Loss on death doors

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I pull my headphones out when I hear someone scream and get up and immediately get out of my room and see some guy attacking Elena and immediately tackle him to the floor he bears his fangs .. vampire my guess ....I don't even flinch as I flip him over my shoulder and slam him into the wall pinning him by his throat. "Who are you and why you after my sister ?" I ask he doesn't answer. "Who are you ....answer " i shout as I apply pressure to his shoulder making him groan in pain . "You two look just like her " he says . "Who ?" I ask . "Kathrine " he says before I throw him into a choke hold and knock him unconscious. "Skye " Elena says as I look to her and walk off up stairs Stefan arrive seconds after .

"You okay ... you okay " Stefan asks pulling me into a hug . "Yeah yeah Skye dealt with him " I say as Stefan looks to the guy on the floor and within seconds he vamp speeds out of the house , Damon chases him . "You said Skye dealt with him how " Damon says coming back guess lost him . "I don't know she's just did " I say still confused on how she can fight like that and didn't even flinch when he neared his fangs to her neck . "Your sister has some serious explaining to do " Damon says .

"I told you twice already I am not repeating my self like a stuck record player " I say to Elena . "How did you fight like that ?" She asks making me roll my eyes as Damon and Stefan are literally beside her like lap dogs . "What is this 21 questions sorry I don't like rules " i say as I grab a water bottle from the fridge . "You didn't even flinch when " Elena says . "What that he's a vampire " I say as Elena face drops . "You know" he says . "Also know you two salvtoure lover boys are too not very good keeping secrets Elena FYI your terrible " I say looking to Damon and Stefan . "Don't worry your terrible secret skills are safe with me " i say . "How did you know ?" She asks . "We'll I'm not stupid if that's what your asking " I say sarcastically. "Might wanna lock the door next time I might not be home to save you this time wouldn't want that now would we " I say leaving .

"Great shes knows " I say looking to Stefan and Damon . "Want me to compel her " Damon says . "No she probably figured it out she's not stupid " I say . "How did she even figure it out " Stefan asks . "I don't know but she knows now so " I say as we leave for the dance .

I pull the guy against the wall . "Why you following my sister. " I say to the same guy that broke in yesterday night . "You again ?" He says as I see Elena get in her car rather quickly and drive off . I grab the guys throat pinning him to the wall placing a gun at his heart . "What do you want ?" I ask . "First human to go against a vampire " he says . I fire a bullet into his leg making him groan in pain . "Let's try this again shall we what are you doing here " i ask . "The journal Johnathan's journal " he groans out . "I see or hear you going after it even looking at my sister I'll kill you " I say before pushing him the opposite direction.

I see Damon annoying bonnie and I go over . "Not everyone falls for your looks " I say grabbing him and pushing him away from Bonnie . "Leave her alone Salvatore. " I say as he looks pissed . "Your on thin ice. " he says . "Let's hope it caves shall we " I say before grabbing a drink . "You certainly know how to tell Damon to back off " Jeremy says little brother . "I hate men who think they can control women " I say as I take a sip of my drink . I notice a guy in a black hoodie leave the gym and into the hall and Elena runs the same way . Oh for the love of god . " be back in a minute " I say as I place my drink down and follow her .

I throw the vampire into the Canteen tables . "What did I say " I say breaking a mop pole snapping it in half . I dodge his punch and push him past me into the chairs . "I warned you if you touched my sister again you vampires do have a hard time listening don't you " I say as I roll out of the way and shoot him just below the heart . "Skye " Elena says. He falls and I grab him pulling him up and gripping his throat . "Why are you doing this ?" I ask .
"Because it's fun." He says groaning in pain as I shout him again . "What do you want with Elena?" I ask . "She and you look like Katherine." He says .
"Who else is there?" I ask . "No. You're gonna have to kill me." He says. "So be it " is ay before shooting him in the heart and he falls . Elena looks at me shocked . "He was invited in he wasn't gonna stop " I say before tucking my gun away behind my back .

I arrive in the canteen and see the guy that's been attacking Elena desiccated . "You okay what happened " I ask . "Skye she killed him " Elena says as I pull her into a hug . "She said it was too dangerous that he was invited in " Elena says .
"She's right he wasn't gonna stop " I say .
"She did it without flinching at all " Elena whispers .

I get down stairs after crashing most of the day and see Elena and Stefan . " Do you think Damon really believes us? That we're both trying to help him?" Elena says to Stefan as she looks through some boxes . "Nope he will for a while then you two would do some stupid and he'll use you against him to get what he wants " I say as I open the fridge . "What do you mean ?" Elena asks . "Damon Damon .... He's easy person to read ... arrogant .... Loves himself way to much ..... Stupid .... And when it comes to you he drops his guard you'll foul him for about half day and he'll figure it out and then like the person he is he use you as leverage making you the perfect hostage to get your lover boy to give him his dads journal " I say looking to them as I close the fridge . Not seeing anything interesting. "People like Damon are idiots if they think he will change " I say .

"What do you mean about our dads journal " Elena asks . "Oh I meant lover boys there " I say looking to Stefan and he looks confused . "I believe it's buried with him it's what Jonathan's journal said anyways your welcome " I say before grabbing my jacket and leaving . The guy said he was trying to get Kathrine out of the tomb and he needs Johnathan journal and the Bennet crystal to do so which Bonnie has .

"Watch out " I shout as Kara swerved out of the way from the speeding car sending her car flipping over and tumbling down the hill . I let my eyes flutter open as I adjust to what I'm seeing and see the car upside down . "Kara " I call out as I try ripping my seat belt off . "Kara " I say seeing her not moving . I continue yanking at my seat belt making it tear and I climb through the broken window and go around and pull Kara out the other side .

"Come on " I say as I perform cpr on her waiting for the paramedics . "Don't you dear die on me your all I got left come on " I say as I continue providing her air and performing cpr . The paramedics arrive and swap over . I watch helplessly as they try to get her to breathe few minutes pass . " call it " a paramedic says as tear falls down my cheek . "Time of death 12:35 " a paramedics says as the pain kicks in and darkness envades me .

I wake up to the sound of beeping and immediately start to get up . I pull the wires of me and carefully remove the needle from my iv off and grab my clothes and get changed see a massive wound on my side that's been covered with a gauze . I hate hospitals. I grab the clipboard and see the discharge papers and sign them before leaving the room .
I get home and head straight up to bed knowing I've just lost the only person I had left in my life.

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