Better then what you had

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Elijah went back to wherever he was last I practically told him to he wouldn't stop checking up on me after o nearly died and jeremy did . "Yes I'm fine now stop calling because your annoying me know " I say walking in the mikealson manison . " alright call me if you need anything and do please keep away from all things that can get you killed " elijha says . "Try too " I say as I walk into the donning room seeing klaus with some women . "Elijha " I say as klaus looks to me as I pass past the room . "Oh and you still owe me 20 dollars for losing " I say as he chuckles down the phone . "Alright I'll talk to you soon little angel " he says . "Bye " I say as we hang up . I see Rebekah calling and answer she explains someone robbing the blood banks dry . "Yeah I'm going I'll see you soon " I say grabbing my jacket of the table and walk into the dinning room and place a kiss on klaus's cheek before leaving .

I arrive at the salvtoure boarding house to see a lot of people partying . "Uh what's going on " I say looking to Stefan . "Elena invited them " he says as I notice Elena dancing on top of the table . "Where's Damon he need to sire bond control her or whatever " I say . Because when Elena turned she was sired to Damon so everything she felt for him as a human amplified and she do anything he'd ask . "Yeah about that doesn't seem to work now her humanity it off " Stefan says . "Oh great " I say . "Skye wondered when you'd show up seem to spending a lot of time with klaus and his family " Elena says as I look to her . "We'll I see a side to them you don't " I say before grabbing and drink and moving past her . She's had her humanity off for a day and she's pissed me off already .

"Split up " I say as me and Stefan and Caroline split up to look from Elena after she went AWOL . We search through the woods . "Elena! Don't make me fight you, Elena! I'm stronger than you, and I don't want to hurt you." I say looking through the woods .
All sudden I'm thrown against a tree then thrown down onto the ground. I push Elena off me and get up . "Not bad. Not technically good, but then again, Alaric didn't train you. You human " Elena says making me smirk as I feel my eyes glow and use my speed and agility ruin . Elena swings her leg up to kick me but dodge her. I grab Elena throwing her into a choke hold only to have her head but me making me let go . "Oh, just stop! God. This isn't you, and you know it! You hurt Caroline mom , How far are you gonna take this?" I say . "Are you trying to make me feel bad for hurting Caroline's mom? Don't you get it? I don't care. I mean, maybe you should try to turn it all off wait you can't your human to bad ..... " Elena says as Stefan and Damon arrive with Caroline . I tell them to back off for a minute. "Who knows? You might stop whining about how everything dies around you Added bonus: you won't have to feel guilty about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus." Elena says . She's really pushing it . "Shut up " I say annoyed .
"Make me " Elena says as I lunge at her throwing her over my shoulder and roll out of the way when she vamp speeds to me . I grab Elena's fist . "Tell me does klaus make you feel alive. " she says as I break her arm . "Keep talking see we're it lands ya " I say as I flip over her with one hand . She gets up snapping a Branch of a tree . We continue fighting and I grip her into a a choke hold . "You id really thought you'd have better taste in men Skye but then again you did always fall for the bad boys " Elena says as she kicks me off her . "I haven't fallen for anything I'd have to have emotions for that and we all know I don't " I say as I block her punch . "Keep telling yourself that your just itching to kiss klaus aren't you " Elena says pissing me off . "Shut up " I shout throwing her into the tree with my power . "Ohh someone angry " Elena says getting up . "Someone a little angry because I'm right aren't I " Elena says . "No " I say as I trip her up as I look over to Stefan and Damon and Damon takes her away .

"What the hell was that ?" Caroline says as I dust off the leaves from my trousers . "What ?" I say . "You know what?" Caroline says . "It's nothing relax Elena's just trying to get under my skin " I say . "Yeah and why would she mention klaus " she asks as I look to her seriously . "Enough okay " I say . "Wait ..... omg she's right isn't she " Caroline says as I have both her and Stefan looking at me . "No she's not she's just trying to stir things up " I say . "Skye Gilbert you forget I know you and when your lying " Caroline says . "Im not there's nothing going on with me and klaus end of " I say . "Yes there is I see the way he looks at you .... He's in love with you " Caroline says . "Klaus is incapable of feeling or having emotions Caroline what are you getting at " I say trying to avoid the conversation. "Nope your avoiding the conversation why " Stefan asks . "What your the one's making a big deal out of something that's nothing " I say as Caroline looks to me . "Oh you didn't " she says looking at me . "Now what ?" I say . "You slept with him didn't you " Caroline asks . Oh great I don't know what it is but she finds out everything and you don't have to say a thing . I don't say anything because she's right . "Omg Skye " Caroline says. . "Look just drop it okay it didn't mean anything " I say walking off .

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