rebekah . "I'd rather you didn't. " I say seeing Diego tip over a table as the vampires search around for the wolves . "The hell are you doing out here? " he asks . "I've come to suggest you seek other hunting grounds. " I say as he shrugs. "Suggestion noted... " he says as Rebekah walks up to him
"Oh Diego, it would be such a shame to have to rearrange that pretty face. " she says making me smile . She swings her arm to punch him in the face, but Diego stops her by grabbing her arm. "What the hell do you care about wolves? " Diego says .
"Generally, I don't. However, this particular clan is not to be touched. Goodbye. " I say as Rebekah smiles sweetly and whispers to Diego . "Bye. " she whispers to him . Diego looks to his fellow vampires "Nothing here anyway. " he says as He whistles, and the hunting party leaves "Ah, great. I think as well our job here is done. " Rebekah says . As I sense something supernatural in their nearby surroundings . "Not quite. " I say using my speed ruin and find Eve, who is standing by a tree, waiting.
"We're not here to harm you. Hello, again. Eve, was it? " I say . "One of Hayley's litter-mates, I presume?" Rebekah says arriving . "Hayley sent you here to protect us, didn't she? Tell her we appreciate the concern, but we've been looking out for ourselves for a while now. Nobody finds us unless we wanna be found." Eve says . "Well, we found you, so... " Rebekah says . "Like I said. There's something I thought you and your family should know about. " she says as she starts walking along the path with a stake and a map in her hands .

"Me , Eve, Elijah and Rebekah have stopped by the lake and Eve is showing a map to the siblings.
"Surrounded by 20,000 acres of swamp, the ones born here who now know it like the backs of our hands, will be fine. But here, " she says as she points at the map with her stake . "newcomers from out of state - not of Hayley's and my kin. But, word's spread about that baby of hers. A lot of werewolves wanna see this miracle pregnancy for themselves. Only now, the vampires are out looking for blood, and all these werewolves new at the bayou might not know where to hide. " eve says . "You say that like we're supposed to care. " Rebekah says as I kick her foot looking at her serious as she shrugs making me slightly smile . "Believe me, you're gonna want them kept alive. " eve says . "And why is that? " Elijah asks . "See for yourself. " she says .

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