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I can tell Cami is weakened by blood loss as she can barely stand . Klaus points his handmade stake at Mikael . "You're gonna pay for hurting her. " Klaus says as Mikael carelessly lets go of Cami and drops her to the floor. As we watch concerned "Aw, how sweet of you two The cur whines for there friend mikeal says as He holds Papa Tunde's blade in one hand, and the white oak stake in the other . "I'll be sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your twos eyes, just before your burn. "Mikeal says to
Klaus as I and klaus Furiously leap a dozen feet into the air using my ruin and lunge at him . I tackle mikeal but we quickly rise to our feet in a defensive stance .

Me and klaus are pinned against the wall struggling as Mikeal tries to stake us in the chest . Mikeal is about to stake me but I fight back and knee mikeal in the guy and the face as we fight again and me and klaus tackle him and we bust through a concrete brick wall ending up in another room as pin mikeal up to the wall but he breaks my arm and throwing me to the floor .

I push my arm back and get up and me and klaus continue fighting mikeal . I kick mikeal to the floor and straddle mikeal as mikeal ties to stake me while I'm down but I easily turns the stake on him and just mikeal stabs me in the side making me fall of him as he throws the papa tunde blade towards cami . "Klaus " I shout as he looks to cami and grabs the papa tunde blade before it hits cami in the face and I get up staggering as me and mikeal continue fighting but he throws me into the brick concrete wall as he vamp speeds to klaus and stabs him in the chest with the white oak stake . "Nooo " I shout as Mikael smirks as Klaus shrieks in pain and falls to the floor, and Cami shrieks in horror when she sees Klaus' face begin to desiccate "why isn't he burning " mikeal shouts as i lunge at him enraged and throw him into the walk . "Your turn " mikeal says as we continue to fight .

We exchange punches and kicks weakening each other's body with each strike towards each other . I see marcel arrive as Mikeal pulls me into a choke hold tightening his grip as i desperately reach for my gun behind my back as I try to fight for air . "Always watch your surrounds " I say with anger as I shoot two bullets through my shoulder and it pierced through mikeals as well as he's holding me into a choke hold . We fall together on the floor weakened by the wooden bullets laced with wolfsbane and vervain although the Vervain and wolfsbane won't affect me because I'm neither the bullets did I'm still human at the end of the day . "you bastard " mikeal shouts as .We fight and roll around the floor fighting as mikeal stabs me in the leg with a knife making me groan in pain as I disarm the knife from his hand as we stumble getting to our feet as we lunge at each other again fighting furiously as mikeal grabs my gun of the floor as I try to disarm him as I kick him in the chest as I side flip over his shoulder and pull his arm into a arm lock as we fall to the floor as mikeal leans over me pointing the gun at my chest as I try desperately try to keep the gun away from me as he out strengths me and shoots me in the chest making me scream in pain and head butt him disorienting him enough for me to kick him of me and roll over and stagger to get up .

Marcel throws mikeal to the floor and mikeal eventually knocks marcel flat on his back pointing the stake at his heart i tackle Mikeal of marcel and we grip each other rolling around the floor as mikeal kicks me so hard I go flying into the concrete pillar groaning in pain as I try getting up and mikeal vamp speeds me knocks me on my back as I desperately try to keep the stake away from my heart . I use my lower to push him off me . "Now, ENOUGH! This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy kill every last one of you." Mikeal shouts .Suddenly, Hayley arrives and throws a chain around Mikael's neck and yanks on it so hard it knocks him off of his feet and off me as I stumble to get up of the floor . . "Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it. " Hayley says as She hits him in the face with the chain, as I stand to my feet exhausted and out of breath and mikeal vamp speeds me into choke hold aiming the gun to my heart . I desperately try to keep it away but mikeal over powers me and there only one thing left to do force him to pull on the trigger the gun is powerful enough to shoot both of us as he behind me . "How stupid you are " I say as I force his hands on trigger and the bullet hits me and Mikeal in the heart making us groan in pain and fall to the floor he desiccates .

I gasp awake to see marcel feeding me her blood and he helps me up and we stand beside them all as Klaus, jumps to his feet making relief wash over me as I walk over to Hayley and Marcel as we rush over to Klaus . and were eventually joined by Davina. We all stand in beside each other and I smirk at Mikeal as he gets up . "It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life? " I say as Mikael laughs . "You think having people makes you strong Niklaus ? It proves how weak you are. Your human pit up more of a fight then you did and she's human .... .Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your two battles. " mikeal says as he throws the scrap of wood at us and vamp-speeds away . Klaus rushes over to me and looks me over . "You okay ?" Klaus says . "Yeah " I say picking my gun up of the floor and putting it back behind my back . "Your crazy you know that you shoot three yourself to hurt mikeal " cami says as they all turn to me . "What! He pissed me off " I say as they chuckle . "I need a drink " I say exhausted and weak.

I check over cami's wounds as she looks pale as weak and she notice the stabs wounds and the bullet wounds that are healing from Marcels blood he gave me . I winch in pain as I take her hands . "Thank you for pulling the stake out of klaus in the nick of time " i say . "It's the least I could do for telling you both not to kill that bastard the first chance you had. " cami says . "He hurt you for that alone he's a dead man walking " I say . " You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run. " Klaus say . "He was still weak. " cami says as Hayley approaches us with Marcel and klaus . "And, he knew he was outmatched. " Klaus says . "We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone. " Marcel says. "Don't worry he won't get far before he starts hullcinating from my bullets I shot us both with there riddled with wolfsbane and vervain it won't kill him but it slow him down " i say feeling dizzy . "I appreciate your assistance. " klaus says to marcel and Hayley as marcel smiles . "Well, hey! You die, I die. Just call me selfish. " marcel says ."Yeah, you die, a lot of people die. But, Klaus... we have another problem." Hayley says .

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