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I arrive back at the compound seeing klaus and Elijah after taking Cami back to her apartment and informed them Kirean is dead I didn't have a choice he was gonna kill cami plus his hex came back . He was gonna go mad and die . "Hey you okay " Elijah says coming out of the study after speaking to klaus and klaus informing me about the bombing in bayou that attacked several of Hayley's family including eve her dear friend. "Yeah I'm fine you ?" I ask . "I will be " he says . "Is hayley okay Nik told me what happened " I ask . "She will be " he says . "You love her don't you " I say as he looks to me . "It's complicated " he says . "Oh I know just watching you two is exhausting " I say as he chuckles nudging me lightly .

I walk beside cami through the French quarter as father Kieran's wake is going on . "Thank you for being here " cami says . "Always " I say .
"Hey come with me " Elijah says . "I'll catch up with you " I say as cami nods and I follow Elijah .

We arrive at the compound and I see hayley on the table with blood around her mouth . Klaus fills me in and said she just collapsed or something. "I know what to do. Get my bag, the gris-gris pouch! Now! " Genevieve's says as klaus grabs is . Hayley continues to lay still on the table, as Genevieve dabs a wet cloth on her head . I help Genevieve spread the salt around hayley on the table she crushes some herbs with her fingers and spread them over Hayley's body no idea what she's doing . Even though I hate Genevieve she seems to wanna help .
Seconds later Hayley awakes with a loud gasp on the table, Klaus' blood still covering her mouth and neck. Elijah helps her sit up . I sign in relief seeing her wake and breathing . "You're alright, You're alright. " Klajs says to hayley as she seems pretty shocken up . "I saw him. He tried to kill me. I saw Mikael. " she says making me eyes widen . There father what the hell ??

I arrive at a apartment with cami at the location cami figured out after having Kirean's key . "Uh, thank you for your time. I didn't realize my uncle even had this place until I read about it in his will. " cami says . "The building's been in my family for decades. Your uncle helped us raise the funds to restore it after Katrina. I figured he kept this room for extra space. Anyway, I didn't ask any questions. You know, Father--Father K? He was as good as they come. I'm sorry for your loss. " the landlord says .
Cami smiles kindly and nods as he unlocks the apartment "Um, do you mind if we go in alone? " cami says to the guy . The landlord nods, and takes his leave. Cami takes my hand as we enter the apartment, not sure what to expect to be honest she said Francesa gurrea was after the key as well .
I look around to see the apartment mostly empty.
She surprised to find that it is mostly empty .
Cami takes her notepad out of her purse to refer to the code she cracked, which says: "Apt 310, 456 Sycamore." She looks around for clues and finds none. She opens the fridge to see a beer inside, so she grabs it and passes me one . I take a swig of it as I notice that the window by the closet has curtains, but not the other windows, i open the closet door. Me and cami see a panel in the back wall of the closet, which has a duct-taped "x" on it and a lock in it . I use my power breaking the lock . "You wanna Rob a bank later " cami says making me chuckle . Cami pulls the panel out to find that there is a hidden room crammed full of files, heirlooms, and historical artifacts, including the Needle of Sorrows. Cami is amazed at what she has just uncovered, while I'm confused on what half of this stuff is . We look around till I notice a box of files labelled cami on it .
"Cami " I say as she turns to me and I point to the box . I get it down for her . "I'll give you some time call me if you need anything " I say "Okay thank you " she says as I leave the apartment to let her go through it herself .

I feel a slit pain in the back of my head and shrug it off but only to stumble losing my balance and grab onto the wall as I feel dizzy and lightheaded and Ned thing I know it was lights out for me .

I let my eyes flutter open trying to keep them open . "Ah your awake " Genevieve says as I look around seeing I'm in a crypt and restrained . "Ah what is this ?" I say as she mixes something in a bowl on the table . "We'll you see the mikealson love pissing off witches " Genevieve says as I try yanking on the restraints but they don't budge . "You won't get out I also made use your can't use you power I gave you a poison to temporarily disable them called yarrow . For fuck sake's . "What has your little revenge plan got to do with me I thought you wanted to help " I say as she chuckles . "It's obvious they all hold you dear , plus the ancestors want you out of the way for what's going to happen next " she says . "What have you got planned " I say pissed off . I groan In pain as she used her magic against me . "Now now , you need to be relaxed " she says as I yank of the restraints . "I'd let me go before I make your death swift and painful " I say enraged . She giggles . "Ah wishful thinking " she says . She grabs my jaw as my vision blurs . "The poison is getting you good isn't it " she says as she forces a liquid down my throat the hitting my throat .. making me cough . I yank forward making her chuckle as she takes a step back . "You really are feisty " she says . "Oh you haven't seen anything hunny " I say . "You know we could of been friends , but we on opposite sides , the ancestors want you out of the way so you don't mess up our plans and we'll I can also get a little payback " she says as she grabs a knife dragging it down my cheek making me groan in pain as I feel extremely drained barley able to stay awake .

I wake up gasping for air and darkness surrounds me like I'm in some container or something. I punch the container or whatever I'm stuck in before a sudden drop makes me hit the side making me fall unconscious as I hear a loud splash .

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