Lighten up

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I sit on my roof after rose explained about klaus being a original and him being the one that wants us and there doing it all for him and that's he's the oldest vampire in history or whatever and that we should be shaking . I light up a cigarette smoking it and see Elena calling me and ignore her . "You didn't tell them I was alive " Elijah says taking a seat beside me . "Why should I " I say . "Thank you for not telling them " Elijah says . "Yeah it's fine not exactly on speaking terms with any of them anyways " I say and I put out my cigarette . "Why you up here anyways " Elijah asks . "Why you ?" I ask as he chuckles . "Came to see if your okay " Elijah asks . "I'm fine Elijah I'll see you around " I say backflipping of the roof and landing perfectly. "See ya " I say looking up to Elijah chuckling .

I finish school after getting suspended for the day and Jenna wants me to go to boarding school that's not happening . I arrive at the grill and completely ignore Caroline and Stefan talking . I take a seat at the bar and see Matt at least he doesn't know anything either . "Hey Skye what would you like ?" Matt asks . "The same as always " I say as he smiles . "Gotta ya " Matt says . I down the shot Matt passed me along with my food . He knows I'm underage to be drinking but he allows it for me that's why he's the best he doesn't tell me what I can and can't do .
I pull my phone out of my pocket after hearing it ringing and see Damon calling and decline it .

I rest on the roof looking at the stars there beautiful at night especially when it's a half moon they seem to glow brighter . I finish the bourbon bottle off and throw my cigarette out and climb back into my window and throw off my jacket and put on a hoodie on . I go down stairs and see Stefan and Damon walk in the front door . "Oh it's the vampire society " I say . "Are you actually gonna call us by our names Damon says . "Nope " I say as I grab a lighter from the cupboard that Jenna still doesn't know about . Elena comes down the stairs . "We went to see Kathrine " Stefan says to Elena . Course Kathrine . Stefan explains what Kathrine said to him and Damon .

"You don't believe her, do you? " Elena says . "No, of course not. We just want the moonstone" Damon says . "According to Rose's friend Slater, there's the way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break" Stefan says . "No spell, no doppelganger sacrifice so ergo you two live " Damon says . "How do you destroy it? " I ask . "By releasing it from the moonstone " Stefan says . "How do you guys even know this is gonna work? " Elena asks . "'cause we have a crafty witch on our side " Damon says . "Oh right yeah Bonnies a witch " I say still trying to remember everything. "You discussed with Bonnie " Elena says . "She agreed to do anything she could to help us " Stefan says . "It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you " Elena says . "She's got a point " I say . "We're gonna get it from her " Stefan says making me wanna laugh yeah that's gonna fail . "Well, what he means to say is we will pray for her cold dead head if we have to " Damon says . "Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone and get out in time for her to return it " Stefan says . "Whoa, seems like you guys have already all planned out" Elena says . "Yep, we're awesome " Damon says sarcastically. "Except for one thing. I don't want you to do it " Elena says .
"What are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice " Stefan says . "What about Klaus? " I say . "We'll find him right after we get the moonstone " Stefan says . "Is that before or after that he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you " Elena says . "Elena, if we can dispel the moonstone, we can save your life " Stefan says looking at Elena wow this just gets better . . "I know, everybody keeps saying that " Elena says as She leaves. They look at each other . "Good luck with that " I say as I let them on the shoulder and leave .

I grab the first aid box and my bourbon from my desk draw and close my door before throwing off my top bloodily top and take off the bandages and patches on my bullets wounds . I pour some bourbon over the wound and thread the cotton through the needle and start stitching my side . After a few minutes I place gauze in my shoulder and side covering the bullet wounds and place tapes around edges making it stay in place .

I grab my leather jacket putting it on and head out . I arrive at the old ruins of fells church and go down the stairs to the tomb . "Hello Skye." Kathrine says . "I want you to tell me everything about the originals " I ask . "Why so interested " she asks . "Don't okay games I'll get you out that's a promise " I say . "Why should I trust you " Kathrine says . "Because we both know what's it's like trying to survive and being called the bad guy your not bad Kathrine you just survive like any other sane person would do the others are too stick up there own arse's to see it " I say . "I was right about you your not like the others you have the Petrova fire " Kathrine says looking pale . "Here " I say passing her a bottle of blood knowing. I pass the door she can pull me in . So I keep away from it .

She explains that the originals are in fact a family the mikealson's there mother created them into vampires as she was the original witch and that klaus wanted to break his hybrid curse to become a hybrid half vampire half werewolf first of his kind but he need the doppelgänger ... a vampire .. a werewolf all to be Sacrificed to break his curse to become the first hybrid to walk the Earth. She explained that klaus killed her entire family for running . "Klaus wanted to use you as the sacrifice and you ran ." I say as she nods . "Good for you " I say as she smiles . " find anything that can kill a original" I ask . "Not that I know off " Kathrine says . "Your not thinking of killing klaus are you because that will be stupid and suicidal " Kathrine says . "I'll do whatever I have to " I say . "I'll get you out of here hang tight " I say before leaving .

I get out of my car and put my jacket on and sense someone behind me and turn around to see Elijah . "You know sneaking up on people is what gets people killed " I say . "I can't be killed " he says .
"Wouldn't be so sure on that " I say . "What are you doing here anyways ?" I ask . " came to see if your okay Elena doesn't seem to talk about you much when you both in this together I don't understand " he says . " don't worry your pretty little head about it " I say . "Look I have to go I have things to do but nice seeing your again " I say to Elijah .

After dealing with something for lyla's mom I get her back home and see Jenna pulling out boxes from the stairs cupboard . "What are you doing ?" I ask .
"Your mom's files from the Historical Society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood and by roped, I mean very excited to participate." Jenna says as she passes a box to me and Elena . Jenna closes the door to see Elijah there he's everywhere I swear . Making Elena jump making me try not to laugh .
"Hey, I'm Elijah." He says . "Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls." Jenna says . "It's a pleasure." Elijah says as I cover my mouth trying not to laugh . "So you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff or Elena and Skye and I could help you load it into your car." Jenna says .
"Or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow." Elijah says . "Also a good plan." Jenna says . "Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna; Elena...and Skye " he says . "I hope to see you again sometime soon." He says as he leaves .

I laugh when Elena sprints up stairs to Jeremy ms toon and Elijah stops her and tell her not to say anything while I'm still laughing . Jeremy goes down stairs not even seeing Elijah . "Will you stop " Elena shad turning to me . "No make me " I say as she shuts up . "That's what I thought " I say .
"I think it's time you two and I had a little chat." Elijah says . "Don't need to I know everything " I say before going down stairs Elena can find out herself . Kathrine told me what I need to know .

I close my laptop when Elijah knocks on the door frame of my room . I get and place my laptop on the desk . "So you told Elena klaus is your brother " i say as he looks confused and shocked at the same time . "How did you know that ?" He asks . " because I'm not stupid " I say . "Actually in fact I know everything about your mikealson family and I know klaus is wanting to break his hybrid curse. " I say . "I guess I don't need to tell you anything it appears " Elijah says walking into my room looking around .
"No not really ..." I say taking a seat in my chair .
"How did you get this information " he asks . "New Orleans " I say lying but his face falls . He's been there before maybe lived there by his expression. "Lighten up will you serious much " I say as he chuckles a little .

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