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"Wondered when you'd show up again " I say turning around to see isobel . "Have the device yet. " she asks . " na I'm sorry maybe come back later " I say sarcastically as she pins me to the wall by my throat with vampire speed . "Ooh a bit impatient are we " I say as she bares her fangs and red lines appear under her eyes and I don't flinch one bit . "That's supposed to scare me " I say as she grips tighter making it hard to breathe. "You know you might have everyone else fooled Skye but I know ... I know everything " she says . "Ah good for you not exactly hiding anything " i breathe out . " I know about your scars I know about the torture and what happened on the island I know how you learnt to fight ... I know everything about you Skye even poor Lyla " Isobel says pissing me off . I head but her and she get disoriented enough and I push her off me .

I land into the glass door smashing through it and I connect with the ground . I roll onto my side and get up coughing because of the glass . Only to get lunged at by isobel and she pins me to the floor . " where's the fight Skye hmm the same girl who killed 11 vampires and snapped 7 vampires necks " Isobel says . "Ah you won't kill me you need the device " I say as I feel the blood trickle down my side of my face and cheeks . " true but I have the leverage and Elena will give it to me I don't need you " she says before I groan in pain feeling her fangs pierce my neck making me feel dizzy as she feeds of me .

I kick her off me and get up holding my bleeding neck as she wipes the blood of her lips . " your bloods a lot sweeter then others " Isobel says as I punch her across the face and she flips me over her shoulder lmaking me groan in pain as I trip her up . We fall over the banister of the fence and crash into the glass tables that's are laid out for the school thing today . I get up only to get kicked into the wall and pull up by Isobel pinned to the wall . "Your not the only one who knows how to fight " she says . "Ah good needed a actual challenge " I say , "you do realise your sister doesn't care about you right ... as soon as she's in danger she'll throw you towards it " Isobel says . "Don't care " I say .

I roll of the car as the glass cuts my hands from falling onto it . "Remember what I said skye she doesn't care no one ever will for you you'll always be alone " Isobel says as she walks away . I roll onto my back exhausted and wounded trying to catch my breath . I force my self up after a moment and walk away .

I wake up to my alarm going off and throw it across my room shutting it off and turn over . I sign as Jenna walks into my room . "We need to talk " Jenna says . "No we don't " I say getting up . "What the hell happened " kenna says taking my face into her hands grabbing jaw seeing the cuts and busies . "You fighting again " she asks . "Why would you care " I say pulling away from her . "What's going on with you is this about Lyla " Jenna asks . Lyla ??? . I didn't tell her about Lyla ? . "What about her?" I ask .
"I know she's dead about a month and half ago now " Jenna says . "People die we get over it it's that simple " I say throwing a hoodie in and a cap on . "Hey talk to me " she asks . "You should know by know I don't talk to anyone " I say . "You need to if not me someone Skye because you are gonna explode keep holding everything in " Jenna says before leaving . "Like who ?" I whisper . No one fucking cares .

"What's going on " Elena asks as she grabs my wrist . "What ?" I say . "They took Damon " she says . "Who ?" I ask . "John he used the device " Elena says . "There rounding up the vampires like 1864 " Elena says . "So let them die " I say . "Skye please ... please just help find him " Elena says .

"Where is Damon?" Elena asks as we reach out olds dad's building . "With the rest of them, where he should be. It's over for Damon." John says .
"You're crazy!" Elena says as I see the stoke exiting the building . "Why? Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and forty five years ago? This is the right thing, Elena " john says . "Go ahead, you won't make it out. It'll save me the trouble of killing you myself." John says to Stefan .
"You know the building well, is there another way in?"Stefan asks . "Utility door, there's one around the side." Elena says as Stefan goes around the building . Elena and me go to follow but John grabs our wrists . "You two take one more step and I'll alert those deputies that they missed a vampire." John says . "I'm asking you not to." Elena says . "That doesn't mean anything to me." John says . "As my father, it should." Elena says as I look to john . Our what ??? . "You both know." John says . "I wasn't sure, now I am." Elena says . "I'll go around the other side " I say as I leave .

I come across a set of windows boarding up and try pulling them off but that doesn't work . Great . I punch my fist through the panels and create a hole and continue punching it breaking through the falls and the panels and pull the panels away and punch the glass and move it away and climb through the window ignoring the blood dripping down my hand from my cut knuckles . I look around seeing multiple vampires on fire and the nullifying full of smoke and flames . "Damon " I call out . I hear coughing and go Over to the noise seeing Damon . "Let's go " I say pulling him up of the floor and helping him over to the window . He climbs out and I climb out after and place the panel back over the window so no one else gets out . "Damon " Stefan says coming over with Elena . "That's the last time I save you " I say looking to Damon before leaving .

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