Mind games

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I jump into Elijah's embrace as he spins me around . "How was New York " I say as he sets me down after moment . "Complicated " he says mmaomg em chuckle . "We'll being with Kathrine does that " I say as he signs " you know " he says . "Oh yeah I'm your parabati I know everything " I say as he chuckles .
"Rebekah got the cure yet " I ask . "We made a deal she tries being human for a day no vampire abilities I'll give her the cure if she succeeds " Elijah says . "At least your giving her a change nik is hell Bent on not too " I say . "Oh Yeah something you wanna tell me " Elijha says as I look to him . "What ?" I ask . "Hmm " he says coughing fakley looking at klaus as he passes by the living room . "You know " I say as he nods . "I'm your parabati I know everything " he says making me chuckle as I playfully hit him in the chest making him chuckle .

"I am not going " I say looking at Rebekah and Elena as Elena and Rebekah have become a little duo lately . "It's prom you have too " Rebekah says .
"No I don't " I say getting up out of the booth .
"Your coming that's No decision " Rebekah says . L fine " i say . "Anyways I have to go but don't go stealing the princesses dress will ya " I say as they chuckle and I leave .

"What's wrong your got your thinking face on " Elijah says . "My thinking face " I say . "Yeah you have a thinking face , a annoyed face ,..angry face ... stressed face " he says pointing to my head. ."okay okay I get it " I say as he chuckles . "So what's on your mind " he asks . "Ah Rebekah asked me to go prom with her but I don't wanna go not something I do that's her thing " I say . "Will it kill you " he says . "No but ..." I say . "Go then " he says interjecting mid sentence. "Ah rude" I say as he shrugs chucking . "You'll regret it otherwise " Elijah says . " no I won't " I say . "I'll carry you out if you don't go " he says making me chuckle . "Oh really " I say as he goes to grab me but I move out of the way .
I giggle as he tries carrying me . "Ah ah " I say as we play fight making us both giggle .

"You came " Rebekah says as we go into the school gym where the prom is being held . "We'll Elijah wouldn't let me say no " I say as she giggles . "Sounds like him " Rebekah says . "Your here " Elena says coming over in Caroline's dress Caroline told me she stole it . "Why you wearing Caroline's dress " revel has ask . "I stole it " Elena says as I look over Elena's shoulder seeing Caroline come in with a beautiful dress . "We'll she found something better " I say smiling . "You gave her a dress didn't you " Elena says looking to me . "Yep and she looks stunning in it " I say . "How's klaus by the way " Elena asks making me look to her. . "Back to that are we " I say . "I never ended it ... you did not me " Elena says . "Hold on what are you talking about " Rebekah asks . "Oh she didn't tell you she slept with klaus " Elena says as I chuckle a little bit for grilling her neck . "Turn it back on " I say as she grips my throat and I grab her wrist pulling it away from my throat as I put strength here . "I'm stronger then you Elena why pick a fight you can't win " I say as I groan in pain as she stabs a knife through my shoulder making me let her go . "Your still human I think you forget that " Elena says as I look to her pissed and pull the knife out of my shoulder . She disappears . "You okay " Rebekah asks as place the knife down on the table and use my healing ruin and see my wound start to heal . "She really is pissing me off " I say . "My brother huh " Rebekah says . "Shut up " I say as she chuckles . "Hey I'm not judging " she says .

I arrive at the boarding house and Stefan and Damon let me speak to Elena "I brought you something. It doesn't have any vervain in it, I swear. I just figured a little blood might help you think straight. " I say as I approach Elena , holding out the bottle after she opens it. Elena pauses for a moment before seizing on the bottle and drinking it desperately."For the record, I don't agree with what they're doing. I mean, I agree that you need to turn your humanity back on, but I don't think that making you suffer is the way to do it. That's not who you are." I say . Elena spins the empty bottle on the stone floor."What makes you such an expert on who I am?" She asks . "Because your my sister " I say ."I tried to kill you, Skye . I'm not exactly sister-material anymore. You should move on." Elena says . Elena continues to spin the bottle on the floor until I reach out suddenly and stills it. "I am not going to give up on you." I say .

"This annoying, clingy thing that you're doing-- did it ever occur to you maybe that's why both your boyfriends are dead I mean, I know that Riley was on the island and he betrayed you , but maybe he was running from you. And Klaus? I mean, let's just say it: nobody likes a tease. " Elena says as I roll my eyes at her . "Hey, I'm not judging. Might be nice to have a bad boy ruffle those perfect feathers." Elena says as I close my eyes for second trying not to snap at her . "You're in pain, you're lashing out, I get it. But you can't stay this way forever. We're about to graduate, and start new lives! And you deserve-" I say . "Are you seriously talking about high school graduation? Skye , do you realize how pathetic you're gonna look in that cap and gown, pretending to be normal " she says . I'm done I've lost my patience . I get of the chair . "It's really too bad Stefan stopped me before I put you out of your misery, but hey, here's to second chances." Elena says as she speeds over to me and I throw her over my shoulder . "Elena " I say as she growls, teeth bared. Elena doesn't let up so I snap her neck . "Do what we you have to " I say leaving the cell and letting Damon and Stefan deal with her .

I step outside for some air I run my hand through my hair when I hear my phone ping and see Elijah message about him going to New Orleans for some business . I go to my car and fumble my bloodily keys and pick them up when I hear rustling noise nearby . I stand up and look around to almost punch klaus across the face . "Oh my god " I say out of shocked he just appears out of nowhere I swear .
"Hello Skye " he says .

We walk through the woods to get some quite . "
"Everyone said that you were gone for good." I say . "It's true. But I never meant to go without saying goodbye to you " he says so he's really leaving then .
"You don't owe me an explanation. You're moving on-- by all means, go." I say . "Well, that's just it, isn't it? I never had any intention of moving on. The truth is, I've tried to stop thinking about you, and I can't." He says as he steps forward and I step back making me fall back into a tree . "Come to New Orleans. What are you afraid of?" He says as our lips are cm's apart making my skin tingle like electric as his closeness . "You! I'm afraid of you because if I admit ... doesn't matter " I say . "Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you're afraid of yourself, your darkest desires? Elena was right, wasn't she? Deep down, you long to have your perfect feathers ruffled." Klaus says making me look at him confused how did he know what Elena said . "How do you know what Elena said to me in that cell?" I ask his expression changed as he pins me against the tree .
"Then again, there's so much to be afraid of, isn't there? Like what I'll do to you if your friend Bonnie doesn't come out of hiding. Where is she?" He says as my eyes widen in thought. ."Silas." I say .
"Where is she?! " he shouts gripping my jaw in his hands . "She's not at home, she's not anywhere. Bonnie is playing games with me, and I don't like it. " he says leaning closer . "Tell her I'm looking for her. Tell her to come out of the shadows. Tell her that this- "he says to my ear and I groan in pain feeling something pierce my side . "-is only the beginning." He says as he disappears.

"No look at me Silas he's after bonnie " I say down the phone to Stefan. All sudden I thrown against the car . I get up to only get injected with something making me fall unconscious.

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