We hurt the ones we love

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Klaus pulls me with him to talk with cami . Klaus stands behind her as she's on the phone to Davina and Davina hangs up on her .
"Don't...Don't do that crooked -smile thing, okay? I haven't see you for months, and now you're... appearing out of the blue? What do you want? " cami says making me chuckle seeing the love she has for him behind her eyes even if she doesn't want to admit I once was the same . "Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with, and at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch. " klaus says as I grab a drink From the bar .

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found. " cami says . "And for good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane, vampire -hunting father of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too! " Klaus says as cami looks stunned ." Wait, what? " cami says . "Oh yeah mikeal destroyer is back from the dead " I say . "And, by all accounts, under the complete control of your little friend, Davina. " klaus adds as cami looks worried . "Well, you heard her, clearly. She didn't say where she was! " cami says . "Oh, on the contrary, . You just had to know how to listen. For instance, I heard cicadas, and I heard tans, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish? It's been abandoned for years! But, a brief glimpse at a map showed its just a mile from the loveliest little chapel. " klaus says As cami signs .

"So, what's the plan? " cami says looking to me and klaus . "Don't ask me he dragged me along " I say innocently as Klaus smiles . "Well, the way I see it, if Davina wants to use Mikael to kill me, we just have two options. One, you reason with her. Two? Well, I don't think you'd like two very much. " klaus says as cami considers it for a moment . "Fine. Let's go " cami says as we walk down the street and head off to davina's cabin.

Klaus , me and cami end up drinking and drunk as klaus talks about his father and his mother as cami wanted to know why . "If only I could. But, there lies my predicament , if I kill her, she'll just jump into another body. If I somehow manage to stop that nasty little inconvenience, she'll rejoin the bloody witch ancestors and haunt me from beyond. But, right now, Mikael has the white oak stake. He needs to die first. " klaus says as I down another shot . "And, how are you going to do that unarmed? " cami asks to klaus as he smiles and puts a hand inside his jacket. "I've taken precautions and plus I have Skye we make a excellent duo in these situations" klaus says as he pulls out Papa Tunde's blade and shows it to her . "Oh, goody, Papa Tunde's Mystical knife -of -Ludicrous -Torment. Glad that's still around. " cami says making me chuckle . "You know, my parents dedicated their lives to making me feel weak and afraid. I've killed them once already. I can do it again. " klaus says as He stands to his feet as though he's about to leave, but Cami stops him by grabbing his arm . "Klaus, wait. I get it. The hurt your parents have inflicted on you for a thousand years. I understand what you're fighting against. The real question is what are you fighting for? " cami says as Klaus looks at her, confused and surprised . "Before we go I don't really wanna get knocked out or killed because I'm fighting drunk it would be funny but I don't think I wanna die you know ancestor's trying to rip my soul out of me and what not " I say as I roll over my sleeve and trace over my ruin with my stelae to help me focus and grab klaus arm and trace the ruin in his arm . "Bloody hell " klaus says hissing through his teeth . "Oh sorry does that hurt " I say giggling .

Me and klaus walk across the porch and looks into another window. Although We can't see anything,
"Hey I'll look around " I say and look around the yard and see a staff with a crest engraved into it . I walk back over to klaus and pass him it as he looks pissed and angrily throws it through the window like a javelin . "That's not why I passed it too you, you idiot ..You promised you wouldn't hurt Davina " I say but Ofcourse klaus being him says something like this . "Enough games, Davina! Send out my father! Let's finish this. " klaus shouts . Great I have to fight mikeal again so looking forward to it yahhh . "DAVINA! Is this not why you brought him for? I'm not afraid!" Klaus shouts .

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