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I lean against the beam of the shack out in the bayou looking out to the lake as the sun sets glistening onto the water . "Skye " Elijah say walking beside me . "I'm fine Elijah you don't need to check up on me you need to rest before the hallucinations start " I say not even looking at him . "I know you love my brother and I'm sorry he made you chose " Elijah says . "It doesn't matter now so just drop it " I say walking past him and taking a walk into the woods to clear my head .

I walk through the woods and slid down the tree breaking down as I feel like someone ripped my heart out with a fork . I rest my hands on my face as tears steam down my face .

REBEKAH /: I hear smashing and thumping around and walk into klaus's room to see him completely destroying all the furniture. "Nik " I say rushing over to him to stop him . I never seen him like this before... yeah I seen him every way shape and form angry but this is something else . "Get of me " he shouts as I take a step back . "Calm down " I say as he throws the glass into the fire making it shatter . "What the hell is wrong with you " I say as he looks to me . "Leave " he shouts showing his hybrid eyes and fangs . "No until you tell me what the hell has made you go all manic " I say . "I said leave " he shouts pinning me to the wall . I take a second look at him . "This is about Skye what did you do and where is our brother ?" I ask as I push him off me . "Elijah and I had a bit of a row. Haha, Hayley's conspired to turn him against me. You know our brother was never one to resist a pretty face! So, one thing led to another, and I bit him, left them both stranded in the swamp. Along with Skye " he says .
"Daggering, biting, deserting. Does your wickedness ever end? " I say furious . "My "wickedness" is self-preservation! And I wouldn't have to go to such lengths were I not presented on all sides with ignorance and treachery! Now that Elijah and Skye's abandoned me, I'll be needing you in my plot against Marcel. " he says walking past me slamming his door shut on the way out making the door shatter . I pull my phone out calling Hayley .

"Hey Rebekah " Hayley says answering .

"How's elijha and where's Skye " i ask .

"He's got a fever and keeps hallucinating and Skye she's Skye " Hayley says .

"Can you pass me the phone to Elijah " I ask . She does .

"Sister " Elijah says sounding sick .

"Where's Skye klaus just literally tore his room apart and something tells me something more is going on then you two fighting again " I say .

"He made her chose him or me ... " elijha says .

"That bastard does he even realise the good he has with Skye " I say .

"Our brother sees what he wants to see ... " Elijah sags .

"We'll I'm bloodily not letting him ruin it she's the best thing that's happened to him and he's bloodily not losing it because of his wickedness and stubbornness " I say hanging up .

Elijah's fever has broken and he starts recovering whilst Hayley looks through the bible that was left at the door by some women . "You okay ?" Hayley asks .
"I'm fine thank you for staying with him " I say downing my drink she cares for him and I can't argue with that as long as he doesn't break his heart she's fine . "Yeah no problem look I don't understand klaus I'd probably never will but he does love you ... and I know you love him too no matter how crazy it sounds to everyone else but it's real " Hayley says as I look to her . "I wish it was true I really do but it's not ... both of you get home safely " I say getting up and leaving taking the bourbon with me .

HAYLEY /: Skye leaves and Elijah takes a seat next to me . "Is she gonna be okay " i ask . "She's strong she'll get through this " he says .

I get back to my apartment and place my keys down on the kitchen counter and take my jacket off as I place it onto the couch and catch a glimpse of my room seeing the bed sheet still a mess from this morning. I look around seeing the plates on the counter everything reminding me of what we shared last night and this morning . I feel the tears fall down my face and I take a swig of my bourbon before going into the living room .

I down my drink and hear my phone ringing and see Rebekah calling and look to my phone for a few seconds before declining the call and putting my phone on the bar top . "So you gonna tell me why your day drinking " cami asks as she bartenders here . " got bored " I say . "We'll if you need to talk about anything I'm here " she says making me smile . "I know Same goes for you " I say .

I arrive at the mikealson mansion to try and sort things out with klaus let's hope he's not being a dick anymore . I walk into the living room seeing Elijah and Rebekah and go into his paint too seeing him with some women what a fucking guess . "Skye what the" klaus says . "Oh you two know each other " the women says . I go to leave but you know what . I walk back in and take the glass of bourbon out of his house and throw it the floor making it smash . "Fucking hell Jesus Christ Skye " klaus says standing up . "What your the only one that gets to break stuff " I say . "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend " the women says as klaus puts his shirt on . "What the hell is wrong with you ..what you just think your gonna slim it here and forget about your problems " I say annoyed betrayed and hurt at the same time .
"Why the fuck are you even here ?" Klaus says .
"I'm not letting you get away with being a coward again " I say as he looks pissed . Join the club . "I'm giving you one Chance to leave with me but if I walk out that door without that's it " I say hoping he comes with me but he's steps back leaning against the women . I can't believe this . "So if she isn't your girlfriend" a guy says as I go to leave and he puts his arm around me . "Get the fuck of her " klaus says pulling him away . "Skye outside now " he says pulling me with him .

"Skye what the fuck " klaus says . "This is bullshit this isn't us " I say . "Us ! What us Skye ! There is no us we keep going round in circles and you won't fucking give up ... what more do you need you don't belong here you shouldn't be here you don't fit in here so just go back to mystic falls " he says I can't fucking believe what he's fucking saying . "You win nik you always do " I say . "You'd know better then anyone " he says before leaving as I try my hardest not to let the tears fall. I go back into to grab my jacket and lost it punching the hallway way making me let out a scream . "Ahhhhhh .... Fuck Ah " I scream feeling like he just ripped my heart out .

REBEKAH /: Klaus pulls Skye outside he's fucking pushing her away . "Skye what the fuck " klaus says . "This is bullshit this isn't us " Skye say . "Us ! What us Skye ! There is no us we keep going round in circles and you won't fucking give up ... what more do you need you don't belong here you shouldn't be here you don't fit in here so just go back to mystic falls " he says I can't fucking believe what he's fucking saying to her is he trying to push her away . . "You win nik you always do " I say . "You'd know better then anyone " he says before leaving i hear Skye punch something and let out a heartbreaking scream making me place my hand over my mouth as the tears fall . I've never seen her so broken she normally closed off about her emotions but this actually hurts me seeing her like this . Elijah doesn't say a word I don't think he knows what to say because I notice the tears falling down his cheek .
I notice Skye grab her jacket . "Skye " I say as she turns to me with tears falling down her face I've never seen her cry not once . "Don't okay .. he made he's choice we're done " she says . "I'm gonna go see my sister for a bit I'll give you two a call when I get there tel cami I'll give her one as well " she says as she leaves .

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