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I knock on the door frame and klaus turns to me " Hey what's going on Hayley and the wolves look like there about to shake down Marcel vamps and there appears to be a barrier stopping us all from leaving " i say as I join him on the balcony . " Did he really just trap us all in here? "Kol says barging through Klaus's room . "He certainly did. Which means we have a witch problem. You're a witch. Fix it. " Klaus says as we go ti leave his room but Kol stops us . "And what the bloody hell do you want me to do about it? " Kol says . "Well, considering the crowd, I think you'll be more motivated to find a solution. After all, I can easily out-wait Finn's antics. You, on the other hand, might find yourself looking rather appetizing to some of our fellow prisoners. " klaus says . "Finn did this why wouldn't I be surprised " I say as Kol looks panicked and reconsiders . "I'm gonna need some help. " Kol says . "Mmm." Klaus says .

I sit down beside Jackson as he watches his pack carefully so a fight doesn't break out . " you think this alliance is going to work " i say as we continue passing the bottle of alcohol between us taking sips of it . " I don't know but we have to find some peace between the vampires " Jackson says . "There lucky to have you as there alpha you know " I say as Jackson smiles . "There has been something me and Hayley have been meaning to ask " Jackson says making me knit my eyebrows together. "Ask what ?" I say politely . "We'll some of our pack are quite new to fighting and with new members joining I could use your help to train them to be able to protect themselves to survive " Jackson says . "Really Marcel and cami got me to train the baby vamps do I have too " i say . "Please you know more then any of us in skilled hand to hand combat , I've seen you fight your one hell of a fighter Skye something like that takes practice and years something mine and Hayley pack could learn from " Jackson says making me smile . " your not so bad yourself at fighting you know " i say making Jackson chuckle . "So is that a yes then " Jackson says . "Fine only because it's you and Hayley asking " I say . "Don't expect me to go easy on them this world is cruel they need to be able to fight through anything " i say . "I wouldn't expect anything less " Jackson says making me smile .

I stand beside Lincoln as we watch over the wolves and vamps in the courtyard . "Jackson asked me to train his new wolves " i say as he turns to me . "We'll your perfect for it "he says making me smile . Suddenly I clutch my head feeling a wave of Lightheadedness and dizziness hit me nearly making me lose my balance . "Woah what's wrong " Lincoln says supporting me up . "I don't know something wrong " I say as klaus looks worried . "Something happening to my vamps they all sudden becoming really hungry " Marcel says as I groan in pain as I feel like my insides are burning . " Skye what's wrong !" Lincoln asks as I grip onto his shirt . "It hurts " i say as I tense as the pain increases . "What the hell is going on ?" Marcel says as I feel like I'm gonna be sick and rush away from Lincoln and Marcel thrown up blood and panic as I stumble for support . " Skye " Marcel says as he faces me . "What's happening to me ?" I say panicking . "Klaus !" Marcel shouts and seconds later klaus rushes in front of me and seeing the blood on the floor . "This is gotta be Finn " klaus says as I feel my body weaken by the second . "None of my vamps are like Skye " Marcel says as I feel like I'm gonna throw up again so I push past Lincoln and throw up again as he holds my hair back . "Watch her I'm gonna give Finn a call " klaus says as Marcel helps me sit down .


I call finn full of anger after seeing Skye not doing good .

"Klaus! Willing to concede so soon? "

"I merely seek to negotiate. You want our mother, I want out of this bloody compound. The economics of what comes next should be easy to grasp, even for you. "

"What I want, brother, is to exterminate the plague that is your kind. What I want is to watch the flames flicker over your smoldering corpse. What I want is to hear the silence once you finally stop screaming. "

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