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"You sure about this ?" Hayley asks as I throw my jacket off . "I know what your going through " Klaus says coming through the room with Davina to help track Elijha . "No i don't think you do Elijah is apart of me through our ruin we're both physically and emotionally connected if he dies a part of me dies too I know he's out there and he's in trouble and there's not a damn thing I can do about it " I say about to leave . "Tell me what I can do " Davina asks . "Help me track Elijah I wanna use our ruin ... I just need your magic for the pain" I say . "I can't help you with this " she says . "Why not !" I say annoyed . "Because the last time you used your ruin to track Elijah it almost killed you " Davina says . "It wouldn't be the first time and Why can't you just do this one thing ! If you won't help me I'll find him myself " I say leaving the room .

I sit against the bed if Elijah's room trying to track him . "Skye " klaus says coming in disrupting me .
"He needs me nik and ... I ... I can't live without him I have to try something " I say grabbing my steale of the table . "I'm not leaving him to fend for himself " I say . "So you can help me or leave you choice " I say .
"Okay just promise you'll come back " he says . "I promise " i say .

Skye manages to track elijha through there ruin but she hasn't woken up yet . I manage to get Elijah out away from my mother as she had him the whole time and carry them into the compound and I place Elijah on his bed and I place Skye beside him and notice her and Elijah's breathing erratically, covered in a thin sheets of sweat, and there muscles are tense, as though there being overwhelmed by fear. I try waking Elijah up trying to get into his head but can't . "I know you are locked in battle, however deep in your mind my mother has set the stage. Hear my voice. " I say as I see Skye twitches anxiously in her sleep I think with Elijah not waking up she won't there connected. "my mother thinks she will win because she has left you alone, but you are not alone. Let me in " I say as one hand on her head, and one hand on her chest, hoping to gain entry into her mind. Skye's body goes rigid as though shes been shocked and she begins to seize. "Let me help end whatever torment she has forced upon you two " I say as I feel my nose begin to bleed and get a glimpse of Skye's life flash before my eyes everything to the smile to the pain I get pulled out of the memory flashes as I continue to try and break through and end up getting ripped away by Hayley .

"What are you doing? " Hayley says confused as I pant and wipes the blood from my nose . "I'm trying to enter Skye's thoughts to wake her and if I can get her wake she can awake Elijah but I can't wake Elijah either Esther's locked me out. " I say as as Hayley walks over to Elijah and Skye , noticing a flower petal-shaped wound on there neck .
"Is this rash a side effect of the witchy acid trip there on? "Hayley says as I frown and checks the mark on there necks . "I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant. " I say .

"If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with your wolves and mind the fort. " I say as Hayley rolls her eyes" I'd rather rip your mother's head off. " Hayley says . "Stay clear of her. I mean it, Hayley. She already got to you once. What would happen if Elijah and Skye were to wake and find you a victim of her madness? " I say with seriousness . "I won't go after her. I promise. " Hayley says . "Watch over them I'll be back with the merlock orchid" I say leaving

I gasp awake feeling the air return to my lungs . "It's okay your okay " Elijah whispers . "Your okay " I say . "Because of you " he says pulling me into a hug . "Don't ever scare me like that again "I say . "Try not too " he says . "I thought I lost you " I whisper . "You'll never lose me " he whispers back .

I get back to my apartment and take my jacket off and place my keys on the kitchen counter and walk into the living room to see Lincoln. "Lincoln " I say . "Hey " he says . "You haven't called or replied to me. " I say . "I'm sorry I wanted too I just needed time " he says . "Time for what takes situations and completely see the wrong side " I say . "I know I'm sorry ... please forgive me " he says cupping his hands to my face . "I can't stand you hating me " he says . "You hurt me " I say as a tear falls down my face . "I know and I'm so so sorry " he says . "Please forgive me " he says placing his lips to mine . I kiss him back immediately.

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